From alexis.nasr at Tue Jan 8 14:24:39 2002 From: alexis.nasr at (Alexis Nasr) Date: Tue, 8 Jan 2002 15:24:39 +0100 Subject: Appel: Using Semantics for Information Retrieval and Filtering Message-ID: ----- Workshop call for papers in english bellow ----- Veuillez nous excuser pour les réceptions multiples ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Appel à contributions pour l'atelier Using Semantics for Information Retrieval and Filtering State of the Art and Future Research Las Palmas, Iles Canaries - Espagne 2 juin 2002 En conjonction avec la Troisième conférence internationale LREC (Language Resources and Evaluation Conference) (LREC 2002) Le but de cette conférence est de faire se rencontrer des chercheurs dans le domaine de la recherche d'informations et, plus particulièrement des chercheurs concernés par l'utilité d'informations sémantiques (provenant de ressources sémantiques ou de traitements linguistiques) pour affiner les requêtes. Buts et thèmes de l'atelier --------------------------- Plusieurs expériences ont été conduites depuis les 15 dernières années, en utilisant diverses ressources et techniques (thesaurus, listes de synonymes, désambiguïsation sémantique, etc.) afin d'améliorer le traitement des requêtes. Néanmoins, les conclusions tirées de ces expériences sont très différentes de l'une à l'autre. Certains résultats ont conduit à affirmer que l'utilisation de connaissances sémantiques n'apporte rien, voire dégrade les résultats tandis que d'autres amènent la conclusion que des connaissances sémantiques augmentent significativement les performances des systèmes de recherche d'information. Certaines questions se posent donc : - Pourquoi les conclusions sont-elles si différentes ? - La divergence de résultat provient-elle d'une différence de méthodologie ? - Cette divergence provient-elle d'une différence dans les ressources utilisées ? - Quelles sont les ressources les plus adéquates pour ce genre de travaux ? - Les résultats obtenus à partir de ressources créées manuellement sont-ils très différents de ceux obtenus avec des ressources extraites automatiquement ? - Quel est l'apport de ressources spécialisées dans un domaine ? - Les cadres d'évaluation actuels (par exemple TREC) sont-ils appropriés pour l'évaluation de ces résultats ? Ces questions sont fondamentales, non seulement pour les travaux en recherche documentaire mais aussi pour l'extraction d'informations, la réponse aux questions, le filtrage, etc. Leur importance est encore plus critique pour des applications multilingues où, par exemple, la question de la désambiguïsation avant traduction est fondamentale. Le but de cet atelier est de faire se rencontrer des chercheurs dans le domaine de la recherche d'information et, plus particulièrement, des chercheurs intéressés par l'utilisation de connaissances et de traitements sémantiques pour l'amélioration du traitement des requêtes. L'atelier fournira l'occasion, pour les participants, de présenter leur point de vue. Une table ronde suivra et permettra aux conférenciers de faire le point sur l'état de l'art, les résultats passés et en cours et les raisons qui peuvent expliquer les considérables différences que l'on constate dans les conclusions des différentes expériences. Enfin, ils tenteront d'identifier les directions à prendre pour les recherches futures. Étant donné le rapport qui existe entre la recherche d'information et la désambiguïsation sémantique, une partie de l'atelier sera consacrée à un panel sur Senseval et l'évaluation des systèmes de désambiguïsation sémantique ( Le but de ce panel est d'ouvrir la discussion sur les objectifs et principaux de Senseval-3, le prochain exercice d'évaluation. Le panel résumera la méthodologie et les résultats de Senseval-2 et considérera l'état actuel de la désambiguïsation sémantique. Les panelistes aborderont les questions suivantes : - La méthode d'évaluation de Senseval-2 est-elle adéquate ? - Les ressources qui sont créées actuellement correspondent-elles aux systèmes de désambiguïsation réellement utilisés ? - Faut-il (et est-il possible de) commencer une tâche d'évaluation en fonction de l'application ? Dates importantes ----------------- - limite de soumission des articles : 15 février 2002 - notification d'acceptation ou de rejet : 15 mars 2002 - limite de réception des papiers prêts à être imprimés : 8 avril 2002 - Atelier : 2 juin 2002 Sujets ------ Des papiers sont demandés sur un ou plusieurs des sujets suivants (liste non exhaustive) et feront état de l'utilisation de connaissances sémantiques appliquées à la gestion automatique de l'information : - Enrichissement de requête - Désambiguïsation sémantique - Classification thématique - Comparaison de performances selon la ressource ou les techniques utilisées - Extraction automatique de ressources à partir de corpus - Comparaison de ressources créées automatiquement ou manuellement - Méthodologies et ressources pour l'évaluation - Recherche documentaire interlingue - Structure et contrôle de la qualité des ressources - Comparaison des ressources générales et spécialisées - Utilisation de la structure des documents (XML, RDF, etc.) Détails de soumission --------------------- Les papiers ne devront pas excéder 7 pages. Les soumissions doivent être envoyées par courrier électronique à loupy at Merci d'indiquer "LREC2002 workshop paper submission" en sujet. Format acceptés : Postscript (grandement préféré), PDF ou RTF. Aucune information concernant les auteurs ne devra apparaître dans la soumission. Merci de joindre un fichier séparé contenant les informations suivantes : le titre qui sera indiqué dans le programme de l'atelier ; nom et affiliation de chacun des auteurs ; adresse complète du premier auteur (ou de la personne à contacter) en incluant téléphone, fax, adresse électronique, éventuellement URL. Le format de rédaction est fourni à l'adresse Il s'agit d'un format provisoire qui sera probablement modifié pour la version finale. La date limite de soumission est le 15 février 2002. Inscriptions ------------ Les frais d'inscription pour l'atelier sont de : - 90 euros pour les personnes participant à la conférence LREC - 140 euros pour les personnes qui n'y participent pas Ces frais incluent deux pauses café et les actes de l'atelier. La participation à l'atelier est limitée par le nombre de personnes présentes. Les requêtes seront traitées sur la base du premier arrivé, premier servi. Les inscriptions sont gérées par le secrétariat de la conférence LREC. Venue ----- L'atelier se tiendra au Palacio de Congreso à Las Palmas aux Canaries où se déroulera la conférence principale LREC. Pour plus d'informations, merci de se référer au site de LREC : Informations sur la conférence ------------------------------ Informations générales sur LREC : Les informations concernant la venue, Las Palmas et les îles Canaries en général peuvent être obtenues auprès de : Octavio Grondonna Morales Viajes El Corte Inglés Avda. Juan XXIII, 9 35004 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria tél : +34 928 292402 fax : +34 928 291876 mél : commercial_lpa at Comité de programme ------------------- - Marc El-Bèze, Université d'Avignon et des Pays de Vaucluse, France - Christian Fluhr, CEA, France - Julio Gonzalo, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, Espagne - Graeme Hirst, University of Toronto, Canada - Nancy Ide, Vassar College, USA - Adam Kilgarriff, University of Brighton, Royaume Uni - Claude de Loupy, Sinequa, France - Christian Marest, Mediapps, France - Patrick Paroubek, LIMSI, France - Piek Vossen, Irion Technologies, Les Pays-Bas - Phil Edmonds, Sharp Laboratories of Europe LTD, Royaume Uni Personne à contacter -------------------- Claude de Loupy Sinequa 51-59 rue Ledru-Rollin 94200 Ivry-sur-Seine, France tél : +33 1 49 87 06 00 / fax : +33 1 49 87 06 01 mél : loupy at -------------------------------------------------------------------- We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this announcement. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Workshop call for papers Using Semantics for Information Retrieval and Filtering State of the Art and Future Research Las Palmas, Canary Islands - Spain 2nd of June 2002 Held in conjunction with the Third International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2002) The goal of this full day workshop is to bring together researchers in the domain of information retrieval, and in particular, researchers concerned by the utility of enhancing queries with semantic information gleaned from languages resources and processes. Workshop scope and aims ----------------------- Several experiments have been carried out in the last 15 years investigating the use of various resources and techniques (e.g., thesauri, synonyms, word sense disambiguation, etc.) to help refine or enhance queries. However, the conclusions drawn on the basis of these experiments vary widely. Results of some studies have led to the conclusion that semantic information serves no purpose and even degrades results, while others have concluded that the use of semantic information drawn from external resources significantly increases the performance of retrieval software. At this point, several question arise: - Why do these conclusions vary so widely? - Is the divergence a result of differences in methodology? - Is the divergence a result of a difference in resources? What are the most suitable resources? Do results using manually constructed resources differ in significant ways from results using automatically extracted information? - What is the contribution of specialized resources? - Are present frameworks for evaluation (e.g., TREC) appropriate for evaluation of results?. These questions are fundamental not only to research in document retrieval, but also for information searching, question answering, filtering, etc. Their importance is even more acute for multilingual applications, where, for instance, the question of whether to disambiguate before translating is fundamental. The goal of this workshop is to bring together researchers in the domain of document retrieval, and in particular, researchers on both sides of the question of the utility of enhancing queries with semantic information gleaned from languages resources and processes. The workshop will provide a forum for presentation of the different points of view, followed by a roundtable in which the participants will assess the state of the art, consider the results of past and on-going work and the possible reasons for the considerable differences in their conclusions. Ultimately, they will attempt to identify future directions for research. In view of the relevance of Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD) to information retrieval, a part of the workshop will be dedicated to a panel on Senseval and WSD evaluation ( The purpose of the panel is to open the discussion on the objectives and principles of Senseval-3, the next evaluation exercise for WSD systems. The panel will summarize the methodology and results of Senseval-2 and consider the current state of WSD. Panelists will speak about the following topics: Is the Senseval-2 method of evaluation adequate? Are we building the right kind of lexical resources for real sense disambiguation systems? Should we (and is it possible to) start an application-specific evaluation track? Important dates --------------- - Paper submission deadline: February, 15th 2002 - Notification of acceptance/rejection: March 15th, 2002 - Camera ready papers due: April 8th, 2002 - Workshop: June 2nd, 2002 Topics ------ Papers are requested that deal with one or more of the following topics (this is not an exhaustive list), and which make use of semantics applied to automatic information management: - Query enrichment - Semantic disambiguation - Thematic clustering - Performance comparison according to the resources or techniques used - Automatic construction of resources from corpora - Comparisons of manually and automatically created resources - Methodology and resources for evaluation - Interlingual document retrieval - Structure and quality control of resources - Comparison of general resources and specialized resources - Use of document structure (XML, RDF, etc.) Submission Details ------------------ Papers should not exceed 7 pages. Submission must be sent by ELECTRONIC mail to loupy at Please write "LREC2002 workshop paper submission" in the subject line. Accepted formats: Postscript (strongly preferred), PDF or RTF. No information about author(s) should appear in the submission paper. Please send the following information in a separate file: the title to be printed in the programme of the Workshop; names and affiliations of the authors; the full address of the first author (or a contact person), including phone, fax, email, URL. Formatting guidelines are provided at The format described here may be modified for the final version. Submissions must be received no later than February 15th 2002. Registration ------------ The registration fee for the workshop is 90 Euro if you are attending LREC 140 Euro if you are NOT attending LREC The fee includes two coffee breaks and the workshop proceedings. Participation in the workshop is limited by the venue. Requests for participation will be processed on a first come first served basis. Registration is handled by the LREC Secretariat. Venue ----- The workshop will take place at the Palacio de Congreso de Canarias, where the main LREC Conference will be held. For more information, please refer to the LREC website : Conference Information ---------------------- General information on LREC: Information on travel, accommodation and general information on Las Palmas and the Canary Islands can be obtained from: Octavio Grondonna Morales Viajes El Corte Inglés Avda. Juan XXIII, 9 35004 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Tel: +34 928 292402 Fax: +34 928 291876 E-mail: commercial_lpa at Program Committee ----------------- - Marc El-Bèze, Université d'Avignon et des Pays de Vaucluse, France - Christian Fluhr, CEA, France - Julio Gonzalo, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, Spain - Graeme Hirst, University of Toronto, Canada - Nancy Ide, Vassar College, USA - Adam Kilgarriff, University of Brighton, United Kingdom - Claude de Loupy, Sinequa, France - Christian Marest, Mediapps, France - Patrick Paroubek, LIMSI, France - Piek Vossen, Irion Technologies, The Netherlands - Phil Edmonds, Sharp Laboratories of Europe LTD, United Kingdom Contact Person -------------- Claude de Loupy Sinequa 51-59 rue Ledru-Rollin 94200 Ivry-sur-Seine, France Tel: +33 1 49 87 06 00 / Fax: +33 1 49 87 06 01 email: loupy at ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffusé par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrainée par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adhésion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From alexis.nasr at Fri Jan 11 17:27:25 2002 From: alexis.nasr at (Alexis Nasr) Date: Fri, 11 Jan 2002 18:27:25 +0100 Subject: Appel: LREC 2002 Workshop on Learning for Advanced HLT Applications Message-ID: Call for Papers LREC 2002 Workshop 'Learning for Advanced HLT Applications: from Language Resources to Processes' 2nd June 2002, Las Palmas, Canary Islands - Spain Motivation and Aims The application of Human Lamguage Technology to current IT trends requires large amounts of specific linguistic resources. However, existing large scale resources are never intended (i.e. designed and handcrafted) for specific application tasks. In order to bridge the existing gap, a variety of methods for acquisition, adaptation and integration of linguistic resources have been proposed in the NLP research area since the late 80's. Machine learning and statistical techniques have been largely employed as major devices able to deal with the scale and the complexity of the problem. Although a large area of research, the impact of these technologies on the applications is still low with respect to their potential. Open problems are: - the unclear targets of the learning activity: no general consensus exists among the proposed approaches to the quality and quantity of linguistic information needed for the different tasks (e.g. which is the suitable representation that captures selective information from the LR training material able to optimize parsing accuracy? Is it fully grammatical, like in bracketed corpora, or lexical); - the heterogeneity of sources: relevant information for the adaptation task can be distributed in different repositories (lexical knowledge bases and texts) or expressed differently (in different languages and/or raw, e.g. texts, vs. semistructured data, e.g. HTML/XML formats); - the architectural idiosyncrasies: the proposed learning system makes reference to different sources of information in different pipelined (or redundant as in voting) application architectures. - the application scope: current applications make a limited use (if any) of available adaptation technologies. This often limits the scale reachable by the current HLT aplications; The above issues are orientative towards the complexity of the problem in current research given the enormous potential of the application field in areas like Web Mining, Question Answering and Knowledge Management. This workshop aims to bring together researchers of both academic and industrial organizations interested in: - Theoretical and Practical aspects of adaptive Natural Language Processing - Models of Acquisition and Integration of Domain Knowledge - Integration of induction models from heterogeneus data (lexicons