Ressources: New Release from the LDC

alexis nasr alexis.nasr at
Mon Jun 18 16:01:42 UTC 2001

The  Linguistic  Data Consortium  (LDC)  is  pleased  to announce  the
availability of the 2000 NIST Speaker Recognition Evaluation Corpus.

This eight CD-ROM publication contains the data used for the 2000 NIST
Speaker Recognition Evaluation  which is part of an  ongoing series of
yearly  evaluations conducted  by NIST.  These evaluations  provide an
important contribution  to the direction  of research efforts  and the
calibration  of technical  capabilities. They  are intended  to  be of
interest to  all researchers  working on the  general problem  of text
independent  speaker  recognition.  To  this end  the  evaluation  was
designed to be simple, to focus on core technology issues, to be fully
supported, and to be accessible.

This  publication  consists  of  10,328 single  channel  SPHERE  files
encoded in 8-bit mulaw containing a total of approximately 4.31 Gbytes
of data covering 148.9 hours of audio.

Supporting documentation for this evaluation  may be found on the 2000
NIST Speaker Recognition Evaluation website.

Please  note that  there  was  an optional  additional  corpus in  the
original Evaluation.  If you  are interested in this "AHUMADA" corpus,
please contact Javier Ortega- Garcia of the Universidad Politecnica de

Information on how  to contact Dr. Ortega-Garcia is  available at 2000
NIST Resources.

Institutions  that  have  membership   in  the  LDC  during  the  2001
Membership Year  will be able to  receive this corpus  free of charge.
Nonmembers may purchase this publication for $1600.

If you  would like to order a  copy of this corpus,  please email your
request  to <ldc at>.  If you  need  additional information
before placing your  order, or would like to  inquire about membership
in the LDC, please send email or call (215)573-1275.
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