Ecole: MSc in Psycholinguistics at the University of Edinburgh

alexis nasr alexis.nasr at
Sun Mar 25 16:10:41 UTC 2001


MSc in Psycholinguistics
at the University of Edinburgh

We announce a new one-year MSc degree in Psycholinguistics, at the
University of Edinburgh. The programme is based in the Department of
Psychology and draws on the world-class expertise in language research at
Edinburgh, principally in the Department of Psychology, the Division of
Informatics (incorporating the School of Cognitive Science), and the
Department of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics.
         We invite applications from individuals with good honours degrees
(or their non-UK equivalent) in relevant disciplines. Our goal is to
provide students with a comprehensive introduction to research into the
psychology of language, taught by staff who are themselves internationally
known researchers in the field. The programme also provides training in a
wide range of research methods, and will be a valuable precursor to PhD
studies at Edinburgh or elsewhere.
Please visit our website for further information.


Dr. Richard Shillcock
Institute for Adaptive and Neural Computation
Division of Informatics
University of Edinburgh
2 Buccleuch Place
Edinburgh EH8 9LW UK

MAIL : Richard.Shillcock at
VOICE : +44 (131) 650 4425
FAX : +44 (131) 650 6626
www :


Department of Psychology
7 George Square
Edinburgh EH8 9JZ UK

VOICE : +44 (131) 650 3453
FAX : +44 (131) 650 3461
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