vs. ontologies, texts vs. HTML/XML pages) - Learning Multlingual Information exploiting Multilingual Resources (e.g. EuroWordnet) - Theoretical and Practical aspects of Lexical Acquisition in multilingual scenarios - Architectures for learning, adaptation, and integration of LR - Adaptive HLT applications (including but not limited to search, retrieval, navigation and QA) Papers are invited for presenting theoretical and methodological aspects of Machine Learning of Natural Language as well as approaches making effective use of adaptive methods in the perspective of pre-industrial or industrial applications. Program Committee Michael Brent Washington University in Saint Louis, USA Roberta Catizone University of Sheffield Walter Daelemans CNTS/Language Technology Group, Antwerp Ralph Grishman Department of Computer SCience, NYC M. V. Marabello KnowledgeStones S.p.A Raymond Mooney University of Texas at Austin, USA M. T. Pazienza University of Roma, Tor Vergata G. Rigau Polytechnical University of Catalunia Horatio Rodriguez Polytechnical University of Catalunia A. Setzer University of Sheffield N. Webb University of Sheffield Y. Wilks University of Sheffield Rémi Zajac New Mexico State University, F.M. Zanzotto University of Roma, Tor Vergata Contact person Roberta Catizone University of Sheffield 211 Portobello Street, Regent Court, S1 4DP Sheffield (UK) phone: +44 114 2221897; fax +44 114 2221810 r.catizone at Time schedule (Important Dates) Deadline for workshop abstract submission: 22th of February 2002 Notification of acceptance: 15th of March 2002 Final version of paper for proceedings: 15th of April 2002 Workshop: 2st of June 2002 Agenda Morning Session: - 1st Invited Talk (8:00-9:00) - Technical Papers (9:00-11:30) - 2nd Invited Talk (11:30-12:30) - Panel and Round Table (12:30-1:30) A summary of the intended workshop Call for Participation. In the workshop the following invited speakers are expected: - Roberto Basili (University of Roma, Tor Vergata) - Fabio Ciravegna (University of Sheffield) A panel session on "Adaptive Technologies and their implications on advanced HLT applications (IR, IE, Q&A and KM)" Distinguished panelists will be invited. Some of them confirmed their participation and among others: - Nino Varile (EC Commission) - F. Gardin (AISoftware) Submissions Papers should describe existing research connected to the topics of the workshop. The presentation at the workshop will be 30 minutes long (20 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for questions and discussion). Each submission should show: title; author(s); affiliation(s); and contact author's e-mail address, postal address, telephone and fax numbers. Abstracts (maximum 2 A4 pages, plain-text format). The final version of the accepted papers should be no longer than 10 A4 pages. Instructions for formatting and presentation of the final version will be sent to authors upon notification of acceptance. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffusé par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrainée par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adhésion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From alexis.nasr at Fri Jan 11 17:27:43 2002 From: alexis.nasr at (Alexis Nasr) Date: Fri, 11 Jan 2002 18:27:43 +0100 Subject: Jobs: post-doc, LPL, Universit de Provence Message-ID: [English version bellow] Annonce de post-doc, LPL, Université de Provence ------------------------------------------------ Position: Post-doc Informaticien Lieu : LPL-CNRS, Université de Provence, Aix-en-Provence Durée : 12 mois Date limite de candidature : 15 février Description : Le candidat doit être titulaire d'un doctorat en Informatique. Le candidat s'intégrera à un projet de recherche portant sur l'aide à la communication pour personnes handicapées. Les questions abordées concernent non seulement les techniques d'aide à proprement parler (typiquement la prédiction de mots), mais également les questions d'interfaçage et de modalités de communication. Langage : Java Salaire : 1.700 euros Début du contrat : dès que possible Responsable du projet : Philippe Blache LPL-CNRS Université de Provence 29, Avenue Robert Schuman 13621 Aix-en-Provence pb at Les candidatures sont à faire parvenir de préférence sous forme électronique. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Post-doctoral position, Université de Provence, France ------------------------------------------------- Position: Post-doc in Computer Science Location: LPL-CNRS, Université de Provence, Aix-en-Provence, France Duration: 1 year Salary: 1,700 euros/month Deadline: February 15th Description : The position is opened to a candidate having recently completed a PhD degree in Computer Science. He/she will participate to the conception and the development of an assisted communication system for handicaped persons. The research area concerns more precisely assisted techniques (e.g. word prediction techniques), interfacing and multimodality. The system is developped in Java. Contact person : Philippe Blache LPL-CNRS Université de Provence 29, Avenue Robert Schuman 13621 Aix-en-Provence pb at Applications should be sent by e-mail. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffusé par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrainée par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adhésion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR Tue Jan 22 13:56:19 2002 From: alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR (Alexis Nasr) Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2002 14:56:19 +0100 Subject: Ressources: ELRA & ELDA info Message-ID: ************************************************************************** Press Release - Immediate - Paris, France, January, 21st 2002 ************************************************************************** New Activity Launched at ELRA, European Language Resources Association and ELDA, Evaluation and Language resources Distribution Agency *** ELRA & ELDA to devote more resources to the evaluation of Human Language Technologies (HLT). *** If at the very beginning the main activity of ELRA & ELDA in the framework of the evaluation task was to supply the language resources appropriate for testing and evaluation, both are now getting involved in the evaluation process itself, the evaluation of products, systems, and applications developed for HLT. The evaluation has become a major activity in the field of HLT. This activity is highly critical, as its main objectives are to check the quality of the developed applications and systems, and ensure that these are ready for the market. To evaluate a specific techno- logy means measuring the progress achieved, comparing different approaches to a given problem, and choosing the best solution, assuming that its advantages and disadvantages have been analy- sed. The evaluation also involves the assessment of the availability of technologies for a given application, product benchmarking, and assessment of system usability and user satisfaction. ELDA actively participates in evaluation projects, at French (e.g. Amaryllis), European (e.g. CLEF, Cross-Language Evaluation Forum), and world (e.g. Aurora) levels. The main objective of the Amaryllis project is to evaluate information retrieval systems with French text documents (corpora and questions and answers), and to provide a common methodology for the evaluation of such search tools. The corpora designed for these purposes are avai- lable in the ELDA catalogue, at The main task of the CLEF project consists of providing an infrastructure for the evaluation of information retrieval systems that operate on Euro- pean languages, in multilingual, monolingual, and cross-language contexts. Test-suites of reusable data will also be developed for benchmarking purposes. In the framework of CLEF, ELDA is in charge of conducting the user needs survey, identifying the data and negotiating their distribution rights with the owners, and participating in the production of an exit plan that will set some evaluation procedures and recommendations regarding the evaluation of multilingual and cross-lingual systems. As for the Aurora project, it aims at establishing a worldwide standard for the feature extraction software in a DSR (Distributed Speech Recognition) system (evaluation of algorithms for front-end feature extraction in back- ground noise on one hand; on the other hand, the evaluation and comparison of the performance of speech recognition algorithms' robustness. The databases which have been created in the framework of Aurora are distributed by ELDA. Indeed, several resources developed in the framework of these evaluation projects are already available in our catalogue, which may be consulted at the following address: In the near future, as we are getting more and more involved in the evaluation activity, ELRA & ELDA will add in its catalogue further resources and tools related to evaluation, and a new team, whose task will include the organi- sation of evaluation campaigns and every other aspects of the evaluation activity, will join the agency. Contact: Khalid Choukri Email: choukri at ELRA & ELDA 55-57, rue Brillat Savarin 75013 Paris (France) Tel.: +33 1 43 13 33 33 Fax: +33 1 43 13 33 30 *** About ELRA & ELDA *** The European Language Resources Association (ELRA) is a non-profit making organisation founded by the European Commission in 1995, with the mission of providing a clearing house for language resources and promoting Human Language Technologies (HLT). The Evaluation and Language resources Distribution Agency (ELDA) is ELRA's operational body. ELDA identifies, collects, markets, evaluates and distributes language resources, along with the dissemination of general information in the field of HLT. ELDA has considerable knowledge and skills in HLT applications and has participated in many French, European and international projects, such as Prisme, Amaryllis, C-Oral-Rom, Network-DC, ISLE, Speecon, SpeechDat-Car, LRsP&P, etc. To find out more about ELRA and ELDA, please visit our web site: ************************************************************************************* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffus� par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrain�e par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adh�sion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR Tue Jan 22 13:56:23 2002 From: alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR (Alexis Nasr) Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2002 14:56:23 +0100 Subject: Jobs: ELDA, France : Evaluation project manager Message-ID: ********************************************************** ELDA is pleased to announce that a new position is available in Paris. You will find below a description in English and in French. ********************************************************** English Version: Evaluation project manager (junior or senior) position at ELDA, Paris, France In the framework of its evaluation activities, ELDA is currently looking for an evaluation project manager (junior or senior). Responsibilities: Under the supervision of the CEO, the project manager will be involved in the evaluation of Human Language Technologies at ELDA. He or she will be in particular in charge of the evaluation of information retrieval systems. This yields excellent opportunities for highly creative, and motivated candidates who wish to participate actively in building the European Union HLT field. Profile: - Advanced degree in computer science, computational linguistics, library and information science, knowledge management or similar fields; - Good knowledge of the evaluation programs in Europe and the US; - Good knowledge of the various evaluation protocols (e.g. TREC, MUC, HUB); - Experience in project management; - Ability to work independently and in a team; - Proficiency in both French and English languages. The European Language Resources Association (ELRA) is a non-profit making organisation founded by the European Commission in 1995, with the mission of providing a clearing house for language resources and promoting Human Language Technologies. The Evaluation and Language resources Distribution Agency (ELDA) is ELRA's operational body. ELDA identifies, collects, markets, evaluates and distributes language resources, along with the dissemination of general information in the field of HLT. To find out more about ELRA and ELDA, please visit our web site: The position is based in Paris and is open now. The candidate should have the citizenship (or residency papers) of a European Union country. Salary: commensurate with qualifications and experience. Applicants should E-mail, Fax, or post a cover letter addressing the points listed above, together with a Curriculum Vitae, to: Khalid CHOUKRI ELRA / ELDA 55-57, rue Brillat Savarin 75013 Paris FRANCE Tel : +33 1 43 13 33 33 ; Fax : +33 1 43 13 33 30 E-mail : choukri at Version française : Poste à pourvoir: chargé d'études en évaluation ELDA, Paris, France Dans le cadre de ses activités en évaluation de systèmes en ingénierie linguistique, ELDA offre un poste de chargé d'études en évaluation. Missions : Sous la supervision du directeur général, le chargé d'études en évaluation aura la responsabilité de la gestion de projets relatifs à l'évaluation de systèmes en ingénierie linguistique, notamment l'évaluation de systèmes de recherche et d'extraction de l'information. Profil : - Formation de niveau Bac+5 en ingénierie linguistique, sciences de l'information, ou en gestion électronique de documents; - Bonne connaissance des programmes et des protocoles d'évaluation en Europe et aux Etats Unis (ex. TREC, MUC); - Expérience en gestion de projets (capacité organisationnelle, bonne méthodologie); - Capacité à travailler seul et en équipe; - Bilingue anglais/français. Créée en 1995, l'Agence pour l'Evaluation et la Distribution de Ressources Linguistiques (ELDA) est l'organisme opérationnel d'ELRA (Association Européenne de Ressources Linguistiques) et a pour mission la collecte, la commercialisation, la distribution et l'évaluation de ressources linguistiques, ainsi que la diffusion de renseignements d'ordre général liés au domaine de l'ingénierie linguistique. Pour en savoir plus sur ELDA, visitez Ce poste est à pourvoir immédiatement et est basé à Paris. Le candidat doit appartenir à un des pays membre de l'Union européenne ou y être résident. Rémunération selon qualifications et expériences. Les candidatures doivent être adressées à : Khalid CHOUKRI ELRA / ELDA 55-57, rue Brillat Savarin 75013 Paris FRANCE Tel : +33 1 43 13 33 33 ; Fax : +33 1 43 13 33 30 Mél : choukri at ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffusé par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrainée par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adhésion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR Tue Jan 22 14:00:08 2002 From: alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR (Alexis Nasr) Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2002 15:00:08 +0100 Subject: Appel: ACL 2002 : Workshop on Word Sense Disambiguation Message-ID: CALL FOR PAPERS Word Sense Disambiguation: Recent Successes and Future Directions SPECIAL SESSION ON PREPOSITION SEMANTICS Prepositions have an extremely complex behavior: most are highly polysemous, subject to numerous metaphorical transpositions, and enter into a number of idiomatic or semi-idiomatic constructs. Semantically, prepositions have a meaning which is in general abstract and largely underspecified. Perhaps more than for any other syntactic category, the exact meaning of a preposition is determined in context. Within the WSD framework, we welcome papers that investigate polysemy, metaphorical and metonymic uses of prepositions. Preposition classification methods and semantic representation formalisms are also of much interest. This special session is organized by Patrick Saint-Dizier and submissions should be emailed directly to him (stdizier at using the guidelines below. *** Papers should be submitted by 14 March. *** For the session on prepositions Patrick Saint-Dizier (France, chair) Bonnie Dorr (USA) Roger Evans (UK) Paola Merlo (Switzerland) Keith Miller (USA) Vasile Rus (USA) Gloria Vazquez (Spain) ------- FROM: An ACL-SIGLEX/SENSEVAL workshop at ACL 2002 University of Pennsylvania July 11, 2002 Workshop: ACL: DESCRIPTION The main purpose of this workshop is to analyse and discuss the results of SENSEVAL-2. The second purpose is to start planning SENSEVAL-3, the next evaluation exercise for word sense disambiguation systems. This workshop is a followup to the SENSEVAL-2 workshop held 5-6 July 2001 in conjunction with ACL-01. At SENSEVAL-2, we unveiled the results of over 90 systems submitted by 35 teams to tasks in 10 different languages. At the time, it wasn't possible to do any in-depth analysis, so it was agreed to organize a followup workshop in 2002 after sufficient analysis could be done. The format will be a mixture of refereed papers and panel sessions. We now invite original submissions on any of the following topics: - Analysis of results of Senseval-2 - Comparisons of results across different systems, techniques, and languages - Comparisons between SENSEVAL-1 and SENSEVAL-2 - What makes some words easier to disambiguate than others - The efficacy of different corpora and sense inventories for WSD - Evaluation techniques and methodology, especially domain-, task-, and application-specific evaluation - Variation in the required sense inventories for different applications The workshop will culminate in a