Jobs: Psycholinguistics Saarbruecken

Alexis Nasr alexis.nasr at
Tue Oct 2 10:50:49 UTC 2001

   Two Research Positions Available in Computational and Experimental
               Psycholinguistics, Saarbruecken, Germany

The Department of Computational Linguistics, Saarland University is
seeking to fill two research positions in the areas of Computational
and Experimental Psycholinguistics. Persons taking up the positions
will be involved in a newly funded project entitled: "Adaptive
Mechanisms for Human Language Processing". The project aims to develop

wide-coverage, probabilistic models of human language processing, as
informed by evidence obtained from large corpora, and both
on-line and off-line psycholinguistic experiments.

1. Computational Linguist: experience in the development of
    probabilistic models of language processing. In particular, we are

    interested in developing incremental models of syntactic and
    semantic processing. Knowledge of one or more of the following is
    desirable: probabilistic parsing techniques, machine learning of
    natural language, connectionist language modelling, and experience

    working with large corpora.

2. Experimental Psycholinguist: experience in designing, running and
    analysing psycholinguistic experiments, and familiarity with (some

    of) the following paradigms: self-paced reading, eye-tracking
    (fixed or head-mounted), language production, and web-based

Candidates should have research experience in a relevant subject area,

and ideally will hold a PhD. The position is on the BAT IIa scale
(roughly up to DM 80K per annum, depending on age and family status)
and is tenable for 3 years with the possibility of renewal.

The positions are available from January 1st, 2002.  Applications
received before November 1, 2001 are assured fullest consideration.
Interested persons should send a letter of application giving contact
details for three possible referees and a full CV to (e-mail
applications are also welcome):

    Prof. Dr. Matthew W. Crocker
    Psycholinguistics Group, Gebaeude 17
    Department of Computational Linguistics
    Saarland University
    66041 Saarbruecken, Germany

    E-mail: crocker at

The Department offers state of the art research facilities including
head-mounted and DPI eye-tracking equipment, powerful Unix servers for

statistical modeling, and an extensive corpus infrastructure. Saarland

University has an international profile in computational linguistics,
cognitive science and computer science. Research is supported by a
European Graduate School for "Language Technology and Cognitive
Systems" (joint with Edinburgh University) and a Centre of Excellence
(SFB 378) in the area of "Resource Adaptive Cognitive Processes".

The University of Saarland seeks to increase the proportion of women
in positions where they are under-represented, and therefore
particularly encourages applications from women. In the selection
procedure, disabled persons with equivalent qualifications will be

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