Conf: Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar

Philippe Blache pb at
Thu May 11 17:35:25 UTC 2000

From:  Dan Flickinger <danf at csli.Stanford.EDU>


     7th International Conference on
   Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar
    Berkeley, California

      22-23 July 2000

The 7th International Conference on Head-driven Phrase Structure
Grammar will be held on Saturday and Sunday, July 22-23, 2000, as part
of the Berkeley Formal Grammar Conference 2000 at the University of
California, Berkeley, The event will consist of LFG2000 (July 19-20),
HPSG-2000 (July 22-23), and a common day of workshops on July 21,
entitled "Lexical and Constructional Explanations in Constraint-Based
Grammar", offering a valuable opportunity for interaction among
researchers of these two frameworks.

Invited speakers for HPSG-2000 are John Hawkins (University of
Southern California), and Donna Gerdts and Thomas Hukari (Simon Fraser
University and the University of Victoria).  The conference will also
feature an invited tutorial on Norwegian, identifying challenges that
the grammar poses for HPSG, presented by Lars Johnsen and Torbjorn
Nordgard (University of Bergen & the Norwegian University of Science
and Technology).

Saturday, 22 July 2000

 9:00 'Tough' complementation and the extraclausal propagation of argument
      Robert D. Levine, Ohio State University

 9:30 The syntax and semantics of Left-node Raising in Japanese
      Shuichi Yatabe, University of Tokyo

10:00 The Was-w construction in German: A case study in type-coercion
      Erhard W. Hinrichs & Tsuneko Nakazawa,
      Eberhard-Karls-Universititaet Tuebingen & University of Tokyo

10:30 Break

10:45 Invited talk:  Adjacency to heads in performance and grammars
      John Hawkins, University of Southern California

11:45 Experience-based HPSG
      Emily Bender and Susanne Z. Riehemann, Stanford University

12:15 Lunch

 1:45 ARG-ST on phrases headed by semantically vacuous words: Evidence from
      Adam Przepiorkowski, Ohio State U. & Polish Academy of Sciences,

 2:15 Agreement and missing NPs in Welsh
      Robert D. Borsley, University of Essex

 2:45 Arguments, grammatical relations, and diathetic paradigm
      Tania Avgustinova, Dept. of Computational Linguistics, Saarland Univ.

 3:15 Break

 3:30 The morphosyntax of Tongan 2P pronouns
      Michael Dukes, University of Canterbury & Stanford University

 4:00 On the placement and morphology of Udi subject agreement
      Berthold Crysmann, DFKI GmbH & Computational Linguistics, Saarland

 4:30 Hebrew relative clauses in HPSG
      Nathan Vaillette, Department of Linguistics, Ohio State University

 5:00 Break

 5:15 The rest of the binding theory
      Karin Golde, YY Software Corporation, Mountain View, Calif.

 5:45 Anaphors aren't exempt in German: A slightly more configurational
      Tibor Kiss, Ruhr-Universitaet Bochum

 6:15 Business meeting

Sunday, 23 July 2000

 9:00 The key to lexical semantics
      Jean-Pierre Koenig & Tony Davis, SUNY Buffalo & AnswerLogic, Inc.

 9:30 An approach to polarity sensitivity and negative concord by lexical
      Judith Tonhauser, Institute for Comp. Linguistics, Univ. of Stuttgart

10:00 Linking oblique complements
      Valia Kordoni, University of Tuebingen

10:30 Break

10:45 Invited talk:  Halkomelem valence morphology:  A multi-level argument
      structure analysis
      Donna Gerdts & Thomas Hukari, Simon Fraser University & Univ. of

11:45 French reportive 'comme' clauses: A case of parenthetical adjunction
      Marianne Desmets & Laurent Roussarie,
      University Paris X - Nanterre & University Paris 7 - Jussieu

12:15 Lunch

 1:45 Rules and exceptions in the English auxiliary system
      Ivan A. Sag, Stanford University

 2:15 Directional serial verb constructions in Thai
      Nuttanart Muansuwan, SUNY Buffalo & U. of Technology, Thonburi,

 2:45 Switch-reference in Zuni
      Dave McKercher, Stanford University

 3:15 Break

 3:30 Tutorial on Norwegian grammar: Challenges for HPSG
      Lars Johnsen & Torbjorn Nordgard
      University of Bergen & the Norwegian Univ. of Science and Technology

 4:15 Varieties of ESSE in Romance languages
      Anne Abeille & Daniele Godard, University Paris 7

 4:45 The passive as a lexical rule
      Stefan Mueller, DFKI GmbH, Saarbruecken

 5:15 Break

 5:30 Minor prepositions in Dutch
      Frank Van Eynde, Center for Computational Linguistics, Univ. of Leuven

 6:00 A constraint-based and head-driven analysis of multiple nominative
      Jong-Bok Kim, Kyung Hee University, Seoul

 6:30 Conference ends



  Web site for HPSG-2000:

  For further information, email

 hpsg2000 at

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