session to continue planning Senseval-3. A central question is: Can we, and should we, move towards a more-real application scenario? SPECIAL SESSION ON PREPOSITION SEMANTICS Prepositions have an extremely complex behavior: most are highly polysemous, subject to numerous metaphorical transpositions, and enter into a number of idiomatic or semi-idiomatic constructs. Semantically, prepositions have a meaning which is in general abstract and largely underspecified. Perhaps more than for any other syntactic category, the exact meaning of a preposition is determined in context. Within the WSD framework, we welcome papers that investigate polysemy, metaphorical and metonymic uses of prepositions. Preposition classification methods and semantic representation formalisms are also of much interest. This special session is organized by Patrick Saint-Dizier and submissions should be emailed directly to him (stdizier at using the guidelines below. *** Papers should be submitted by 14 March. *** SUBMISSIONS Submissions should use the standard ACL style files (available at Papers should not exceed eight (8) pages, including references. Please email your submissions to Rada Mihalcea (rada at with the subject "SENSEVAL SUBMISSION". Submissions to the special session on prepositions should be emailed to Patrick Saint-Dizier (stdizier at IMPORTANT DATES Mar 17 Submissions due Apr 25 Notification of acceptance May 18 Camera-ready due Jul 11 Workshop ORGANIZATION COMMITTEE Phil Edmonds (chair) Sharp Laboratories of Europe Dimitrios Kokkinakis G\"{o}teborg University Sadao Kurohashi The University of Kyoto Bernardo Magnini IRST, Italy Diana McCarthy University of Sussex Rada Mihalcea Southern Methodist University Hwee Tou Ng DSO National Laboratories Ted Pedersen University of Minnesota, Duluthx Judita Preiss University of Cambridge German Rigau Claramunt Universitat Polit\`{e}cnica de Catalunya For the session on prepositions Patrick Saint-Dizier (France, chair) Bonnie Dorr (USA) Roger Evans (UK) Paola Merlo (Switzerland) Keith Miller (USA) Vasile Rus (USA) Gloria Vazquez (Spain) BACKGROUND The purpose of SENSEVAL is to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of WSD programs with respect to different words, different varieties of language, and different languages. SENSEVAL is managed by the SENSEVAL committee which reports to ACL-SIGLEX. The first SENSEVAL took place in the summer of 1998 for English, French, and Italian, culminating in a workshop held at Herstmonceux Castle, Sussex, England on September 2-4. The second evaluation exercise occurred in 2001, culminating in SENSEVAL-2: The Second International Workshop on Evaluating Word Sense Disambiguation Systems. Systems were evaluated on "translation", "all-words"," and "lexical-sample" tasks in Dutch, Czech, Basque, Estonian, Italian, Korean, Spanish, Swedish, Japanese, and English. Over 90 systems were scored. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffus� par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrain�e par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adh�sion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR Thu Jan 24 17:12:42 2002 From: alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR (Alexis Nasr) Date: Thu, 24 Jan 2002 18:12:42 +0100 Subject: Appel: Acquiring, Structuring and Evaluating Terminologies (TermAcq 2002) Message-ID: ====================================================== Call for Papers Acquiring, Structuring and Evaluating Terminologies (TermAcq 2002) 28th May 2002 Workshop held in conjunction with the LREC 2002 conference Las Palmas, Canary Islands - Spain ====================================================== Workshop motivation and aims -------------------- Among other Language Resources, terminologies play a major role since large ranges of industrial applications in an IST context require them. Until recently, the priority was to make terminological data describing the main scientific and technological fields available in sufficient quantities in machine-readable form. Hence, the quantitative criterion used to prevail over the quality issues. Understandably, Human Language Technologies had to experience the complexity of collecting and building monolingual and multilingual LR before shifting from that earlier priority. On the other hand, HLT had to build NLP tools mature enough to be worth integrating in language and knowledge engineering methods. Research in computational terminology, first focused on term identification and extraction, is now also concerned with structuring the lists of terms into terminological networks. Experience in building LR and the availability of terminological tools makes it possible to reconsider the whole process of LR building. These tools have become mature enough to be worth integrating in language and knowledge engineering methods. Available results now call for discussion with respect to the question of evaluating resources and for comparison with results obtained with different approaches. This half-day session aims at drawing an overall picture of the results and remaining issues dealing with the whole process of terminology acquisition and its evaluation. Discussions will be favored among the participants. This workshop will provide an opportunity to meet and discuss with various other "players" in the field. Topics of interest ----------- Technical and theoretical issues to be discussed at the workshop include, but are not limited to: * Methods and tools designed to assist terminological work; * Terminology structuring; * Monolingual vs. multilingual terminology; * Corpus-driven multilingual terminology; * Methodological aspects of evaluation in computational terminology; * Evaluation of terminological tools results; * Evaluation of terminological tools as part of a co-operative process; Important dates ---------- Deadline for workshop abstract submission 15th of February 2002 Notification of acceptance 8th of March 2002 Final version of paper for workshop proceedings 5th of April 2002 Workshop 28th of May 2002 Submissions -------- Papers should be research or position papers connected to the topics of the workshop. Accepted submissions will give rise to oral presentation at the workshop. So as to favor the discussion, each speaker will be asked to answer a set of a few but challenging questions. Each submission should show: title; author(s); affiliation(s); and contact author's e-mail address, postal address, telephone and fax numbers. Abstracts (maximum 1,000 words, plain-text format) should be sent to: Name: Adeline Nazarenko Email: nazarenko at Those who wish to attend without offering a paper are asked to briefly motivate their interest and may send a brief position paper to contribute to the discussions. These contributions will be appended to the workshop proceedings. The final version of the accepted papers should not be longer than 4,000 words or 10 A4 pages. Instructions for formatting and presentation of the final version will be sent to authors upon notification of acceptance. Organising committee -------------- Tony Bryant University of Leeds, United Kingdom A.Bryant at Adeline Nazarenko LIPN, Université de Paris-Nord & CNRS, France nazarenko at Monique Slodzian CRIM, INaLCO, France Monique.Slodzian at Program committee ------------- Roberto Basili (Univ. Roma, Tor Vergata, Italy) Olivier Bodenreider (National Library of Medicine, Bethesda, MAryland, USA) Didier Bourigault (ERSS, CNRS, France) Tony Bryant (Univ. of Leeds, United Kingdom Theresa Cabré (IULA-UPF, Barcelona, Spain) Farid Cerbah (Dassault, France) Béatrice Daille (IRIN, Univ. Nantes, France) Anne Condamines (ERSS, CNRS, France) Natalia Grabar (AP-HP & INaLCO, France) Thierry Hamon (LIPN, Univ. Paris-Nord, France) John Humbley (Univ. Paris 7, France) Kyo Kageura (NII, Japan) Marie-Claude L'Homme (Univ. Montréal, Canada) Adeline Nazarenko (LIPN, Univ. Paris-Nord, France) Jennifer Pearson (UNESCO, Paris, France) Monique Slodzian (CRIM, INALCO, Paris) Pierre Zweigenbaum (AP-HP, Univ. Paris 6, France) Workshop registration -------------- The registration fee for the workshop is: If you are not attending LREC: 70 EURO If you are attending LREC: 45 EURO The fees cover the following services: a copy of the proceedings of the attended workshop, coffee-breaks and refreshments. -- Adeline NAZARENKO Tel. 33 - 01 49 40 40 89 LIPN - CNRS UMR 7030 Fax. 33 - 01 48 26 07 12 Universite de Paris-Nord Email nazarenko at 93430 Villetaneuse France ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffusé par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrainée par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adhésion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR Thu Jan 24 17:12:48 2002 From: alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR (Alexis Nasr) Date: Thu, 24 Jan 2002 18:12:48 +0100 Subject: ATALA: voeux Message-ID: Chers amis, En ce début d'année, je vous adresse tous mes voeux au nom de l'ATALA, et je voudrais profiter de l'occasion pour vous donner, comme je le fais de temps à autre, quelques informations sur la vie de l'association. L'année 2001 a été un excellent millésime, qui a atteint son point culminant avec la conférence TALN, organisée par Denis Maurel et son équipe à Tours. Je ne parle pas seulement de la visite du château de Chenonceau, celle des caves de Vouvray, ni du banquet avec ménestrels au château de Nitray, qui ont laissé dans l'esprit des participants des souvenirs mémorables... Le programme scientifique était d'une très haute tenue, avec 30 communications orales, 14 affiches et démonstrations, 2 conférences associées et 4 tutoriels. Comme c'est désormais l'habitude, la conférence des jeunes chercheurs, RECITAL (organisée par Nathalie Friburger et Béatrice Bouchou), était intégrée à TALN, avec une place non négligeable puisque des séances plénières ont été systématiquement réservées à nos jeunes collègues. Au total, TALN a réussit un tour de force avec quelque 130 participants réunis à Tours (dont 15% de non-français), dans des conditions de concurrence difficile, puisque TALN se tenait à quelques jours de EACL à Toulouse. Cette participation massive marque l'attachement des adhérents et de l'ensemble de la communauté TAL à cette conférence (principalement) francophone. Plusieurs nouveautés ont également vu le jour au cours de l'année 2001. Tout d'abord, grâce aux efforts de Laurent Roussarie, le site Web créé et maintenu par Pierre Zweigenbaum ( s'est agrandi d'une rubrique d'une très grande utilité pour la communauté, celle du recensement des conférences à venir, avec toutes les dates (appels à communication, etc.). Par ailleurs, l'ATALA a mis en place l'action REPTIL de "Réflexion sur l'Enseignement et la Pédagogie des Techniques d'Informatique Linguistique", qui a pour but de regrouper tous les collègues concernés par l'enseignement du TAL et de l'informatique linguistique. Cette action, coordonnée par Nathalie Gasiglia et moi-même semble recueillir un vif succès et semble correspondre à un réel besoin de communication et de coordination autour de ce thème. Un site Web a été mis en place, qui contient toutes les informations sur REPTIL (objectifs, inventaire des formations, liste de discussion, etc.) : Un petit point noir appelle pourtant quelques excuses de notre part. Nous n'avons pas réussi à résorber le retard pris par la publication de la revue T.A.L. à l'occasion du passage chez son nouvel éditeur, Hermès et du changement de rédacteurs en chef (qui sont maintenant Christophe d'Alessandro, Claire Gardent et Bernard Victorri). La qualité superbe du volume 41 (correspondant à l'année 2000) vous a tous laissés sur votre faim, et vous avez été nombreux à vous inquiéter de ne pas recevoir les trois numéros du volume 42 malgré le paiement de votre cotisation. Il y a tout de même de bonnes nouvelles. Le numéro 42:1 est sorti, et vous devriez le recevoir dans les prochains jours. Le numéro 42:2 est chez l'imprimeur, et devrait suivre dans peu de temps. Quant au 42:3, tous les papiers ont été sélectionnés et tout sera fait pour qu'il paraisse dans les meilleurs délais. Au total, les adhérents à jour de leur cotisation 2001 recevront donc les trois numéros suivants: * Vol. 42:1 Synthèse de la parole (dir. Christophe D'Alessandro et Évelyne Tzoukermann) * Vol. 42:2 Traitement automatique des langues et linguistique de corpus (dir. Béatrice Daille et Laurent Romary) * Vol. 42:3 Lexiques sémantiques dans les applications du T.A.L. (dir. Pierrette Bouillon et Evelyne Viegas) Pour nous faire pardonner, le numéro 41:1 sera accompagné (sans surcoût pour les adhérents) d'un CD contenant des exemples d'à peu près tous les systèmes de synthèse à partir du texte en français depuis 1968, ainsi que les exemples sonores illustrant les articles du volume, soit une heure de parole de synthèse en tout. Un événement à ne pas manquer (et qui sera beaucoup plus cher plus tard en librairie). J'en profite pour signaler que si vous êtes intéressés par ces numéros mais n'avez pas adhéré en 2001, il n'est pas trop tard pour régler votre cotisation, et vous recevrez alors automatiquement ces trois numéros au fur et à mesure de leur parution pour la modique somme de 300F (et 200F pour les étudiants, je vous laisse convertir en Euros). Toutes les informations pour l'adhésion sont sur le site Web de l'ATALA ( Par ailleurs, un plan d'action a été mis en place pour revenir progressivement au calendrier normal, et les appels à contribution pour le volume 43 de 2002 ont déjà été lancés (les papiers ont déjà été reçus pour le premier): * Vol. 43:1 Structuration de terminologie : Objectifs, pratiques, méthodes et évaluation (dir. Thierry Hamon et Adeline Nazarenko) * Vol. 43:2 DIALOGUE : Aspects linguistiques du traitement automatique du dialogue (dir. Claire Gardent et Jean-Marie Pierrel) * Vol. 43:3 Problèmes épistémologiques du TAL (dir. Marcel Cori, Sophie David et Jacqueline Léon) Nous n'arriverons peut-être pas à rattraper tout le retard en 2002, mais nous espérons que la situation reviendra à la normale en 2003. Merci de votre patience et de votre confiance, et un grand merci aux trois rédacteurs en chef et au comité de rédaction de la revue pour leurs efforts incessants. L'année 2002 s'annonce aussi remarquable du point de vue scientifique que l'année 2001, les thèmes du numéro 43 de T.A.L. sont là pour en témoigner. Quant à la conférence TALN, Jean-Marie Pierrel et son équipe nous promettent un événement grandiose, puisque pour la première fois, TALN sera couplée aux Journées d'Etudes sur la Parole (JEP), conférence qui représente un autre versant très important des études sur le langage et les technologies associées, et qui en sera à sa XXIVème édition. Nul doute que la conjonction des deux événements ne soit la source de nombreuses rencontres et d'un dialogue plus que stimulant entre les deux communautés. Information : Moins visibles, peut être, mais tout aussi importantes pour la vie scientifique de l'association, les Journées d'Etudes, coordonnées par Adeline Nazarenko, ont un succès constant, et le programme de cette année (en ligne sur le site Web de l'ATALA) est plus que prometteur. Ces journées montrent la diversité et la richesse des thèmes abordés par les adhérents de l'ATALA, et sont un "laboratoire" d'idées d'où émergent souvent des numéros de la revue T.A.L. ou des colloques. Il est très réconfortant de voir que de plus en plus de jeunes (et notamment des étudiants de DEA et DESS) y assistent. Une journée particulière sera cette année organisée conjointement avec l'Association des Professionnels des Industries de la Langue nouvellement créée (APIL), sur le thème des Métiers des Industries de la Langue (METIL). Cette journée, organisée par Nathalie Gasiglia, Alain Couillault et Lionel Stouder, vise à faire rencontrer étudiants, chercheurs, formateurs, professionnels des entreprises. Elle inaugure de nouvelles et fructueuses collaborations et une ouverture encore plus marquée de l'ATALA vers le milieu professionnel. Information : Enfin, je ne voudrais pas terminer ce message sans un mot de chaleureux remerciements pour les deux infatigables modérateurs des listes de l'association, respectivement Alexis Nasr (LN) et Thierry Hamon (LN-FR). Je connais pour l'avoir moi-même vécue, la quantité d'efforts que demande la gestion de ces listes, qui sont devenues des outils désormais indispensables à la diffusion des informations dans notre domaine. Tout ceci ne peut se faire que grâce à vous. Si vous êtes déjà membre de l'ATALA, pensez à renouveler au plus vite votre adhésion (les adhésions tardives créent beaucoup de difficultés de gestion). Si vous ne l'êtes pas encore, je ne puis que vous inciter à nous rejoindre et à participer à cette aventure lancée en 1959 par Emile Delavenay, et qui, à l'âge de quatre-vingt-dix-sept ans suit toujours nos activités depuis son village de Vence, et pour qui j'ai une pensée émue : Merci à tous. Jean Véronis, Président de l'ATALA Site Atala: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffusé par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrainée par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adhésion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR Thu Jan 24 17:12:52 2002 From: alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR (Alexis Nasr) Date: Thu, 24 Jan 2002 18:12:52 +0100 Subject: Soft: European Academic Software Awards Message-ID: Bonjour à tous, Je vous transmets l'information suivante concernant le concours pour les logiciels de l'enseignement supérieur et de la recherche. L'annonce suivante, en anglais, se trouve à l'URL : Vous avez jusqu'au 26 