Conf: MTT2003 : program
alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR
alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR
Thu Jun 5 12:25:30 UTC 2003
MTT 2003
First International Conference on Meaning-Text Theory
Salle Dussane, Ecole Normale Supérieure, 45 rue d'Ulm
Paris, France
16-18 June 2003
Web site :
Monday, June 16 (Lexicon: Lexical meanings and lexical functions)
8h45 Welcome and opening talk
9h15 Jurij Apresjan (IITP, Russian Academy of Sciences), Invited talk:
Lexical Functions in ETAP-3
10h15 Tilmann Reuther (University of Klagenfurt), Support verb
combinations with existential verbs (German and Russian)
10h40-11h05 Coffee break
11h05 Lynne Murphy (University of Sussex), Linguistic and conceptual
information in MTT: the case against some paradigmatic relations
11h40 Renata Stela Valente (ILTEC, Lisbon), La "Lexicologie
explicative et combinatoire" dans le traitement des unités lexicales
12h15 Mathieu Mangeot (NII, Tokyo) & Kyoko Kuroda (Shimane
College/Centre Tesnière, Besançon), Structures actantielles des verbes
dans le dictionnaire multilingue pivot Papillon
12h40-15h00 Lunch break
15h00 Joel Altman & Alain Polguère (OLST, Université de Montréal), La
BDéf : base de définitions dérivée du Dictionnaire explicatif et
15h35 Leo Wanner (IIS, University of Stuttgart), Definitions of
Lexical Meanings: Some Reflections on Purpose and Structure
16h10 Stéfan Popovic (OLST, Université de Montréal), Métalangage de
vulgarisations de fonctions lexicales : modélisation des liens
16h35-16h55 Coffee break
16h55 Margarita Alonso Ramos (Universidade da Coruna), Éléments du
frame vs. Actants de l'unité lexicale
17h30 Dimitar Vessélinov (University of Sofia), Vers un modèle de Dico
combinatoire et explicatif des verbes français à l'usage des
apprenants bulgarophones
18h05 Igor Bolshakov (Instituto Politecnico Nacional, Mexico), Simile
Cliché Phrasemes in Colloquial Language
18h30 Garden party and banquet
Tuesday, June 17 (Syntax: Valency and Dependency)
9h00 Igor Mel'cuk (Lattice, ENS/OLST, Université de Montréal), Actants
9h45 Igor Boguslavsky (IITP, Russian Academy of Sciences), Adverbials
and Valency
10h10 Jarmila Panevová (Charles University), Some Issues of Syntax and
Semantics of Verbal Modifications
10h35-11h Coffee break
11h Ophélie Tremblay (OLST, Université de Montréal), La lexicologie
explicative et combinatoire, version primaire
11h25 Lidija Iordanskaja (OLST, Université de Montréal),
L'ordonnancement des adjectifs co-dépendants en russe
11h50 Hi-Yon Yoo (ARP, Université Paris 7), De la topologie à la
chaîne parlée : les niveaux de représentation pour une Théorie
12h25-14h30 Lunch break
14h30 Richard Hudson (University College London), Invited talk: The
psychological reality of dependency relations
15h30 Zygmunt Saloni (University of Warsaw), The Problem of the
Syntactic Head in Polish and Russian Constructions with Numerals
16h05-16h25 Coffee break
16h25 Elena Paducheva, Diathesis: some extended applications of the
16h50-17h15 Lennart Lönngren (University of Tromso), Remarks on
Semantic Prepositions and Endings in Russian
Wednesday, June 18 (Formalisation and Processing)
9h00 Aravind Joshi (University of Pennsylvania) & Owen Rambow
(Columbia University, NY), A Formalism for Dependency Grammar Based on
Tree Adjoining Grammar
9h35 Sylvain Kahane (Lattice, Université Paris 10), On the status of
the deep syntactic structure
10h10 Bernd Bohnet (IIS, University of Stutgart), Mapping Phrase
Structures to Dependency Structures in the Case of Free Word Order
10h35-10h50 Coffee break
10h50 Alexis Nasr (Lattice, Université Paris 7), Factoring Surface
Syntactic Structures
11h25 Tomasz Obrebski (Poznan University of Technology),
MTT-compatible computationaly effective surface-syntactic parser
11h50 Leonid Iomdin (IITP, Russian Academy of Sciences), Purpose and
Idea: a Lesson Drawn from Machine Translation
12h15-14h30 Lunch break
14h30 Jurij Apresian, Igor Boguslavsky, Leonid Iomdin, Alexander
Lazursky, Vladimir Sannikov, Victor Sizov, Leonid Tsinman (IITP,
Russian Academy of Sciences), ETAP-3 Linguistic Processor: a
Full-Fledged NLP Implementation of the MTT
15h05 Dieter Wirth (University of Leipzig), Towards a modified design
of Communicative Organization for a MTT (applied to Russian language)
15h30 Alexandre Dikovsky (Université de Nantes), Discourse Plan =>
16h05-16h25 Coffee break
16h25 Laurence Danlos (Lattice, Université Paris 7), Discourse
dependency structures as DAGs
16h50 Pascal Boldini (CAMS-EHESS/Université Paris 4), La forme logique
de la Structure Sémantique dans la théorie Sens-Texte
17h25 End of the conference
Questions on conference arrangements: mtt2003 at
Web site :
Sylvain Kahane & Alexis Nasr
Lattice, ENS & Université Paris 7
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