[ln] Appel: ACII2005, October 22-24, Beijing, China

Thierry Hamon thierry.hamon at LIPN.UNIV-PARIS13.FR
Fri Nov 19 15:53:52 UTC 2004

Date: Wed, 17 Nov 2004 21:03:58 +0800
From: Jianhua TAO <jhtao at nlpr.ia.ac.cn>
Message-id: <00ff01c4cca5$e7008e60$1248a8c0 at ttt>
X-url: http://www.affectivecomputing.org/2005

(apologies for multiple copies)

  The 1st International Conference on Affective Computing
               and Intelligent Interaction
                    -- ACII2005 --

             (co-located with ICCV 2005)

           October 22-24, Beijing, China

Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction is a key technology to
enable computers to observe, understand and synthesize affects, and to
behave vividly. In order to provide an opportunity for scientists,
engineers, and students to present and discuss new problems,
solutions, and technologies in the areas, we decide to hold the 1st
International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent
Interaction (ACII2005). Prospective authors are invited to submit
full-length papers (four pages for short paper, and six page for long
paper) for presentation in any of the areas listed below. All ACII2005
papers will be handled and reviewed electronically and details can be
found in the conference web-site

Topics:(not limited)

Affective Speech Processing

+  Affective Speech Analysis
+  Affective Speech Recognition and Synthesis
+  Voice Quality of Affective Speech
+  Prosody Processing of Affective Speech
+  Affective Text Processing and Annotation
+  Multilingual Processing of Affective Speech

Affective Face and Gesture Processing

+  Face (Gesture) Animation
+  Affect Recognition from face (gesture)
+  Motion Capture
+  3D modeling of face (gesture)
+  Face (Body) Detection
+  Face (Gesture) Recognition

Evaluation of Affective Expressivity

Affective Database, Annotation and Tools

Psychology & Cognition of Affect

Affective Music Processing

Affective Interaction

+  Affective Understanding
+  Affective Multimodal Systems
+  Affective Agents
+  Affective Dialogue Systems
+  Affective User Interface
+  Affective Markup Language
+  Affective Tutoring Systems

Systems and Applications

+  Wearable Systems
+  Virtual Reality
+  Games
+  Others

Other Topics Related to Affect

Important Dates

* Full Paper Submission,                    March 15, 2005
* Notification of acceptance/rejection      April 30, 2005
* Camera ready papers                       May 15, 2005
* Early registration                        June 1, 2005
* Conference                                October 22-24, 2005

The ACII2005 also welcomes exhibitions of products and demos of
research prototypes within the areas relevant to the
conference. Enquiry for exhibitions and demos should be addressed to
(acii2005 at nlpr.ia.ac.cn ).

Conference Chairs

Tieniu Tan  (CAS, China)
Rosalind Picard (MIT, US)

Program Committee


Andrew Ortony (NWU, US)
Nick Campbell (ATR, Japan)
Jianhua Tao (CAS, China)


Ruth Aylett (US, UK)
Gerard Bailly (la Parlee, France)
Joseph Bates (CMU, US)
Niels Ole Bernsen (OU, Denmark)
Lianhong Cai (THU, China)
Lola Canamero (Hertfordshire, UK)
Guozhong Dai (CAS, China)
Darryl Davis (Hull Uni., UK)
Dylan Evans (UWE, UK)
Xiaolan Fu (CAS, China)
Björn Granström (KTH, Sweden)
Jon Gratch (USC, US)
Wael Hamza (IBM Watson, US)
Keikichi Hirose (U-Tokyo, Japan)
David House (KTH, Sweden)
Kristina Höök (ITU, Sweden)
Thomas S. Huang (UIUC, US)
Stefanos Kollias (NTUA, Greece)
Aijun Li (CASS, China)
Henry Lieberman (MIT, US)
Christine Lisetti (Eurecom, France)
Jean-Claude Martin (LIMSI, France)
Cindy Mason (MIT, US)
Dominic Massaro (UCSC, US)
Elmar Nöth (Erlangen Uni., Germany)
Ana Paiva (IST, Portugal)
Zhigeng Pan (ZJU, China)
Maja Pantic (TUDelft, Netherlands)
Catherine Pelachaud (IUT, France)
Paolo Petta (OEFAI, Austria)
Helmut Prendinger (NII, Japan)
Fiorella de Rosis (Bari Uni., Italy)
Mark Steedman (Edinburgh Uni., UK)
Oliviero Stock (IRST, Italy)
Mark Tatham (Essex Uni, UK)
Thomas Wehrle (Geneva, Switzland)
Chung-Hsien Wu (NCKU, Tainan,China)
Guangyou Xu (THU, China)
Yaser Yacoob (UMD, US)

INQUIRIES: Please send program suggestions and inquires to either
of the organizers. jhtao at nlpr.ia.ac.cn

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