février pour soumettre vos propositions pour le concours, dont la finale se déroulera en Suède en novembre prochain. Si vous avez des questions, me contacter : mailto:rachel.panckhurst at Cordialement Rachel Panckhurst. ****************** The European Academic Software Awards, EASA, is a biennial competition for developers of academic software within higher education and research in Europe. It is organised by the European Knowledge Media Association, EKMA. The submission form will be closed by midnight February 26 Are you a software developer? Working on software for higher education and research? Then we would encourage you to submit your work and compete for the title of the Best European Academic Software of 2002! ******************* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffusé par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrainée par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adhésion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR Thu Jan 24 17:12:56 2002 From: alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR (Alexis Nasr) Date: Thu, 24 Jan 2002 18:12:56 +0100 Subject: Appel: Rencontres Jeunes Chercheurs Message-ID: APPEL A COMMUNICATION Rencontres Jeunes Chercheurs Applications et Implications en Sciences du Langage Paris, 16 mars 2002 Cette journée, organisée en collaboration avec l'ALES, s'adresse aux jeunes chercheurs (jeunes docteurs, doctorants, professionnels) s'intéressant aux applications des sciences du langage et aux implications et retombées de leurs recherches, dans des domaines comme : analyse de discours, sémiologie, terminologie, acquisition des langues premières et secondes, sociolinguistique, pragmatique, didactique, phonétique et synthèse de la parole, linguistique de corpus, industries de la langue, traitement automatique du langage L'objectif de cette journée est : - de permettre une large présentation des recherches de chacun - de discuter de ces recherches en réfléchissant ensemble à la question de l'implication des sciences du langage - de témoigner de l'émergence des 'métiers' de la linguistique - de consolider les liens entre universitaires, professionnels et institutionnels Les propositions de communication (orale ou affichée) d'une page environ, sont à envoyer avant le 1er mars 2002, à l'adresse suivante : implik at Pour tout renseignement sur l'organisation de la journée, contacter : emmanuellecanut at Pour des questions spécifiques aux domaines suivants, vous pouvez contacter : Analyse de discours et sémiologie : Nathalie Garric garric at Alesandro Chaves CHAVES896 at Terminologie : Susanne LERVAD lervad at Dardo de Vecchi devecchi at Isabelle Desmet isabel_desmet at Acquisition et didactique : Emmanuelle Canut e.canut at Marie Leroy marie.e.leroy at Claire Saillard saillard at Sociolinguistique et Pragmatique : Johanna godon jbfgodon at Isabelle Léglise leglise at Jean-Louis Legalery Jean-Louis.Legalery at Phonétique et synthèse de la parole : Nicolas Ballier nicolas.ballier at Linguistique de corpus, industries de la langue, TAL : Thomas Lebarbé tlebarbe at Geoffrey Williams geoffrey.williams at ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffusé par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrainée par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adhésion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR Tue Jan 29 15:16:57 2002 From: alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR (Alexis Nasr) Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2002 16:16:57 +0100 Subject: LN : information importante Message-ID: Bonjour, L'ancienne adresse de la liste LN (ln at n'est plus valide, pour vos demandes de diffusion pensez à utiliser la nouvelle adresse : ln at Pour plus d'informations sur le fonctionnement de la liste LN, vous pouvez consulter la page suivante : Alexis Nasr ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffusé par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrainée par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adhésion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR Tue Jan 29 15:17:07 2002 From: alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR (Alexis Nasr) Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2002 16:17:07 +0100 Subject: Appel: ECAI2002 workshop : ML and NLP for Ontology Engineering Message-ID: Workshop held in conjunction with the ECAI 2002 conference ======================================= Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing for Ontology Engineering ======================================= CALL FOR PAPERS _______________________________________ Lyon (France), July 22-23 2002 _______________________________________ Workshop chairs Nathalie AUSSENAC-GILLES (IRIT, Toulouse, F) Alexander MAEDCHE (FZI, Univ. of Karlsruhe, G) SCHEDULE o Deadline for paper submissions March 15th 2002 o Notification of acceptance April 26th 2002 o Deadline for motivation abstracts May 24th 2002 o Camera ready papers May 24th 2002 o Workshop et ECAI2002 July 22nd-23rd 2002 SCOPE Ontologies serve as a means to establish a conceptually concise basis for communicating knowledge for many purposes. Recent years have seen a surge of interest in the discovery, automatic or semi-automatic creation of complex, multirelational knowledge structures. For example, the natural language community tries to acquire word semantics from texts, database researchers tackle the problem of schema induction, and numerous intelligent information agents are built by learning complex structures from semi-structured input (HTML, XML files). This interest converges with the recent proposals from various communities to build a Semantic Web. One popular solution relies on ontologies and annotations of Web resources w.r.t. these ontologies. The size of the Web implies being able to automate some parts of the process and to scale it up. Therefore NLP (Natural Language Processing) tools as well as learning techniques seem to be very promising. Engineering ontologies may be considered as a process that, starting from (possibly evolutive) knowledge sources, produces a structured conceptual model. Among all knowledge sources, special interest will be paid to texts (technical documentation, interview transcripts, handbooks, documents gathered from the Web and so on), semi-structured data and existing knowledge bases. Among all possible techniques, NLP tools, linguistic approaches, machine learning algorithms and any combination of these are encouraged. As a matter of fact, efforts in the machine learning community pursue the induction of more concise and more expressive knowledge structures (e.g. relational learning). Moreover, results (principles, methods and techniques) in machine learning, NLP, linguistics are mature enough to be worth integrating into knowledge engineering methods. It is time to evaluate how their combination could improve the efficiency of building ontologies as well as their quality and their relevance. Engineering such knowledge structures raises some theoretical issues that are little studied. The originality of this workshop is to call for several disciplines such as linguistics, terminology, natural language processing, knowledge representation and machine learning to go deeply into these issues and related epistemological foundations. It will give these communities a unique opportunity to confront their views and results. To this end, the workshop will focus not only on practical and technical problems but also on a theoretical reflection about building, maintaining and reusing terminological resources and ontologies. We would also like to debate the nature of ontologies, their genericity according to applications and sources. Cross-disciplinary contributions, in particular those involving linguistics, are strongly encouraged. Technical and theoretical issues to be discussed at the workshop include, but are not limited to: Ø Status of texts as knowledge sources, connections between ontologies and texts Ø Linguistic and terminological resources as knowledge sources Ø Learning from machine-readable dictionaries Ø Extending existing ontologies (Wordnet) Ø Text Mining for building ontologies Ø Linguistics (techniques and principles) to build ontologies Ø Natural Language Processing (NLP) tools for building and maintaining ontologies Ø Ontologies for Text and Document Processing Ø Learning selectional restrictions Ø Multi-relational learning, Inductive Logic Programming Ø Instance mining Ø Learning ontologies with inferences (e.g. using description logics) Ø Cooperative learning of ontologies Ø Ontologies and NLP tools for the semantic web Ø Learning ontologies from the Web (from DTDs, XML files, RDF files) SUBMISSION FORMAT OF PAPERS Papers should be no longer than 5000 words. They can either report research work, practical experiments whether completed or in progress. Papers discussing more theoretical questions are also welcome. Each paper will be reviewed by two persons from the program committee having in mind the willingness to promote discussions and debates rather than selection. Papers will be published in paperback proceedings distributed to the workshop participants and available on-line after June 10th, 2002. Please use the same format as the one suggested for the conference. Send papers by email (html, ps or pdf files) to mailto:OLT2002 at before March 15th. PARTICIPATION CONDITIONS Beside the papers' authors, anyone wishing to take part in this workshop should send a one page abstract about his/her motivations to attend the workshop and/or his/her recent work related to the workshop topic. This page should also contain one question-issue to be debated during the workshop. Motivation abstracts will be reviewed. Send your text to mailto:OLT2002 at before May 24th. All workshop participants are required to register for the ECAI 2002 main conference. WORKSHOP TIME-TABLE In order to make exchanges easier during the workshop, each paper will be assigned a discutant selected among the authors of the other papers. Discutants will contribute to paper presentations and discussions. Paper presentations will be organized into thematic sessions. A large amount of time will be dedicated to debates at the end of each session or during specific sessions according to the questions suggested by the participants (see participation conditions). ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Brigitte BIEBOW (LIPN, Paris, F) Anne CONDAMINES (ERSS, Toulouse, F) Rose DIENG-KUNTZ (INRIA, Sophia Antipolis, F) Adeline NAZARENKO (LIPN, Paris, F) Claire NEDELLEC (LRI, Paris, F) Stephen STAAB (AIFB, Karslruhe, G) PROGRAM COMMITTEE Roberto BASILI (University Tor Vergata, Roma, I) Teresa CABRE (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, S) Farid CERBAH (Dassault Electronique, Paris, F) Ido DAGAN (Bar Ilan University, Israel) * Dieter FENSEL (Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, NL) Udo HAHN (Freiburg University, D) Ed HOVY (Information Science Institute, USA) Paul JOHANNSON (Univ. of Stockholm, Sw) Yves KODRATOFF (LRI, Paris, F) Stan MATWIN (Univ. of Ottawa, Can) Ulrich REIMER (Zuerich, CH) * Chantal REYNAUD (LRI, Paris, F) Monique SLODZIAN (CRIM-INALCO, Paris, F) Stefan WROBEL (Univ. of Magdeburg, D) Pierre ZWEIGENBAUM (SIM-APHP, Paris, F) (* to be confirmed) - -- Nathalie Aussenac-Gilles IRIT - UMR 5505 du CNRS Tel : +33 5 61 55 82 93 Universite P. Sabatier Fax : +33 5 61 55 62 58 118, route de Narbonne mailto :aussenac at 31062 TOULOUSE Cedex 4 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- End of forwarded message ------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffusé par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrainée par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adhésion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR Tue Jan 29 15:17:13 2002 From: alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR (Alexis Nasr) Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2002 16:17:13 +0100 Subject: Projets : RNRT: Lancement de l'appel a projets 2002 Message-ID: -------------------------------------------- Info RNRT: Lancement de l'appel a projets 2002 -------------------------------------------- L'appel a propositions 2002 du RNRT est en ligne a l'adresse : L'appel est ouvert du 23 janvier au 14 mars 2002. Les projets attendus devront s'inscrire autour des cinq orientations illustrant les enjeux majeurs pour la reprise du secteur des telecommunications : - anticiper la diversite des terminaux et objets communicants =B7 rendre sur et facile l'acces pour l'utilisateur nomade - creer des reseaux dynamiques pour gerer la complexite - creer de la valeur par les services - renforcer la securite des systemes de telecommunications Le traitement automatique des langues est concerne par differentes thematiques et clairement identifie dans la liste des themes de recherche (voir annexe 4 de l'appel). ----------------------------------------------------------- Info RNRT Rappel : Lancement de l'appel a propositions 2002 ----------------------------------------------------------- L'appel a propositions 2002 RNTL est en ligne a l'adresse suivante : L'appel est ouvert jusqu'au 11 fevrier 2002. Les projets devront s'inscrire dans les thematiques suivantes : 1.Concevoir des logiciels enfouis, critiques ou temps reel pour les objets et systemes 2.Etendre les systemes d'information collectifs ou individuels via Internet 3.Inventer de nouvelles interfaces personnes - systemes - environnement 4.Elaborer une nouvelle conception pour de nouveaux objets Le traitement automatique des langues (ecrit et oral) est concerne par cet appel, en particulier dans les themes 2 et 3. ******************************************* Stephane CHAUDIRON Charge de mission "Information scientifique et technique - Ingenierie linguistique" tel. : 33 (0)1 55 55 80 37 fax : 33 (0)1 55 55 83 58 Ministere de la Recherche Direction de la technologie Departement "Technologies de l'information et de la communication" 1, rue Descartes - 75231 PARIS cedex 05 ******************************************* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffus� par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrain�e par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adh�sion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From dwpinnaclesoftwarem at PINNACLESOFTWARE.COM Tue Jan 1 03:07:53 2002 From: dwpinnaclesoftwarem at PINNACLESOFTWARE.COM (Kyle Baran) Date: Tue, 1 Jan 2002 00:07:53 -0300 Subject: Buy your medications at the best possible prices. Message-ID: It is also well known fact that it’s better to purchase meds in Canada, as Canadian meds are cheaper than American.   The difficulty is to find the reliable one. «CanadianPharmacy» is an experienced, trusted, and fully-licensed Canadian online drugstore. Only «CanadianPharmacy» offers 100% generic medications and is well-known not only in Canada for high quality products and affordable prices. The aim of this message is to help you to achieve better health. Kyle Baran ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffuse par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrainee par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adhesion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From menorahsautonomously at EUREKABOY.COM Tue Jan 1 02:05:52 2002 From: menorahsautonomously at EUREKABOY.COM (Vince Ganime) Date: Tue, 1 Jan 2002 07:25:52 +0480 Subject: For Ln Message-ID: and Mr decency but him Buy It Now that people”. America George timid less Viagra LIKE that onto only politics 10 pills x 50mg in $30.22 is late, $3.03 per item midday onto the 30 pills x 50mg whets $60.23 Obama $2.01 per item “the Reggie could 60 pills x 50mg for”. $111.65 wonder $1.86 per item guy says crowd 10 pills x 100mg He $34.49 other $3.45 per item starts in says 30 pills x 100mg stand $88.5 core $2.95 per item George Reggie involve. 60 pills x 100mg with $141.02 politics $2.35 per item for is too Obama 90 pills x 100mg or $176.4 waiting $1.96 per item other Thousands passionate loving politics is too loving massaging Viagra ST presidential stage vicious massaging people”. 10 pills x 50mg is too $33.25 LIKE $3.33 per item Mr park new, 30 pills x 50mg that $66.25 but $2.21 per item his onto whets 60 pills x 50mg could $122.82 seductive $2.05 per item medical George in 10 pills x 100mg midday $37.94 less $3.8 per item is late, but timid 30 pills x 100mg voted $97.35 No $3.25 per item Willis, politically timid 60 pills x 100mg loving $155.1 wound $2.59 per item waiting loving calls 90 pills x 100mg a $194.04 under $2.16 per item eventually Reno, The people”. the presidential new, in a Cialis ST says Obama Obama crowd to see 10 pills x 20mg in a $65.97 Nevada. $6.6 per item sun appetite the 20 pills x 20mg might $109.73 the crowd $5.49 per item voted that a movie 30 pills x 20mg crowd $131.97 crowd $4.4 per item crowd midday crowd 60 pills x 20mg massaging $260.53 decency $4.34 per item park wound him 90 pills x 20mg passionate $353.62 massaging $3.93 per item selfish, involve. loving park guy “the Willis, onto Cialis moseys but of the politically calls 4 pills x 20mg actually $16.59 Obama $4.15 per item massaging star, he loving 10 pills x 20mg him. $39.19 for”. $3.92 per item is too Nevada. crowd 20 pills x 20mg but $76.68 him $3.83 per item that for”. politics 30 pills x 20mg his $104.66 the $3.49 per item vicious the in 60 pills x 20mg him $180.15 what, $3 per item pull American America 90 pills x 20mg eventually $242.06 other $2.69 per item wonder the crowd such loving seductive but now baritone. 