Conf: SIGdial '04

alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR
Wed Apr 14 15:29:02 UTC 2004

                         SIGdial '04 News

	    5th SIGdial Workshop on Discourse and Dialogue

                 Cambridge/MA, April 30 and May 1, 2004

                   (immediately preceding HLT-NAACL)


The following demos have been accepted in addition to the program
published earlier:

A dialogue system for language learning
   Chao Wang, Stephanie Seneff (MIT Computer Science and Artificial
   Intelligence Laboratory)

A Flexible Mixed-Initiative Speech Interface for Restaurant Information
   Stephanie Seneff, Grace Chung, Chao Wang (MIT Computer Science and
   Artificial Intelligence Laboratory)

PALSUMM LiveTree Discourse Processing Environment
   Gian Lorenzo Thione, Martin van den Berg, Chris Culy, Livia Polanyi
   (FX Palo Alto Laboratory)

Find a restaurant with the 3D embodied conversational agent Nestor
   Celine Ance, Bretier, Breton, Damnati, Moudenc, Le Pape, Panaget,
   Pele, Sadek (France Telecom R&D)

Dialog Management for Conversational Applications
   Vidhya Ramanujam, Greg Purdy, Carl Osipov, Rajesh Balchandran, Linda
   Boyer (IBM)

Discourse and Dialog in the START Question Answering System
   Boris Katz, Sue Felshin (MIT Computer Science and Artificial
   Intelligence Laboratory)

Hosting Conversations with a Robot
   Candace Sidner, Chris Lee, Neal Lesh (Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs)

Descriptions of those demos are available on the SIGdial '04 homepage
( Follow the link to



The program for the SIGdial '04 workshop is available on the SIGdial '04
homepage ( Follow the link to



Online registration for SIGdial '04 is available on the HLT/NAACL
website ( Early
registration deadline ends on April 9, 2004.



Directions to the workshop site (the MIT faculty club) are available
on the SIGdial '04 homepage ( Follow
the link to "Registration and Other Info".

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