Appel: Coling 2004 Call for Tutorial Proposals

alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR
Fri Oct 3 14:45:56 UTC 2003

                Coling 2004 Call for Tutorial Proposals
                 Geneva, Switzerland, 22 August, 2004

The Coling 2004 Tutorial Organising Committee invites proposals for
the Tutorial Programme for Coling 2004.  The tutorials will be held 22
August, 2004, immediately preceding the main conference 23-27 August,

Each tutorial should be well-focused so that its core content can be
covered in a three hour tutorial slot (including a 30 minute break).
We expect that there will be space and time for at most four


Proposals for tutorials should contain:

* A title and brief content description of the tutorial topic (no more
than one page)

* The names, postal addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses of
the tutorial speakers, with a one-paragraph statement of the
speaker's(s') research interests and areas of expertise.  In case of
multiple speakers, please identify proposal contact

* Pre-requisites expected from participants

* Any special requirements for technical needs (beamer, computer
infrastructure, etc.)

Proposals should be submitted by electronic mail, in plain ASCII text
or PDF as soon as possible, but no later than 15 December 2003 to
coling2004-tutorials at  The subject line should be:

Notification of acceptance will be sent to proposers by 16 January,


Accepted tutorial speakers must provide final descriptions of their
tutorials for inclusion in the Conference Registration material by 21
May, 2004.  The description must be provided in three formats: a latex
version that fits onto 1/2 page using a latex template to be provided;
an ASCII version that can be included with the email announcement; an
HTML version (without applets, etc.) that can be included on the
Conference home page.

Tutorial speakers must provide tutorial materials, containing at least
copies of the slides used in the presentation as well as a
bibliography for the material covered, by 4 June, 2004.

Finances: the reimbursement for tutorial speakers has yet to be
finalised.  The reimbursement will consist of a flat amount per
tutorial, plus a proportion of the registration fees for each
registrant in excess of 20 registrants.  Note that this reimbursement
will be per tutorial, not per presenter: multiple presenters will
split the proceeds, the default assumption being an even split.  In
addition, registration fees for the main conference will be waived for
one speaker per tutorial.  No further expenses will be reimbursed.
Note that timely availability of tutorial materials is a precondition
for reimbursement.


James Henderson                Paola Merlo
Université de Genève           Université de Genève
Dépt. d'Informatique           Dépt. de Linguistique
24, rue Général Dufour         2, rue de Candolle
CH-1211 Genève 4               CH-1211 Genève 4
Switzerland                    Switzerland

coling2004-tutorials at


* Submission deadline for proposal:     15 December, 2003
* Notification of acceptance:           16 January,  2004
* Tutorial descriptions due:            21 May,      2004
* Tutorial course material due:          4 June,     2004
* Tutorials date:                       22 August,   2004
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