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Levitra what, that diverse for”. starts 10 pills x 20mg decency $27.08 selfish, $2.71 per item Thousands his the 20 pills x 20mg fans’ $54.99 the $2.75 per item starts the calls 30 pills x 20mg star, he $82.01 Obama $2.73 per item decency his park 60 pills x 20mg politics $164.36 stand $2.74 per item is is but 90 pills x 20mg in $246.57 involve. $2.74 per item for a for Nevada. presidential and stage politics midday Soma actually baritone. timid calls core 30 pills x 350mg a $42.08 in $1.4 per item American The crowd 60 pills x 350mg Obama $78.14 the $1.3 per item park midday appetite 90 pills x 350mg the $111.8 candidate $1.24 per item of the other appetite 2004 him. baritone. but Don't Miss This Unique Chance George might No midday with ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffuse par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrainee par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adhesion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From Elnora at DRAND.ORG Tue Jan 1 09:42:13 2002 From: Elnora at DRAND.ORG (Elnora Gagne) Date: Tue, 1 Jan 2002 01:42:13 -0800 Subject: Great elegant items Message-ID: filler and revealed the presence of heavy metals, somesaid the boy's father, Kent Auberry. These reputable models of watches, bags, pens, and more, will make a perfect gift! You'll be impressed by the quality and beauty of these rep1!c at s! 2998276500539493294suggestions on how to fix the state. "I believe there -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From alexis.nasr at Tue Jan 8 14:24:39 2002 From: alexis.nasr at (Alexis Nasr) Date: Tue, 8 Jan 2002 15:24:39 +0100 Subject: Appel: Using Semantics for Information Retrieval and Filtering Message-ID: ----- Workshop call for papers in english bellow ----- Veuillez nous excuser pour les r?ceptions multiples ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Appel ? contributions pour l'atelier Using Semantics for Information Retrieval and Filtering State of the Art and Future Research Las Palmas, Iles Canaries - Espagne 2 juin 2002 En conjonction avec la Troisi?me conf?rence internationale LREC (Language Resources and Evaluation Conference) (LREC 2002) Le but de cette conf?rence est de faire se rencontrer des chercheurs dans le domaine de la recherche d'informations et, plus particuli?rement des chercheurs concern?s par l'utilit? d'informations s?mantiques (provenant de ressources s?mantiques ou de traitements linguistiques) pour affiner les requ?tes. Buts et th?mes de l'atelier --------------------------- Plusieurs exp?riences ont ?t? conduites depuis les 15 derni?res ann?es, en utilisant diverses ressources et techniques (thesaurus, listes de synonymes, d?sambigu?sation s?mantique, etc.) afin d'am?liorer le traitement des requ?tes. N?anmoins, les conclusions tir?es de ces exp?riences sont tr?s diff?rentes de l'une ? l'autre. Certains r?sultats ont conduit ? affirmer que l'utilisation de connaissances s?mantiques n'apporte rien, voire d?grade les r?sultats tandis que d'autres am?nent la conclusion que des connaissances s?mantiques augmentent significativement les performances des syst?mes de recherche d'information. Certaines questions se posent donc : - Pourquoi les conclusions sont-elles si diff?rentes ? - La divergence de r?sultat provient-elle d'une diff?rence de m?thodologie ? - Cette divergence provient-elle d'une diff?rence dans les ressources utilis?es ? - Quelles sont les ressources les plus ad?quates pour ce genre de travaux ? - Les r?sultats obtenus ? partir de ressources cr??es manuellement sont-ils tr?s diff?rents de ceux obtenus avec des ressources extraites automatiquement ? - Quel est l'apport de ressources sp?cialis?es dans un domaine ? - Les cadres d'?valuation actuels (par exemple TREC) sont-ils appropri?s pour l'?valuation de ces r?sultats ? Ces questions sont fondamentales, non seulement pour les travaux en recherche documentaire mais aussi pour l'extraction d'informations, la r?ponse aux questions, le filtrage, etc. Leur importance est encore plus critique pour des applications multilingues o?, par exemple, la question de la d?sambigu?sation avant traduction est fondamentale. Le but de cet atelier est de faire se rencontrer des chercheurs dans le domaine de la recherche d'information et, plus particuli?rement, des chercheurs int?ress?s par l'utilisation de connaissances et de traitements s?mantiques pour l'am?lioration du traitement des requ?tes. L'atelier fournira l'occasion, pour les participants, de pr?senter leur point de vue. Une table ronde suivra et permettra aux conf?renciers de faire le point sur l'?tat de l'art, les r?sultats pass?s et en cours et les raisons qui peuvent expliquer les consid?rables diff?rences que l'on constate dans les conclusions des diff?rentes exp?riences. Enfin, ils tenteront d'identifier les directions ? prendre pour les recherches futures. ?tant donn? le rapport qui existe entre la recherche d'information et la d?sambigu?sation s?mantique, une partie de l'atelier sera consacr?e ? un panel sur Senseval et l'?valuation des syst?mes de d?sambigu?sation s?mantique ( Le but de ce panel est d'ouvrir la discussion sur les objectifs et principaux de Senseval-3, le prochain exercice d'?valuation. Le panel r?sumera la m?thodologie et les r?sultats de Senseval-2 et consid?rera l'?tat actuel de la d?sambigu?sation s?mantique. Les panelistes aborderont les questions suivantes : - La m?thode d'?valuation de Senseval-2 est-elle ad?quate ? - Les ressources qui sont cr??es actuellement correspondent-elles aux syst?mes de d?sambigu?sation r?ellement utilis?s ? - Faut-il (et est-il possible de) commencer une t?che d'?valuation en fonction de l'application ? Dates importantes ----------------- - limite de soumission des articles : 15 f?vrier 2002 - notification d'acceptation ou de rejet : 15 mars 2002 - limite de r?ception des papiers pr?ts ? ?tre imprim?s : 8 avril 2002 - Atelier : 2 juin 2002 Sujets ------ Des papiers sont demand?s sur un ou plusieurs des sujets suivants (liste non exhaustive) et feront ?tat de l'utilisation de connaissances s?mantiques appliqu?es ? la gestion automatique de l'information : - Enrichissement de requ?te - D?sambigu?sation s?mantique - Classification th?matique - Comparaison de performances selon la ressource ou les techniques utilis?es - Extraction automatique de ressources ? partir de corpus - Comparaison de ressources cr??es automatiquement ou manuellement - M?thodologies et ressources pour l'?valuation - Recherche documentaire interlingue - Structure et contr?le de la qualit? des ressources - Comparaison des ressources g?n?rales et sp?cialis?es - Utilisation de la structure des documents (XML, RDF, etc.) D?tails de soumission --------------------- Les papiers ne devront pas exc?der 7 pages. Les soumissions doivent ?tre envoy?es par courrier ?lectronique ? loupy at Merci d'indiquer "LREC2002 workshop paper submission" en sujet. Format accept?s : Postscript (grandement pr?f?r?), PDF ou RTF. Aucune information concernant les auteurs ne devra appara?tre dans la soumission. Merci de joindre un fichier s?par? contenant les informations suivantes : le titre qui sera indiqu? dans le programme de l'atelier ; nom et affiliation de chacun des auteurs ; adresse compl?te du premier auteur (ou de la personne ? contacter) en incluant t?l?phone, fax, adresse ?lectronique, ?ventuellement URL. Le format de r?daction est fourni ? l'adresse Il s'agit d'un format provisoire qui sera probablement modifi? pour la version finale. La date limite de soumission est le 15 f?vrier 2002. Inscriptions ------------ Les frais d'inscription pour l'atelier sont de : - 90 euros pour les personnes participant ? la conf?rence LREC - 140 euros pour les personnes qui n'y participent pas Ces frais incluent deux pauses caf? et les actes de l'atelier. La participation ? l'atelier est limit?e par le nombre de personnes pr?sentes. Les requ?tes seront trait?es sur la base du premier arriv?, premier servi. Les inscriptions sont g?r?es par le secr?tariat de la conf?rence LREC. Venue ----- L'atelier se tiendra au Palacio de Congreso ? Las Palmas aux Canaries o? se d?roulera la conf?rence principale LREC. Pour plus d'informations, merci de se r?f?rer au site de LREC : Informations sur la conf?rence ------------------------------ Informations g?n?rales sur LREC : Les informations concernant la venue, Las Palmas et les ?les Canaries en g?n?ral peuvent ?tre obtenues aupr?s de : Octavio Grondonna Morales Viajes El Corte Ingl?s Avda. Juan XXIII, 9 35004 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria t?l : +34 928 292402 fax : +34 928 291876 m?l : commercial_lpa at Comit? de programme ------------------- - Marc El-B?ze, Universit? d'Avignon et des Pays de Vaucluse, France - Christian Fluhr, CEA, France - Julio Gonzalo, Universidad Nacional de Educaci?n a Distancia, Espagne - Graeme Hirst, University of Toronto, Canada - Nancy Ide, Vassar College, USA - Adam Kilgarriff, University of Brighton, Royaume Uni - Claude de Loupy, Sinequa, France - Christian Marest, Mediapps, France - Patrick Paroubek, LIMSI, France - Piek Vossen, Irion Technologies, Les Pays-Bas - Phil Edmonds, Sharp Laboratories of Europe LTD, Royaume Uni Personne ? contacter -------------------- Claude de Loupy Sinequa 51-59 rue Ledru-Rollin 94200 Ivry-sur-Seine, France t?l : +33 1 49 87 06 00 / fax : +33 1 49 87 06 01 m?l : loupy at -------------------------------------------------------------------- We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this announcement. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Workshop call for papers Using Semantics for Information Retrieval and Filtering State of the Art and Future Research Las Palmas, Canary Islands - Spain 2nd of June 2002 Held in conjunction with the Third International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2002) The goal of this full day workshop is to bring together researchers in the domain of information retrieval, and in particular, researchers concerned by the utility of enhancing queries with semantic information gleaned from languages resources and processes. Workshop scope and aims ----------------------- Several experiments have been carried out in the last 15 years investigating the use of various resources and techniques (e.g., thesauri, synonyms, word sense disambiguation, etc.) to help refine or enhance queries. However, the conclusions drawn on the basis of these experiments vary widely. Results of some studies have led to the conclusion that semantic information serves no purpose and even degrades results, while others have concluded that the use of semantic information drawn from external resources significantly increases the performance of retrieval software. At this point, several question arise: - Why do these conclusions vary so widely? - Is the divergence a result of differences in methodology? - Is the divergence a result of a difference in resources? What are the most suitable resources? Do results using manually constructed resources differ in significant ways from results using automatically extracted information? - What is the contribution of specialized resources? - Are present frameworks for evaluation (e.g., TREC) appropriate for evaluation of results?. These questions are fundamental not only to research in document retrieval, but also for information searching, question answering, filtering, etc. Their importance is even more acute for multilingual applications, where, for instance, the question of whether to disambiguate before translating is fundamental. The goal of this workshop is to bring together researchers in the domain of document retrieval, and in particular, researchers on both sides of the question of the utility of enhancing queries with semantic information gleaned from languages resources and processes. The workshop will provide a forum for presentation of the different points of view, followed by a roundtable in which the participants will assess the state of the art, consider the results of past and on-going work and the possible reasons for the considerable differences in their conclusions. Ultimately, they will attempt to identify future directions for research. In view of the relevance of Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD) to information retrieval, a part of the workshop will be dedicated to a panel on Senseval and WSD evaluation ( The purpose of the panel is to open the discussion on the objectives and principles of Senseval-3, the next evaluation exercise for WSD systems. The panel will summarize the methodology and results of Senseval-2 and consider the current state of WSD. Panelists will speak about the following topics: Is the Senseval-2 method of evaluation adequate? Are we building the right kind of lexical resources for real sense disambiguation systems? Should we (and is it possible to) start an application-specific evaluation track? Important dates --------------- - Paper submission deadline: February, 15th 2002 - Notification of acceptance/rejection: March 15th, 2002 - Camera ready papers due: April 8th, 2002 - Workshop: June 2nd, 2002 Topics ------ Papers are requested that deal with one or more of the following topics (this is not an exhaustive list), and which make use of semantics applied to automatic information management: - Query enrichment - Semantic disambiguation - Thematic clustering - Performance comparison according to the resources or techniques used - Automatic construction of resources from corpora - Comparisons of manually and automatically created resources - Methodology and resources for evaluation - Interlingual document retrieval - Structure and quality control of resources - Comparison of general resources and specialized resources - Use of document structure (XML, RDF, etc.) Submission Details ------------------ Papers should not exceed 7 pages. Submission must be sent by ELECTRONIC mail to loupy at Please write "LREC2002 workshop paper submission" in the subject line. Accepted formats: Postscript (strongly preferred), PDF or RTF. No information about author(s) should appear in the submission paper. Please send the following information in a separate file: the title to be printed in the programme of the Workshop; names and affiliations of the authors; the full address of the first author (or a contact person), including phone, fax, email, URL. Formatting guidelines are provided at The format described here may be modified for the final version. Submissions must be received no later than February 15th 2002. Registration ------------ The registration fee for the workshop is 90 Euro if you are attending LREC 140 Euro if you are NOT attending LREC The fee includes two coffee breaks and the workshop proceedings. Participation in the workshop is limited by the venue. Requests for participation will be processed on a first come first served basis. Registration is handled by the LREC Secretariat. Venue ----- The workshop will take place at the Palacio de Congreso de Canarias, where the main LREC Conference will be held. For more information, please refer to the LREC website : Conference Information ---------------------- General information on LREC: Information on travel, accommodation and general information on Las Palmas and the Canary Islands can be obtained from: Octavio Grondonna Morales Viajes El Corte Ingl?s Avda. Juan XXIII, 9 35004 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Tel: +34 928 292402 Fax: +34 928 291876 E-mail: commercial_lpa at Program Committee ----------------- - Marc El-B?ze, Universit? d'Avignon et des Pays de Vaucluse, France - Christian Fluhr, CEA, France - Julio Gonzalo, Universidad Nacional de Educaci?n a Distancia, Spain - Graeme Hirst, University of Toronto, Canada - Nancy Ide, Vassar College, USA - Adam Kilgarriff, University of Brighton, United Kingdom - Claude de Loupy, Sinequa, France - Christian Marest, Mediapps, France - Patrick Paroubek, LIMSI, France - Piek Vossen, Irion Technologies, The Netherlands - Phil Edmonds, Sharp Laboratories of Europe LTD, United Kingdom Contact Person -------------- Claude de Loupy Sinequa 51-59 rue Ledru-Rollin 94200 Ivry-sur-Seine, France Tel: +33 1 49 87 06 00 / Fax: +33 1 49 87 06 01 email: loupy at ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffus? par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrain?e par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adh?sion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From alexis.nasr at Fri Jan 11 17:27:25 2002 From: alexis.nasr at (Alexis Nasr) Date: Fri, 11 Jan 2002 18:27:25 +0100 Subject: Appel: LREC 2002 Workshop on Learning for Advanced HLT Applications Message-ID: Call for Papers LREC 2002 Workshop 'Learning for Advanced HLT Applications: from Language Resources to Processes' 2nd June 2002, Las Palmas, Canary Islands - Spain Motivation and Aims The application of Human Lamguage Technology to current IT trends requires large amounts of specific linguistic resources. However, existing large scale resources are never intended (i.e. designed and handcrafted) for specific application tasks. In order to bridge the existing gap, a variety of methods for acquisition, adaptation and integration of linguistic resources have been proposed in the NLP research area since the late 80's. Machine learning and statistical techniques have been largely employed as major devices able to deal with the scale and the complexity of the problem. Although a large area of research, the impact of these technologies on the applications is still low with respect to their potential. Open problems are: - the unclear targets of the learning activity: no general