[ln] Appel: GL'2005, May 19-21 2005 (second call)

Thierry Hamon thierry.hamon at LIPN.UNIV-PARIS13.FR
Tue Nov 2 15:42:16 UTC 2004

Date: Tue, 02 Nov 2004 09:34:02 +0100
From: Pierrette Bouillon <pierrette.bouillon at issco.unige.ch>
Message-id: <4187467A.8020308 at issco.unige.ch>
X-url: http://issco-www.unige.ch/
X-url: http://www.issco.unige.ch/gl2005.html

Second Call for Papers GL2005
3rd International Workshop on Generative Approaches to the Lexicon
(Endorsed by ACL SIGLEX)

Pierrette Bouillon (ETI/TIM/ISSCO, University of Geneva, Switzerland)
Kyoko Kanzaki (National Institute of Information and Communications
Technology, NICT, Japan)

May 19-21 2005

University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland


The aim of the GL workshop is to bring together diverse contributions
in philosophy, linguistics, computer science and lexicography to
explore the lexicon from the point of view of generativity. The
discussions will be centered, but are not limited to, the emerging
view of "Generative Lexicon Theory" (Pustejovsky). Topics include:

- Philosophical foundations of a generative approach
- Generative lexicon theory and representation of word meaning
- Analysis of linguistic phenomena
- Framework for lexical semantics
- Philosophical differences between frameworks
- Critical perspectives

In this third workshop we would like to keep all the above
perspectives, but put more of the focus on available on-line lexical
resources and their practical use in NLP applications, in particular:

- Building new resources
- Acquiring lexical information
- Maintaining resources
- Representing lexical information (i.e. polysemy, collocation links,
    multiword expressions, predicate-argument structure)
- Using lexical information in applications
- Specialization and customization for specific applications
- Links between different frameworks
- Sharing lexical resources
- Multilinguality in the lexicon
- Standardization and evaluation

Papers on on-line resources can make reference to any semantic
lexicons (Wordnet, Framenet, Meaning-text theory, etc.), but a link to
Generative Lexicon theory is desirable (Pustejovsky, 1995). Key topics

- How to build a Generative Lexicon?
- How a Generative Lexicon can be extracted from existing resources or
- How to connect qualia structures with other lexical information?
- How to use Qualia structures in NLP applications?

The conference will be held over a period of two and a half days. Both
posters and presentations are foreseen.  Invited speakers include
James Pustejovsky (Brandeis University, Brandeis), Nicoletta Calzolari
(Istituto Di Linguistica Computazionale, Pisa) and Ann Copestake
(University of Cambridge). Other invited speakers will be announced

Submission procedure: Authors should submit an anonymous paper of at
most 7 single-column pages (including references) using a 12' body
font size together with a separate page specifying the author's name,
affiliation, address, e-mail address, title and type of paper (normal
presentation or poster). The minimum size is 3 pages for a poster
paper and 5 pages for a normal paper. The papers should be submitted
electronically (in postscript, rtf or pdf format) to both:
pierrette.bouillon at issco.unige.ch and kanzaki at crl.go.jp.

Language: All papers must be submitted and presented in
English. Accepted papers will be published in the proceedings of the

Important dates:
Paper due: January, 15th, 2005
Acceptance/rejection notice: End of February 2005
Final version due: April 15th, 2005
Conference: May 19-21, 2005

Workshop Organizers:
Pierrette Bouillon
Kyoko Kanzaki

Program Committee:
Susan Armstrong (ETI/TIM/ISSCO, University of Geneva)
Toni Badia (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona)
Christian Bassac (Michel de Montaigne University, Bordeaux)
Sabine Bergler (Concordia University, Montreal)
Nicoletta Calzolari (Istituto Di Linguistica Computazionale, Pisa)
Ann Copestake (University of Cambridge, Cambridge)
Laurence Danlos (University of Paris VII, Paris)
Christiane Fellbaum (Princeton University, Princeton)
Pierre Frath (Marc Bloch University, Strasbourg)
Sandiway Fong (University of Arizona, Tucson)
Jacques Jayez (ENS-LSH, Lyon)
Hitoshi Isahara (National Institute of Information and Communications
                 Technology, Kyoto)
Adam Kilgarriff (Lexicography MasterClass.Ltd, Brighton)
Alessandro Lenci (University of Pisa, Pisa)
Chungmin Lee (Seoul National University, Seoul)
Louise McNally (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona)
Paola Merlo (University of Geneva, Suisse)
Fiametta Namer (ATILF-CNRS, University of Nancy2, Nancy)
Alex Lascarides (University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh)
Andrei Popescu-Belis (ETI/TIM/ISSCO, University of Geneva)
James Pustejovsky (Brandeis University, Boston)
Pascale Sebillot (Irisa, Rennes)
Evelyne Viegas (Microsoft Corporation, Redmond)

For any information, please contact:

Pierrette Bouillon
40, bvd du Pont-d'Arve
CH-1211 Geneva 4 (Switzerland)

email : Pierrette.Bouillon at issco.unige.ch
Tel: +41/22/705 86 79
Fax: +41/22/705 86 89

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