Appel: Workshop PAPILLON-2003 on Multilingual Lexical Databases

alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR
Sat Mar 15 10:26:13 UTC 2003

       *                                                           *
       *  Workshop PAPILLON-2003 on Multilingual Lexical Databases *
       *                                                           *
       *             Last announcement (March 2003)                *
       *                                                           *

       Detailled announcement at

       Venue:                 Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan
       Dates:                 3-5 July 2003
       Language:              English

       Submission deadline:  31 March 2003
       Notice of acceptance: 19 May 2003
       Final version due:     9 June 2003

Multilingual lexical databases are databases for  structured
lexical  data  which  can  be  used either by humans e.g. to
define  their  own  dictionaries  or  by  natural   language
processing (NLP) applications.

The 2003 Papillon  workshop,  the  fourth  in  a  series  of
workshops organized every year by the Papillon members, will
aim at identifying problems relevant  to  the  multilingual-
lexical-database  community.   The  workshop aims to promote
exchanges between practitioners from several fields  and  is
thus  open  to  anybody  working  in  a domain pertaining to
lexical databases such as:  databases, man-machine interface
for  dictionaries,  data annotation, XML, standardization of
dictionaries or  lexical  data;  lexicography,  translation,
computational linguistics, etc.

Contributions are welcome on the following items:

databases,  lexical  data,  human  use  and   NLP   use   of
multilingual lexical databases

Contributions  are  encouraged  which  focus  more  on   the
Papillon project:

Meaning-text  theory   and   lexicography,   proposals   for
collaboration  with  the  Papillon project, summary/state of
collaboration to the Papillon project.

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