consensus exists among the proposed approaches to the quality and quantity of linguistic information needed for the different tasks (e.g. which is the suitable representation that captures selective information from the LR training material able to optimize parsing accuracy? Is it fully grammatical, like in bracketed corpora, or lexical); - the heterogeneity of sources: relevant information for the adaptation task can be distributed in different repositories (lexical knowledge bases and texts) or expressed differently (in different languages and/or raw, e.g. texts, vs. semistructured data, e.g. HTML/XML formats); - the architectural idiosyncrasies: the proposed learning system makes reference to different sources of information in different pipelined (or redundant as in voting) application architectures. - the application scope: current applications make a limited use (if any) of available adaptation technologies. This often limits the scale reachable by the current HLT aplications; The above issues are orientative towards the complexity of the problem in current research given the enormous potential of the application field in areas like Web Mining, Question Answering and Knowledge Management. This workshop aims to bring together researchers of both academic and industrial organizations interested in: - Theoretical and Practical aspects of adaptive Natural Language Processing - Models of Acquisition and Integration of Domain Knowledge - Integration of induction models from heterogeneus data (lexicons vs. ontologies, texts vs. HTML/XML pages) - Learning Multlingual Information exploiting Multilingual Resources (e.g. EuroWordnet) - Theoretical and Practical aspects of Lexical Acquisition in multilingual scenarios - Architectures for learning, adaptation, and integration of LR - Adaptive HLT applications (including but not limited to search, retrieval, navigation and QA) Papers are invited for presenting theoretical and methodological aspects of Machine Learning of Natural Language as well as approaches making effective use of adaptive methods in the perspective of pre-industrial or industrial applications. Program Committee Michael Brent Washington University in Saint Louis, USA Roberta Catizone University of Sheffield Walter Daelemans CNTS/Language Technology Group, Antwerp Ralph Grishman Department of Computer SCience, NYC M. V. Marabello KnowledgeStones S.p.A Raymond Mooney University of Texas at Austin, USA M. T. Pazienza University of Roma, Tor Vergata G. Rigau Polytechnical University of Catalunia Horatio Rodriguez Polytechnical University of Catalunia A. Setzer University of Sheffield N. Webb University of Sheffield Y. Wilks University of Sheffield R?mi Zajac New Mexico State University, F.M. Zanzotto University of Roma, Tor Vergata Contact person Roberta Catizone University of Sheffield 211 Portobello Street, Regent Court, S1 4DP Sheffield (UK) phone: +44 114 2221897; fax +44 114 2221810 r.catizone at Time schedule (Important Dates) Deadline for workshop abstract submission: 22th of February 2002 Notification of acceptance: 15th of March 2002 Final version of paper for proceedings: 15th of April 2002 Workshop: 2st of June 2002 Agenda Morning Session: - 1st Invited Talk (8:00-9:00) - Technical Papers (9:00-11:30) - 2nd Invited Talk (11:30-12:30) - Panel and Round Table (12:30-1:30) A summary of the intended workshop Call for Participation. In the workshop the following invited speakers are expected: - Roberto Basili (University of Roma, Tor Vergata) - Fabio Ciravegna (University of Sheffield) A panel session on "Adaptive Technologies and their implications on advanced HLT applications (IR, IE, Q&A and KM)" Distinguished panelists will be invited. Some of them confirmed their participation and among others: - Nino Varile (EC Commission) - F. Gardin (AISoftware) Submissions Papers should describe existing research connected to the topics of the workshop. The presentation at the workshop will be 30 minutes long (20 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for questions and discussion). Each submission should show: title; author(s); affiliation(s); and contact author's e-mail address, postal address, telephone and fax numbers. Abstracts (maximum 2 A4 pages, plain-text format). The final version of the accepted papers should be no longer than 10 A4 pages. Instructions for formatting and presentation of the final version will be sent to authors upon notification of acceptance. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffus? par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrain?e par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adh?sion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From alexis.nasr at Fri Jan 11 17:27:43 2002 From: alexis.nasr at (Alexis Nasr) Date: Fri, 11 Jan 2002 18:27:43 +0100 Subject: Jobs: post-doc, LPL, Universit de Provence Message-ID: [English version bellow] Annonce de post-doc, LPL, Universit? de Provence ------------------------------------------------ Position: Post-doc Informaticien Lieu : LPL-CNRS, Universit? de Provence, Aix-en-Provence Dur?e : 12 mois Date limite de candidature : 15 f?vrier Description : Le candidat doit ?tre titulaire d'un doctorat en Informatique. Le candidat s'int?grera ? un projet de recherche portant sur l'aide ? la communication pour personnes handicap?es. Les questions abord?es concernent non seulement les techniques d'aide ? proprement parler (typiquement la pr?diction de mots), mais ?galement les questions d'interfa?age et de modalit?s de communication. Langage : Java Salaire : 1.700 euros D?but du contrat : d?s que possible Responsable du projet : Philippe Blache LPL-CNRS Universit? de Provence 29, Avenue Robert Schuman 13621 Aix-en-Provence pb at Les candidatures sont ? faire parvenir de pr?f?rence sous forme ?lectronique. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Post-doctoral position, Universit? de Provence, France ------------------------------------------------- Position: Post-doc in Computer Science Location: LPL-CNRS, Universit? de Provence, Aix-en-Provence, France Duration: 1 year Salary: 1,700 euros/month Deadline: February 15th Description : The position is opened to a candidate having recently completed a PhD degree in Computer Science. He/she will participate to the conception and the development of an assisted communication system for handicaped persons. The research area concerns more precisely assisted techniques (e.g. word prediction techniques), interfacing and multimodality. The system is developped in Java. Contact person : Philippe Blache LPL-CNRS Universit? de Provence 29, Avenue Robert Schuman 13621 Aix-en-Provence pb at Applications should be sent by e-mail. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffus? par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrain?e par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adh?sion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR Tue Jan 22 13:56:19 2002 From: alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR (Alexis Nasr) Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2002 14:56:19 +0100 Subject: Ressources: ELRA & ELDA info Message-ID: ************************************************************************** Press Release - Immediate - Paris, France, January, 21st 2002 ************************************************************************** New Activity Launched at ELRA, European Language Resources Association and ELDA, Evaluation and Language resources Distribution Agency *** ELRA & ELDA to devote more resources to the evaluation of Human Language Technologies (HLT). *** If at the very beginning the main activity of ELRA & ELDA in the framework of the evaluation task was to supply the language resources appropriate for testing and evaluation, both are now getting involved in the evaluation process itself, the evaluation of products, systems, and applications developed for HLT. The evaluation has become a major activity in the field of HLT. This activity is highly critical, as its main objectives are to check the quality of the developed applications and systems, and ensure that these are ready for the market. To evaluate a specific techno- logy means measuring the progress achieved, comparing different approaches to a given problem, and choosing the best solution, assuming that its advantages and disadvantages have been analy- sed. The evaluation also involves the assessment of the availability of technologies for a given application, product benchmarking, and assessment of system usability and user satisfaction. ELDA actively participates in evaluation projects, at French (e.g. Amaryllis), European (e.g. CLEF, Cross-Language Evaluation Forum), and world (e.g. Aurora) levels. The main objective of the Amaryllis project is to evaluate information retrieval systems with French text documents (corpora and questions and answers), and to provide a common methodology for the evaluation of such search tools. The corpora designed for these purposes are avai- lable in the ELDA catalogue, at The main task of the CLEF project consists of providing an infrastructure for the evaluation of information retrieval systems that operate on Euro- pean languages, in multilingual, monolingual, and cross-language contexts. Test-suites of reusable data will also be developed for benchmarking purposes. In the framework of CLEF, ELDA is in charge of conducting the user needs survey, identifying the data and negotiating their distribution rights with the owners, and participating in the production of an exit plan that will set some evaluation procedures and recommendations regarding the evaluation of multilingual and cross-lingual systems. As for the Aurora project, it aims at establishing a worldwide standard for the feature extraction software in a DSR (Distributed Speech Recognition) system (evaluation of algorithms for front-end feature extraction in back- ground noise on one hand; on the other hand, the evaluation and comparison of the performance of speech recognition algorithms' robustness. The databases which have been created in the framework of Aurora are distributed by ELDA. Indeed, several resources developed in the framework of these evaluation projects are already available in our catalogue, which may be consulted at the following address: In the near future, as we are getting more and more involved in the evaluation activity, ELRA & ELDA will add in its catalogue further resources and tools related to evaluation, and a new team, whose task will include the organi- sation of evaluation campaigns and every other aspects of the evaluation activity, will join the agency. Contact: Khalid Choukri Email: choukri at ELRA & ELDA 55-57, rue Brillat Savarin 75013 Paris (France) Tel.: +33 1 43 13 33 33 Fax: +33 1 43 13 33 30 *** About ELRA & ELDA *** The European Language Resources Association (ELRA) is a non-profit making organisation founded by the European Commission in 1995, with the mission of providing a clearing house for language resources and promoting Human Language Technologies (HLT). The Evaluation and Language resources Distribution Agency (ELDA) is ELRA's operational body. ELDA identifies, collects, markets, evaluates and distributes language resources, along with the dissemination of general information in the field of HLT. ELDA has considerable knowledge and skills in HLT applications and has participated in many French, European and international projects, such as Prisme, Amaryllis, C-Oral-Rom, Network-DC, ISLE, Speecon, SpeechDat-Car, LRsP&P, etc. To find out more about ELRA and ELDA, please visit our web site: ************************************************************************************* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffus? par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrain?e par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adh?sion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR Tue Jan 22 13:56:23 2002 From: alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR (Alexis Nasr) Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2002 14:56:23 +0100 Subject: Jobs: ELDA, France : Evaluation project manager Message-ID: ********************************************************** ELDA is pleased to announce that a new position is available in Paris. You will find below a description in English and in French. ********************************************************** English Version: Evaluation project manager (junior or senior) position at ELDA, Paris, France In the framework of its evaluation activities, ELDA is currently looking for an evaluation project manager (junior or senior). Responsibilities: Under the supervision of the CEO, the project manager will be involved in the evaluation of Human Language Technologies at ELDA. He or she will be in particular in charge of the evaluation of information retrieval systems. This yields excellent opportunities for highly creative, and motivated candidates who wish to participate actively in building the European Union HLT field. Profile: - Advanced degree in computer science, computational linguistics, library and information science, knowledge management or similar fields; - Good knowledge of the evaluation programs in Europe and the US; - Good knowledge of the various evaluation protocols (e.g. TREC, MUC, HUB); - Experience in project management; - Ability to work independently and in a team; - Proficiency in both French and English languages. The European Language Resources Association (ELRA) is a non-profit making organisation founded by the European Commission in 1995, with the mission of providing a clearing house for language resources and promoting Human Language Technologies. The Evaluation and Language resources Distribution Agency (ELDA) is ELRA's operational body. ELDA identifies, collects, markets, evaluates and distributes language resources, along with the dissemination of general information in the field of HLT. To find out more about ELRA and ELDA, please visit our web site: The position is based in Paris and is open now. The candidate should have the citizenship (or residency papers) of a European Union country. Salary: commensurate with qualifications and experience. Applicants should E-mail, Fax, or post a cover letter addressing the points listed above, together with a Curriculum Vitae, to: Khalid CHOUKRI ELRA / ELDA 55-57, rue Brillat Savarin 75013 Paris FRANCE Tel : +33 1 43 13 33 33 ; Fax : +33 1 43 13 33 30 E-mail : choukri at Version fran?aise : Poste ? pourvoir: charg? d'?tudes en ?valuation ELDA, Paris, France Dans le cadre de ses activit?s en ?valuation de syst?mes en ing?nierie linguistique, ELDA offre un poste de charg? d'?tudes en ?valuation. Missions : Sous la supervision du directeur g?n?ral, le charg? d'?tudes en ?valuation aura la responsabilit? de la gestion de projets relatifs ? l'?valuation de syst?mes en ing?nierie linguistique, notamment l'?valuation de syst?mes de recherche et d'extraction de l'information. Profil : - Formation de niveau Bac+5 en ing?nierie linguistique, sciences de l'information, ou en gestion ?lectronique de documents; - Bonne connaissance des programmes et des protocoles d'?valuation en Europe et aux Etats Unis (ex. TREC, MUC); - Exp?rience en gestion de projets (capacit? organisationnelle, bonne m?thodologie); - Capacit? ? travailler seul et en ?quipe; - Bilingue anglais/fran?ais. Cr??e en 1995, l'Agence pour l'Evaluation et la Distribution de Ressources Linguistiques (ELDA) est l'organisme op?rationnel d'ELRA (Association Europ?enne de Ressources Linguistiques) et a pour mission la collecte, la commercialisation, la distribution et l'?valuation de ressources linguistiques, ainsi que la diffusion de renseignements d'ordre g?n?ral li?s au domaine de l'ing?nierie linguistique. Pour en savoir plus sur ELDA, visitez Ce poste est ? pourvoir imm?diatement et est bas? ? Paris. Le candidat doit appartenir ? un des pays membre de l'Union europ?enne ou y ?tre r?sident. R?mun?ration selon qualifications et exp?riences. Les candidatures doivent ?tre adress?es ? : Khalid CHOUKRI ELRA / ELDA 55-57, rue Brillat Savarin 75013 Paris FRANCE Tel : +33 1 43 13 33 33 ; Fax : +33 1 43 13 33 30 M?l : choukri at ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffus? par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrain?e par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adh?sion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR Tue Jan 22 14:00:08 2002 From: alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR (Alexis Nasr) Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2002 15:00:08 +0100 Subject: Appel: ACL 2002 : Workshop on Word Sense Disambiguation Message-ID: CALL FOR PAPERS Word Sense Disambiguation: Recent Successes and Future Directions SPECIAL SESSION ON PREPOSITION SEMANTICS Prepositions have an extremely complex behavior: most are highly polysemous, subject to numerous metaphorical transpositions, and enter into a number of idiomatic or semi-idiomatic constructs. Semantically, prepositions have a meaning which is in general abstract and largely underspecified. Perhaps more than for any other syntactic category, the exact meaning of a preposition is determined in context. Within the WSD framework, we welcome papers that investigate polysemy, metaphorical and metonymic uses of prepositions. Preposition classification methods and semantic representation formalisms are also of much interest. This special session is organized by Patrick Saint-Dizier and submissions should be emailed directly to him (stdizier at using the guidelines below. *** Papers should be submitted by 14 March. *** For