Jobs: Arizona State University : Information Technology/Information Literacy
alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR
alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR
Fri Nov 7 16:00:01 UTC 2003
University or Organization: Arizona State University
Department: English
Rank of Job: Assistant Professor
Specialty Areas: Information Technology/Information Literacy
Required Language(s): English (Code = ENG)
Assistant Professor. Tenure track. Primary Specialization in
Information Technology and Information Literacy. Initial teaching load
is 2/2 for tenure track faculty with a significant research agenda,
with opportunities to teach and mentor at both the undergraduate and
graduate levels. Opportunities for reduced teaching loads will be
based on strong enrollment in IT workshops. Duties include: teaching
courses that integrate technology and information literacy skills in
an English related field; assisting English Department faculty and
graduate students in designing and implementing technological
components in linguistics, rhetoric, writing, literature, TESL, and
culture courses; making connections in research between information
literacy and broader cultural concepts; being able to communicate
across different disciplines. In addition to disciplinary expertise,
employ expertise in information literacy and information technology.
Contribute to the implementation of college-wide curricular
initiatives dedicated to achieving information technology and
information literacy for all undergraduate college students. Faculty
recruited for this initiative will help provide leadership for the
English Department to restructure degree programs and existing courses
as well as to develop new courses to achieve the goals and
competencies of this initiative. The English Department at ASU
consists of 57 tenure track faculty, 13 lecturers, 16 instructors, 50
faculty associates, 296 graduate students, and 585 undergraduate
Required qualifications: Ph.D in English or related field. Strong
background in the humanities or social sciences with demonstrated
experience in designing and implementing technological components in
English related classes. Evidence of a strong research commitment
integrating information literacy and technology with broader humanites
Desired: Two or more of: (a) web resource development, (b) data base
design and administration, (c) corpus linguistics' work, (d) textual
data mining.
Application deadline: 26 Nov 2003, and each month thereafter until the
position is filled. Send a letter of application stating
qualifications, experience, and research plans and teaching interests;
a complete curriculum vita, graduate school transcripts, 3 letters of
reference, and samples of research and writing (3 selected scholarly
papers, book chapters, or web pages). Send to: Chair, Information
Technology/Information Literacy Search Committee, Department of
English, Arizona State University, P.O. Box 870302, Tempe, AZ
Address for Applications:
Attn: Chair IT/IL Search Committee
Department of English
Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ 85287-0302
United States of America
Position is open until filled
Contact Information:
Chair, IT/IL Search Committee
Email: Kay.Dingman at
Tel: 480.965.3535
Fax: 480.965.3145
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