Conf: 2nd SIGdial Workshop on Discourse and Dialogue

alexis nasr alexis.nasr at
Tue Jul 10 16:15:36 UTC 2001

         ***   C A L L  F O R  P A R T I C I P A T I O N   ***

             2nd SIGdial Workshop on Discourse and Dialogue
                    Aalborg, Denmark, September 1-2
               (Just before Eurospeech 2001-Scandinavia)


Following up on the successful 1st Workshop in Hong Kong in October 2000,
this will be the next in a series of workshops spanning the ACL and ISCA
SIGdial interest area of discourse and dialogue. While there has been a
lot of activity in this area, and fairly frequent "specialty" workshops on
various sub-topics, until this series there has not been a regular place
for such research to be presented in a forum to receive attention from the
larger SIGdial community and researchers outside this community. The
workshop is organised by SIGdial which is a joint ACL and ISCA SIG.
The workshop is sponsored by ACL, ELSNET, EAGLES/ISLE and ISCA.

Registration is now possible via the workshop website:

Early registration is encouraged.
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