the session on prepositions Patrick Saint-Dizier (France, chair) Bonnie Dorr (USA) Roger Evans (UK) Paola Merlo (Switzerland) Keith Miller (USA) Vasile Rus (USA) Gloria Vazquez (Spain) ------- FROM: An ACL-SIGLEX/SENSEVAL workshop at ACL 2002 University of Pennsylvania July 11, 2002 Workshop: ACL: DESCRIPTION The main purpose of this workshop is to analyse and discuss the results of SENSEVAL-2. The second purpose is to start planning SENSEVAL-3, the next evaluation exercise for word sense disambiguation systems. This workshop is a followup to the SENSEVAL-2 workshop held 5-6 July 2001 in conjunction with ACL-01. At SENSEVAL-2, we unveiled the results of over 90 systems submitted by 35 teams to tasks in 10 different languages. At the time, it wasn't possible to do any in-depth analysis, so it was agreed to organize a followup workshop in 2002 after sufficient analysis could be done. The format will be a mixture of refereed papers and panel sessions. We now invite original submissions on any of the following topics: - Analysis of results of Senseval-2 - Comparisons of results across different systems, techniques, and languages - Comparisons between SENSEVAL-1 and SENSEVAL-2 - What makes some words easier to disambiguate than others - The efficacy of different corpora and sense inventories for WSD - Evaluation techniques and methodology, especially domain-, task-, and application-specific evaluation - Variation in the required sense inventories for different applications The workshop will culminate in a session to continue planning Senseval-3. A central question is: Can we, and should we, move towards a more-real application scenario? SPECIAL SESSION ON PREPOSITION SEMANTICS Prepositions have an extremely complex behavior: most are highly polysemous, subject to numerous metaphorical transpositions, and enter into a number of idiomatic or semi-idiomatic constructs. Semantically, prepositions have a meaning which is in general abstract and largely underspecified. Perhaps more than for any other syntactic category, the exact meaning of a preposition is determined in context. Within the WSD framework, we welcome papers that investigate polysemy, metaphorical and metonymic uses of prepositions. Preposition classification methods and semantic representation formalisms are also of much interest. This special session is organized by Patrick Saint-Dizier and submissions should be emailed directly to him (stdizier at using the guidelines below. *** Papers should be submitted by 14 March. *** SUBMISSIONS Submissions should use the standard ACL style files (available at Papers should not exceed eight (8) pages, including references. Please email your submissions to Rada Mihalcea (rada at with the subject "SENSEVAL SUBMISSION". Submissions to the special session on prepositions should be emailed to Patrick Saint-Dizier (stdizier at IMPORTANT DATES Mar 17 Submissions due Apr 25 Notification of acceptance May 18 Camera-ready due Jul 11 Workshop ORGANIZATION COMMITTEE Phil Edmonds (chair) Sharp Laboratories of Europe Dimitrios Kokkinakis G\"{o}teborg University Sadao Kurohashi The University of Kyoto Bernardo Magnini IRST, Italy Diana McCarthy University of Sussex Rada Mihalcea Southern Methodist University Hwee Tou Ng DSO National Laboratories Ted Pedersen University of Minnesota, Duluthx Judita Preiss University of Cambridge German Rigau Claramunt Universitat Polit\`{e}cnica de Catalunya For the session on prepositions Patrick Saint-Dizier (France, chair) Bonnie Dorr (USA) Roger Evans (UK) Paola Merlo (Switzerland) Keith Miller (USA) Vasile Rus (USA) Gloria Vazquez (Spain) BACKGROUND The purpose of SENSEVAL is to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of WSD programs with respect to different words, different varieties of language, and different languages. SENSEVAL is managed by the SENSEVAL committee which reports to ACL-SIGLEX. The first SENSEVAL took place in the summer of 1998 for English, French, and Italian, culminating in a workshop held at Herstmonceux Castle, Sussex, England on September 2-4. The second evaluation exercise occurred in 2001, culminating in SENSEVAL-2: The Second International Workshop on Evaluating Word Sense Disambiguation Systems. Systems were evaluated on "translation", "all-words"," and "lexical-sample" tasks in Dutch, Czech, Basque, Estonian, Italian, Korean, Spanish, Swedish, Japanese, and English. Over 90 systems were scored. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffus? par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrain?e par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adh?sion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR Thu Jan 24 17:12:42 2002 From: alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR (Alexis Nasr) Date: Thu, 24 Jan 2002 18:12:42 +0100 Subject: Appel: Acquiring, Structuring and Evaluating Terminologies (TermAcq 2002) Message-ID: ====================================================== Call for Papers Acquiring, Structuring and Evaluating Terminologies (TermAcq 2002) 28th May 2002 Workshop held in conjunction with the LREC 2002 conference Las Palmas, Canary Islands - Spain ====================================================== Workshop motivation and aims -------------------- Among other Language Resources, terminologies play a major role since large ranges of industrial applications in an IST context require them. Until recently, the priority was to make terminological data describing the main scientific and technological fields available in sufficient quantities in machine-readable form. Hence, the quantitative criterion used to prevail over the quality issues. Understandably, Human Language Technologies had to experience the complexity of collecting and building monolingual and multilingual LR before shifting from that earlier priority. On the other hand, HLT had to build NLP tools mature enough to be worth integrating in language and knowledge engineering methods. Research in computational terminology, first focused on term identification and extraction, is now also concerned with structuring the lists of terms into terminological networks. Experience in building LR and the availability of terminological tools makes it possible to reconsider the whole process of LR building. These tools have become mature enough to be worth integrating in language and knowledge engineering methods. Available results now call for discussion with respect to the question of evaluating resources and for comparison with results obtained with different approaches. This half-day session aims at drawing an overall picture of the results and remaining issues dealing with the whole process of terminology acquisition and its evaluation. Discussions will be favored among the participants. This workshop will provide an opportunity to meet and discuss with various other "players" in the field. Topics of interest ----------- Technical and theoretical issues to be discussed at the workshop include, but are not limited to: * Methods and tools designed to assist terminological work; * Terminology structuring; * Monolingual vs. multilingual terminology; * Corpus-driven multilingual terminology; * Methodological aspects of evaluation in computational terminology; * Evaluation of terminological tools results; * Evaluation of terminological tools as part of a co-operative process; Important dates ---------- Deadline for workshop abstract submission 15th of February 2002 Notification of acceptance 8th of March 2002 Final version of paper for workshop proceedings 5th of April 2002 Workshop 28th of May 2002 Submissions -------- Papers should be research or position papers connected to the topics of the workshop. Accepted submissions will give rise to oral presentation at the workshop. So as to favor the discussion, each speaker will be asked to answer a set of a few but challenging questions. Each submission should show: title; author(s); affiliation(s); and contact author's e-mail address, postal address, telephone and fax numbers. Abstracts (maximum 1,000 words, plain-text format) should be sent to: Name: Adeline Nazarenko Email: nazarenko at Those who wish to attend without offering a paper are asked to briefly motivate their interest and may send a brief position paper to contribute to the discussions. These contributions will be appended to the workshop proceedings. The final version of the accepted papers should not be longer than 4,000 words or 10 A4 pages. Instructions for formatting and presentation of the final version will be sent to authors upon notification of acceptance. Organising committee -------------- Tony Bryant University of Leeds, United Kingdom A.Bryant at Adeline Nazarenko LIPN, Universit? de Paris-Nord & CNRS, France nazarenko at Monique Slodzian CRIM, INaLCO, France Monique.Slodzian at Program committee ------------- Roberto Basili (Univ. Roma, Tor Vergata, Italy) Olivier Bodenreider (National Library of Medicine, Bethesda, MAryland, USA) Didier Bourigault (ERSS, CNRS, France) Tony Bryant (Univ. of Leeds, United Kingdom Theresa Cabr? (IULA-UPF, Barcelona, Spain) Farid Cerbah (Dassault, France) B?atrice Daille (IRIN, Univ. Nantes, France) Anne Condamines (ERSS, CNRS, France) Natalia Grabar (AP-HP & INaLCO, France) Thierry Hamon (LIPN, Univ. Paris-Nord, France) John Humbley (Univ. Paris 7, France) Kyo Kageura (NII, Japan) Marie-Claude L'Homme (Univ. Montr?al, Canada) Adeline Nazarenko (LIPN, Univ. Paris-Nord, France) Jennifer Pearson (UNESCO, Paris, France) Monique Slodzian (CRIM, INALCO, Paris) Pierre Zweigenbaum (AP-HP, Univ. Paris 6, France) Workshop registration -------------- The registration fee for the workshop is: If you are not attending LREC: 70 EURO If you are attending LREC: 45 EURO The fees cover the following services: a copy of the proceedings of the attended workshop, coffee-breaks and refreshments. -- Adeline NAZARENKO Tel. 33 - 01 49 40 40 89 LIPN - CNRS UMR 7030 Fax. 33 - 01 48 26 07 12 Universite de Paris-Nord Email nazarenko at 93430 Villetaneuse France ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffus? par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrain?e par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adh?sion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR Thu Jan 24 17:12:48 2002 From: alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR (Alexis Nasr) Date: Thu, 24 Jan 2002 18:12:48 +0100 Subject: ATALA: voeux Message-ID: Chers amis, En ce d?but d'ann?e, je vous adresse tous mes voeux au nom de l'ATALA, et je voudrais profiter de l'occasion pour vous donner, comme je le fais de temps ? autre, quelques informations sur la vie de l'association. L'ann?e 2001 a ?t? un excellent mill?sime, qui a atteint son point culminant avec la conf?rence TALN, organis?e par Denis Maurel et son ?quipe ? Tours. Je ne parle pas seulement de la visite du ch?teau de Chenonceau, celle des caves de Vouvray, ni du banquet avec m?nestrels au ch?teau de Nitray, qui ont laiss? dans l'esprit des participants des souvenirs m?morables... Le programme scientifique ?tait d'une tr?s haute tenue, avec 30 communications orales, 14 affiches et d?monstrations, 2 conf?rences associ?es et 4 tutoriels. Comme c'est d?sormais l'habitude, la conf?rence des jeunes chercheurs, RECITAL (organis?e par Nathalie Friburger et B?atrice Bouchou), ?tait int?gr?e ? TALN, avec une place non n?gligeable puisque des s?ances pl?ni?res ont ?t? syst?matiquement r?serv?es ? nos jeunes coll?gues. Au total, TALN a r?ussit un tour de force avec quelque 130 participants r?unis ? Tours (dont 15% de non-fran?ais), dans des conditions de concurrence difficile, puisque TALN se tenait ? quelques jours de EACL ? Toulouse. Cette participation massive marque l'attachement des adh?rents et de l'ensemble de la communaut? TAL ? cette conf?rence (principalement) francophone. Plusieurs nouveaut?s ont ?galement vu le jour au cours de l'ann?e 2001. Tout d'abord, gr?ce aux efforts de Laurent Roussarie, le site Web cr?? et maintenu par Pierre Zweigenbaum ( s'est agrandi d'une rubrique d'une tr?s grande utilit? pour la communaut?, celle du recensement des conf?rences ? venir, avec toutes les dates (appels ? communication, etc.). Par ailleurs, l'ATALA a mis en place l'action REPTIL de "R?flexion sur l'Enseignement et la P?dagogie des Techniques d'Informatique Linguistique", qui a pour but de regrouper tous les coll?gues concern?s par l'enseignement du TAL et de l'informatique linguistique. Cette action, coordonn?e par Nathalie Gasiglia et moi-m?me semble recueillir un vif succ?s et semble correspondre ? un r?el besoin de communication et de coordination autour de ce th?me. Un site Web a ?t? mis en place, qui contient toutes les informations sur REPTIL (objectifs, inventaire des formations, liste de discussion, etc.) : Un petit point noir appelle pourtant quelques excuses de notre part. Nous n'avons pas r?ussi ? r?sorber le retard pris par la publication de la revue T.A.L. ? l'occasion du passage chez son nouvel ?diteur, Herm?s et du changement de r?dacteurs en chef (qui sont maintenant Christophe d'Alessandro, Claire Gardent et Bernard Victorri). La qualit? superbe du volume 41 (correspondant ? l'ann?e 2000) vous a tous laiss?s sur votre faim, et vous avez ?t? nombreux ? vous inqui?ter de ne pas recevoir les trois num?ros du volume 42 malgr? le paiement de votre cotisation. Il y a tout de m?me de bonnes nouvelles. Le num?ro 42:1 est sorti, et vous devriez le recevoir dans les prochains jours. Le num?ro 42:2 est chez l'imprimeur, et devrait suivre dans peu de temps. Quant au 42:3, tous les papiers ont ?t? s?lectionn?s et tout sera fait pour qu'il paraisse dans les meilleurs d?lais. Au total, les adh?rents ? jour de leur cotisation 2001 recevront donc les trois num?ros suivants: * Vol. 42:1 Synth?se de la parole (dir. Christophe D'Alessandro et ?velyne Tzoukermann) * Vol. 42:2 Traitement automatique des langues et linguistique de corpus (dir. B?atrice Daille et Laurent Romary) * Vol. 42:3 Lexiques s?mantiques dans les applications du T.A.L. (dir. Pierrette Bouillon et Evelyne Viegas) Pour nous faire pardonner, le num?ro 41:1 sera accompagn? (sans surco?t pour les adh?rents) d'un CD contenant des exemples d'? peu pr?s tous les syst?mes de synth?se ? partir du texte en fran?ais depuis 1968, ainsi que les exemples sonores illustrant les articles du volume, soit une heure de parole de synth?se en tout. Un ?v?nement ? ne pas manquer (et qui sera beaucoup plus cher plus tard en librairie). J'en profite pour signaler que si vous ?tes int?ress?s par ces num?ros mais n'avez pas adh?r? en 2001, il n'est pas trop tard pour r?gler votre cotisation, et vous recevrez alors automatiquement ces trois num?ros au fur et ? mesure de leur parution pour la modique somme de 300F (et 200F pour les ?tudiants, je vous laisse convertir en Euros). Toutes les informations pour l'adh?sion sont sur le site Web de l'ATALA ( Par ailleurs, un plan d'action a ?t? mis en place pour revenir progressivement au calendrier normal, et les appels ? contribution pour le volume 43 de 2002 ont d?j? ?t? lanc?s (les papiers ont d?j? ?t? re?us pour le premier): * Vol. 43:1 Structuration de terminologie : Objectifs, pratiques, m?thodes et ?valuation (dir. Thierry Hamon et Adeline Nazarenko) * Vol. 43:2 DIALOGUE : Aspects linguistiques du traitement automatique du dialogue (dir. Claire Gardent et Jean-Marie Pierrel) * Vol. 43:3 Probl?mes ?pist?mologiques du TAL (dir. Marcel Cori, Sophie David et Jacqueline L?on) Nous n'arriverons peut-?tre pas ? rattraper tout le retard en 2002, mais nous esp?rons que la situation reviendra ? la normale en 2003. Merci de votre patience et de votre confiance, et un grand merci aux trois r?dacteurs en chef et au comit? de r?daction de la revue pour leurs efforts incessants. L'ann?e 2002 s'annonce aussi remarquable du point de vue scientifique que l'ann?e 2001, les th?mes du num?ro 43 de T.A.L. sont l? pour en t?moigner. Quant ? la conf?rence TALN, Jean-Marie Pierrel et son ?quipe nous promettent un ?v?nement grandiose, puisque pour la premi?re fois, TALN sera coupl?e aux Journ?es d'Etudes sur la Parole (JEP), conf?rence qui repr?sente un autre versant tr?s important des ?tudes sur le langage et les technologies associ?es, et qui en sera ? sa XXIV?me ?dition. Nul doute que la conjonction des deux ?v?nements ne soit la source de nombreuses rencontres et d'un dialogue plus que stimulant entre les deux communaut?s. Information : Moins visibles, peut ?tre, mais tout aussi importantes pour la vie scientifique de l'association, les Journ?es d'Etudes, coordonn?es par Adeline Nazarenko, ont un succ?s constant, et le programme de cette ann?e (en ligne sur le site Web de l'ATALA) est plus que prometteur. Ces journ?es montrent la diversit? et la richesse des th?mes abord?s par les adh?rents de l'ATALA, et sont un "laboratoire" d'id?es d'o? ?mergent souvent des num?ros de la revue T.A.L. ou des colloques. Il est tr?s r?confortant de voir que de plus en plus de jeunes (et notamment des ?tudiants de DEA et DESS) y assistent. Une journ?e particuli?re sera cette ann?e organis?e conjointement avec l'Association des Professionnels des Industries de la Langue nouvellement cr??e (APIL), sur le th?me des M?tiers des Industries de la Langue (METIL). Cette journ?e, organis?e par Nathalie Gasiglia, Alain Couillault et Lionel Stouder, vise ? faire rencontrer ?tudiants, chercheurs, formateurs, professionnels des entreprises. Elle inaugure de nouvelles et fructueuses collaborations et une ouverture encore plus marqu?e de l'ATALA vers le milieu professionnel. Information : Enfin, je ne voudrais pas terminer ce message sans un mot de chaleureux remerciements pour