Appel: WWW-10

Philippe Blache pb at
Fri Nov 24 18:29:27 UTC 2000

From: Steffen Staab <sst at>

                         Call for Papers

                           Semantic Web
                          WWW-10 Workshop

                            May 1, 2001

Comprehensive information to be found at

Workshop Outline

 The "Semantic Web", a term coined by Tim Berners-Lee, is used to
 denote the next evolution step of the Web. Associating meaning with
 content or establishing a layer of machine understandable data would
 allow automated agents, sophisticated search engines and interoperable
 services, will enable higher degree of automation and more intelligent
 applications. The ultimate goal of the Semantic Web is to allow
 the sharing and exploitation of knowledge in the Web way, i.e. without
 central authority,  with few basic rules, in a scalable, adaptable,
 extensible manner. With RDF as the basic platform for the Semantic Web,

 a multitude of tools, methods and systems have just appeared on the
 horizon. The goal of the workshop is to share experiences about these
 systems, exchange ideas about improvements of existing tools and
 creation of new systems, principles and applications. Also an important

 goal is to develop a cooperation model among Semantic Web developers,
 and to develop a common vision about the future developments.

Relevant workshop topics include (non-exhaustive list):
   · Language and Representation issues
   · Semantic Web infrastructure and architectures
   · Metadata and conceptual models for annotating content, resources,
and portals
   · Automatic annotation/tagging/metadata creation and recommendation
   · Tools, systems and methodologies for Semantic Web
   · Application of  semantic web technology
   · Migrating information to semantic formats & Information Filtering
   · Trust in the Semantic Web
   · Query languages for the Semantic Web
   · Information correlation, integration, mediation and brokering on
the Web
   · Resource discovery
   · Distributed inference services
   · Semantic Web mining

Important Dates

 Deadline for paper submission 1 Jan 2001
 Notification of acceptance    1 Feb 2001
 Deadline final contributions  1 Apr 2001

 All accepted papers will be published in the workshop proceedings.
 In addition, a few selected best papers will be considered for
 publication in a special issue of the ETAI Semantic Web Journal

Submission Information

 We invite contributions that advance the state-of-the-art in topics
 related to the purpose of the workshop. Persons interested in
 participating should submit either a technical paper or a position
 paper addressing new research issues. In addition, we solicit proposals

 for panel discussions and break-out groups that work towards visions
 the semantic web. Submit by e-mail before January 1, 2001 following the

 format instructions at to

     staab at

Organizing Committee

 Stefan Decker, Database Group, Stanford University
  Database Group, Stanford University
  Gates Hall 4A, Room 425
  Stanford, CA 94305-9040, USA
  email: stefan at
  phone: +1 650-723-1422
  fax: +1 650-725-2588

 Dieter Fensel, VU Amsterdam
  Division of Mathematics & Computer Science,
  Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam,
  De Boelelaan 1081a, 1081 HV Amsterdam, NL
  The Netherlands
  Email: dieter at

 Amit Sheth, Univ. of Georgia
  Large Scale Distributed Information Systems Lab, Computer Sc.,
  415 GSRC, University of Georgia, Athens GA 30602-7404 USA
  Also, Taalee Inc.
  Email: amit at,

 Steffen Staab (Contact),
  AIFB, Karlsruhe University,
  76128 Karlsruhe, Germany
  Also, Ontoprise GmbH
  email: staab at,staab at
  phone: +49-721-608 4751
  fax: +49-721-693 717

Programm Committee
    Dan Brickley, Univ. of Bristol (UK)
    Vassilis Christophides, ICS-FORTH (Greece)
    Peter Eklund, Griffith University (Australia)
    Jim Hendler, Univ. of Maryland (USA)
    Rick Hull, Bell Labs, Lucent Tech. (USA)
    Manolis Koubarakis, Techn. Univ. of Crete (Greece)
    Fred Lochovsky, HKUST (Hong Kong)
    Alain Michard, INRIA (France)
    John Mylopoulos, Univ. of Toronto (Canada)
    Claire Nedellec, LRI (France)
    Dimitris Plexousakis, Univ. of Crete (Greece)
    Louiqa Raschid, Univ. of Maryland (USA)
    Marie-Christine Rousset, Univ. of ORSAY (France)
    Guus Schreiber, VU Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
    Tarcisio de Souza Lima, Federal Univ. of Juiz de Fora (Brazil)
    Katia Sycara, CMU (USA)

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