Appel: Revue Computer Speech and Language
alexis nasr
alexis.nasr at
Wed May 9 16:40:30 UTC 2001
Computer Speech and Language
Call for Journal Papers: Special Issue on Spoken Language Generation
Aim: There are long traditions of research in both natural language
generation and speech synthesis. However, recently, as applications
have emerged requiring spoken language output, such as spoken dialog
systems, speech-to-speech translation systems, automated sports
commentators, and directions systems, there has been an increase in
research that relates these two strands of work. This research is
motivated by the goal of producing higher quality spoken output by
using knowledge that the system has about the purpose, meaning and
linguistic form of the communication. Research challenges include: the
generation of utterances in interactive dialogue that are sensitive
to listeners working memory constraints, the generation of speech acts
whose purpose is other than to describe or inform, determining the
appropriate prosody for spoken output, and incorporating corpus-based
or statistical knowledge into the generation and synthesis
processes. In the past there has not been much contact between the
generation and synthesis communities. The purpose of this special
issue is to collect papers of interest to both communities. We
encourage the submission of papers in both generation and synthesis
oriented towards use in spoken language systems, and we especially
welcome those describing work at the intersection of these two
Submissions should meet the following criteria:
* Describe completed and original work not published
elsewhere. (Extensions of work-shop or conference publications are
* Make clear how the research described contributes to generating
spoken language.
* Include an empirical component, in the form of a corpus-based or
machine-learning methodology, and/or in the form of an empirical
* Be no longer than 70 to 80 manuscript pages (double-spaced)
Important deadlines:
* Submissions due: July 31st, 2001.
* Notification of acceptance: September 28th, 2001.
Manuscript submission
The Computer Speech and Language home page is at: where you can find instructions for
authors, latex templates, electronic submission, and other information
under the information box.
Please send email with any questions to walker at
Editors of the Special Issue
Owen Rambow and Marilyn Walker
AT&T Labs Research
Room B233
180 Park Ave.
Florham Park, New Jersey 07932
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