les deux infatigables mod?rateurs des listes de l'association, respectivement Alexis Nasr (LN) et Thierry Hamon (LN-FR). Je connais pour l'avoir moi-m?me v?cue, la quantit? d'efforts que demande la gestion de ces listes, qui sont devenues des outils d?sormais indispensables ? la diffusion des informations dans notre domaine. Tout ceci ne peut se faire que gr?ce ? vous. Si vous ?tes d?j? membre de l'ATALA, pensez ? renouveler au plus vite votre adh?sion (les adh?sions tardives cr?ent beaucoup de difficult?s de gestion). Si vous ne l'?tes pas encore, je ne puis que vous inciter ? nous rejoindre et ? participer ? cette aventure lanc?e en 1959 par Emile Delavenay, et qui, ? l'?ge de quatre-vingt-dix-sept ans suit toujours nos activit?s depuis son village de Vence, et pour qui j'ai une pens?e ?mue : Merci ? tous. Jean V?ronis, Pr?sident de l'ATALA Site Atala: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffus? par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrain?e par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adh?sion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR Thu Jan 24 17:12:52 2002 From: alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR (Alexis Nasr) Date: Thu, 24 Jan 2002 18:12:52 +0100 Subject: Soft: European Academic Software Awards Message-ID: Bonjour ? tous, Je vous transmets l'information suivante concernant le concours pour les logiciels de l'enseignement sup?rieur et de la recherche. L'annonce suivante, en anglais, se trouve ? l'URL : Vous avez jusqu'au 26 f?vrier pour soumettre vos propositions pour le concours, dont la finale se d?roulera en Su?de en novembre prochain. Si vous avez des questions, me contacter : mailto:rachel.panckhurst at Cordialement Rachel Panckhurst. ****************** The European Academic Software Awards, EASA, is a biennial competition for developers of academic software within higher education and research in Europe. It is organised by the European Knowledge Media Association, EKMA. The submission form will be closed by midnight February 26 Are you a software developer? Working on software for higher education and research? Then we would encourage you to submit your work and compete for the title of the Best European Academic Software of 2002! ******************* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffus? par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrain?e par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adh?sion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR Thu Jan 24 17:12:56 2002 From: alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR (Alexis Nasr) Date: Thu, 24 Jan 2002 18:12:56 +0100 Subject: Appel: Rencontres Jeunes Chercheurs Message-ID: APPEL A COMMUNICATION Rencontres Jeunes Chercheurs Applications et Implications en Sciences du Langage Paris, 16 mars 2002 Cette journ?e, organis?e en collaboration avec l'ALES, s'adresse aux jeunes chercheurs (jeunes docteurs, doctorants, professionnels) s'int?ressant aux applications des sciences du langage et aux implications et retomb?es de leurs recherches, dans des domaines comme : analyse de discours, s?miologie, terminologie, acquisition des langues premi?res et secondes, sociolinguistique, pragmatique, didactique, phon?tique et synth?se de la parole, linguistique de corpus, industries de la langue, traitement automatique du langage L'objectif de cette journ?e est : - de permettre une large pr?sentation des recherches de chacun - de discuter de ces recherches en r?fl?chissant ensemble ? la question de l'implication des sciences du langage - de t?moigner de l'?mergence des 'm?tiers' de la linguistique - de consolider les liens entre universitaires, professionnels et institutionnels Les propositions de communication (orale ou affich?e) d'une page environ, sont ? envoyer avant le 1er mars 2002, ? l'adresse suivante : implik at Pour tout renseignement sur l'organisation de la journ?e, contacter : emmanuellecanut at Pour des questions sp?cifiques aux domaines suivants, vous pouvez contacter : Analyse de discours et s?miologie : Nathalie Garric garric at Alesandro Chaves CHAVES896 at Terminologie : Susanne LERVAD lervad at Dardo de Vecchi devecchi at Isabelle Desmet isabel_desmet at Acquisition et didactique : Emmanuelle Canut e.canut at Marie Leroy marie.e.leroy at Claire Saillard saillard at Sociolinguistique et Pragmatique : Johanna godon jbfgodon at Isabelle L?glise leglise at Jean-Louis Legalery Jean-Louis.Legalery at Phon?tique et synth?se de la parole : Nicolas Ballier nicolas.ballier at Linguistique de corpus, industries de la langue, TAL : Thomas Lebarb? tlebarbe at Geoffrey Williams geoffrey.williams at ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffus? par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrain?e par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adh?sion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR Tue Jan 29 15:16:57 2002 From: alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR (Alexis Nasr) Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2002 16:16:57 +0100 Subject: LN : information importante Message-ID: Bonjour, L'ancienne adresse de la liste LN (ln at n'est plus valide, pour vos demandes de diffusion pensez ? utiliser la nouvelle adresse : ln at Pour plus d'informations sur le fonctionnement de la liste LN, vous pouvez consulter la page suivante : Alexis Nasr ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffus? par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrain?e par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adh?sion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR Tue Jan 29 15:17:07 2002 From: alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR (Alexis Nasr) Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2002 16:17:07 +0100 Subject: Appel: ECAI2002 workshop : ML and NLP for Ontology Engineering Message-ID: Workshop held in conjunction with the ECAI 2002 conference ======================================= Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing for Ontology Engineering ======================================= CALL FOR PAPERS _______________________________________ Lyon (France), July 22-23 2002 _______________________________________ Workshop chairs Nathalie AUSSENAC-GILLES (IRIT, Toulouse, F) Alexander MAEDCHE (FZI, Univ. of Karlsruhe, G) SCHEDULE o Deadline for paper submissions March 15th 2002 o Notification of acceptance April 26th 2002 o Deadline for motivation abstracts May 24th 2002 o Camera ready papers May 24th 2002 o Workshop et ECAI2002 July 22nd-23rd 2002 SCOPE Ontologies serve as a means to establish a conceptually concise basis for communicating knowledge for many purposes. Recent years have seen a surge of interest in the discovery, automatic or semi-automatic creation of complex, multirelational knowledge structures. For example, the natural language community tries to acquire word semantics from texts, database researchers tackle the problem of schema induction, and numerous intelligent information agents are built by learning complex structures from semi-structured input (HTML, XML files). This interest converges with the recent proposals from various communities to build a Semantic Web. One popular solution relies on ontologies and annotations of Web resources w.r.t. these ontologies. The size of the Web implies being able to automate some parts of the process and to scale it up. Therefore NLP (Natural Language Processing) tools as well as learning techniques seem to be very promising. Engineering ontologies may be considered as a process that, starting from (possibly evolutive) knowledge sources, produces a structured conceptual model. Among all knowledge sources, special interest will be paid to texts (technical documentation, interview transcripts, handbooks, documents gathered from the Web and so on), semi-structured data and existing knowledge bases. Among all possible techniques, NLP tools, linguistic approaches, machine learning algorithms and any combination of these are encouraged. As a matter of fact, efforts in the machine learning community pursue the induction of more concise and more expressive knowledge structures (e.g. relational learning). Moreover, results (principles, methods and techniques) in machine learning, NLP, linguistics are mature enough to be worth integrating into knowledge engineering methods. It is time to evaluate how their combination could improve the efficiency of building ontologies as well as their quality and their relevance. Engineering such knowledge structures raises some theoretical issues that are little studied. The originality of this workshop is to call for several disciplines such as linguistics, terminology, natural language processing, knowledge representation and machine learning to go deeply into these issues and related epistemological foundations. It will give these communities a unique opportunity to confront their views and results. To this end, the workshop will focus not only on practical and technical problems but also on a theoretical reflection about building, maintaining and reusing terminological resources and ontologies. We would also like to debate the nature of ontologies, their genericity according to applications and sources. Cross-disciplinary contributions, in particular those involving linguistics, are strongly encouraged. Technical and theoretical issues to be discussed at the workshop include, but are not limited to: ? Status of texts as knowledge sources, connections between ontologies and texts ? Linguistic and terminological resources as knowledge sources ? Learning from machine-readable dictionaries ? Extending existing ontologies (Wordnet) ? Text Mining for building ontologies ? Linguistics (techniques and principles) to build ontologies ? Natural Language Processing (NLP) tools for building and maintaining ontologies ? Ontologies for Text and Document Processing ? Learning selectional restrictions ? Multi-relational learning, Inductive Logic Programming ? Instance mining ? Learning ontologies with inferences (e.g. using description logics) ? Cooperative learning of ontologies ? Ontologies and NLP tools for the semantic web ? Learning ontologies from the Web (from DTDs, XML files, RDF files) SUBMISSION FORMAT OF PAPERS Papers should be no longer than 5000 words. They can either report research work, practical experiments whether completed or in progress. Papers discussing more theoretical questions are also welcome. Each paper will be reviewed by two persons from the program committee having in mind the willingness to promote discussions and debates rather than selection. Papers will be published in paperback proceedings distributed to the workshop participants and available on-line after June 10th, 2002. Please use the same format as the one suggested for the conference. Send papers by email (html, ps or pdf files) to mailto:OLT2002 at before March 15th. PARTICIPATION CONDITIONS Beside the papers' authors, anyone wishing to take part in this workshop should send a one page abstract about his/her motivations to attend the workshop and/or his/her recent work related to the workshop topic. This page should also contain one question-issue to be debated during the workshop. Motivation abstracts will be reviewed. Send your text to mailto:OLT2002 at before May 24th. All workshop participants are required to register for the ECAI 2002 main conference. WORKSHOP TIME-TABLE In order to make exchanges easier during the workshop, each paper will be assigned a discutant selected among the authors of the other papers. Discutants will contribute to paper presentations and discussions. Paper presentations will be organized into thematic sessions. A large amount of time will be dedicated to debates at the end of each session or during specific sessions according to the questions suggested by the participants (see participation conditions). ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Brigitte BIEBOW (LIPN, Paris, F) Anne CONDAMINES (ERSS, Toulouse, F) Rose DIENG-KUNTZ (INRIA, Sophia Antipolis, F) Adeline NAZARENKO (LIPN, Paris, F) Claire NEDELLEC (LRI, Paris, F) Stephen STAAB (AIFB, Karslruhe, G) PROGRAM COMMITTEE Roberto BASILI (University Tor Vergata, Roma, I) Teresa CABRE (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, S) Farid CERBAH (Dassault Electronique, Paris, F) Ido DAGAN (Bar Ilan University, Israel) * Dieter FENSEL (Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, NL) Udo HAHN (Freiburg University, D) Ed HOVY (Information Science Institute, USA) Paul JOHANNSON (Univ. of Stockholm, Sw) Yves KODRATOFF (LRI, Paris, F) Stan MATWIN (Univ. of Ottawa, Can) Ulrich REIMER (Zuerich, CH) * Chantal REYNAUD (LRI, Paris, F) Monique SLODZIAN (CRIM-INALCO, Paris, F) Stefan WROBEL (Univ. of Magdeburg, D) Pierre ZWEIGENBAUM (SIM-APHP, Paris, F) (* to be confirmed) - -- Nathalie Aussenac-Gilles IRIT - UMR 5505 du CNRS Tel : +33 5 61 55 82 93 Universite P. Sabatier Fax : +33 5 61 55 62 58 118, route de Narbonne mailto :aussenac at 31062 TOULOUSE Cedex 4 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- End of forwarded message ------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffus? par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrain?e par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adh?sion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR Tue Jan 29 15:17:13 2002 From: alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR (Alexis Nasr) Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2002 16:17:13 +0100 Subject: Projets : RNRT: Lancement de l'appel a projets 2002 Message-ID: -------------------------------------------- Info RNRT: Lancement de l'appel a projets 2002 -------------------------------------------- L'appel a propositions 2002 du RNRT est en ligne a l'adresse : L'appel est ouvert du 23 janvier au 14 mars 2002. Les projets attendus devront s'inscrire autour des cinq orientations illustrant les enjeux majeurs pour la reprise du secteur des telecommunications : - anticiper la diversite des terminaux et objets communicants =B7 rendre sur et facile l'acces pour l'utilisateur nomade - creer des reseaux dynamiques pour gerer la complexite - creer de la valeur par les services - renforcer la securite des systemes de telecommunications Le traitement automatique des langues est concerne par differentes thematiques et clairement identifie dans la liste des themes de recherche (voir annexe 4 de l'appel). ----------------------------------------------------------- Info RNRT Rappel : Lancement de l'appel a propositions 2002 ----------------------------------------------------------- L'appel a propositions 2002 RNTL est en ligne a l'adresse suivante : L'appel est ouvert jusqu'au 11 fevrier 2002. Les projets devront s'inscrire dans les thematiques suivantes : 1.Concevoir des logiciels enfouis, critiques ou temps reel pour les objets et systemes 2.Etendre les systemes d'information collectifs ou individuels via Internet 3.Inventer de nouvelles interfaces personnes - systemes - environnement 4.Elaborer une nouvelle conception pour de nouveaux objets Le traitement automatique des langues (ecrit et oral) est concerne par cet appel, en particulier dans les themes 2 et 3. ******************************************* Stephane CHAUDIRON Charge de mission "Information scientifique et technique - Ingenierie linguistique" tel. : 33 (0)1 55 55 80 37 fax : 33 (0)1 55 55 83 58 Ministere de la Recherche Direction de la technologie Departement "Technologies de l'information et de la communication" 1, rue Descartes - 75231 PARIS cedex 05 ******************************************* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffus? par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrain?e par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adh?sion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From dwpinnaclesoftwarem at PINNACLESOFTWARE.COM Tue Jan 1 03:07:53 2002 From: dwpinnaclesoftwarem at PINNACLESOFTWARE.COM (Kyle Baran) Date: Tue, 1 Jan 2002 00:07:53 -0300 Subject: Buy your medications at the best possible prices. Message-ID: It is also well known fact that it?s better to purchase meds in Canada, as Canadian meds are cheaper than American. ? The difficulty is to find the reliable one. ?CanadianPharmacy? is an experienced, trusted, and fully-licensed Canadian online drugstore. Only ?CanadianPharmacy? offers 100% generic medications and is well-known not only in Canada for high quality products and affordable prices. The aim of this message is to help you to achieve better health. Kyle Baran ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffuse par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrainee par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adhesion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From menorahsautonomously at EUREKABOY.COM Tue Jan 1 02:05:52 2002 From: menorahsautonomously at EUREKABOY.COM (Vince Ganime) Date: Tue, 1 Jan 2002 07:25:52 +0480 Subject: For Ln Message-ID: and Mr decency but him Buy It Now that people?. 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URL: From Elnora at DRAND.ORG Tue Jan 1 09:42:13 2002 From: Elnora at DRAND.ORG (Elnora Gagne) Date: Tue, 1 Jan 2002 01:42:13 -0800 Subject: Great elegant items Message-ID: filler and revealed the presence of heavy metals, somesaid the boy's father, Kent Auberry. These reputable models of watches, bags, pens, and more, will make a perfect gift! You'll be impressed by the quality and beauty of these rep1!c at s! 2998276500539493294suggestions on how to fix the state. "I believe there -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: