[ln] Appel: FINEXIN 2005

Thierry Hamon thierry.hamon at LIPN.UNIV-PARIS13.FR
Mon Feb 28 08:57:49 UTC 2005

Date: Sat, 26 Feb 2005 14:08:46 -0500 (EST)
From: Stan Szpakowicz <szpak at site.uottawa.ca>
Message-Id: <200502261908.OAA18010 at kamla.csi.UOttawa.CA>
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                           FINEXIN 2005
         Workshop on the Analysis of Informal and Formal
             Information Exchange during Negotiations
                         May 26-27, 2005


                      Second call for papers

In the course of negotiations, the parties involved communicate in two
fundamental ways. They normally hold informal discussions that help
them reach an agreement. They also usually exchange formal
offers. This general model applies to face-to-face and electronic
negotiations as well. The medium of e-negotiations enables data
collection on a scale not possible in classical face-to face
negotiations. This two-day workshop will look at these two modes of
information exchange. We will focus on the properties of informal
discussions and formal offers, in particular on the analysis of text
data related to negotiations. We would like to bring together
researchers on negotiations, behaviour, language and computer science,
to find ways of addressing and analyzing various aspects of
negotiations. We invite the submission of original, previously
unpublished papers that address the areas including, but not strictly
limited to, the following.

1. Behaviour and Sentiment Analysis of Informal Communications
   in Negotiations.

[NOTE: While the emphasis on analyzing negotiation data is desirable,
it is not a strict requirement. (Footnote)]

The topics of interest include:
  - sentiment analysis,
  - sentiment categorization,
  - detection of strategies in negotiations,
  - linguistic indicators of behaviour,
  - cultural influences in negotiations,
  - patterns in temporally organized data.

2. Analysis of Formal Offers.

The topics of interest include:
  - preference elicitation,
  - utility functions in negotiation support systems,
  - assessment of negotiation processes and outcomes based on utility
  - cultural, social and psychological influences on the use of
    negotiation support systems,
  - business models for e-negotiation services.

The accepted papers will be printed in the workshop proceedings.

The authors of the best papers on language analysis will be
invited to submit their work to a special issue of the journal
Computational Intelligence.

The authors of the best papers on negotiation-related aspects of
the workshop will be invited to submit their work to a special
issue of the journal Group Decision and Negotiation.



School of Information Technology and Engineering
University of Ottawa
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada


Important Dates

asbtract submission March 18, 2005
paper submission March 21, 2005
notification April 25, 2005
camera-ready papers May 9, 2005
workshop May 26-27, 2005


Paper submission guidelines

Paper submission deadline is March 18th. The papers submitted should
have the length of at most 8 pages, and they should be formatted
according to Springer LNCS instructions. Please submit PDF files!  Do
not include the authors' names and affiliations in the paper you

Every paper will be fully reviewed by several referees in a
blind-review process.

Please read the formatting instructions at
and very carefully follow all the recommendations.

* Microsoft Word users, please download the Word template and

* LaTeX2e users, please download the LaTeX2e template and instructions:

* LaTeX (old versions) users, please download the LaTeX template and

Alternatively, you can consult Springer's formatting instructions at
www.springeronline.com, click on Computer Science, click on the LNCS
logo, click on Information for LNCS Authors and Volume Editors, click
on Information for LNCS Authors. Refer to the next section for
specific file names and more info.


Paper submission



Workshop Program

                 May 26, 2005                May 27, 2005
                 Behaviour and sentiment     Analysis of formal
                    analysis                    offers

 9:00 -  9:15    "Information, Negotiation
                  and Research
                  in the GDN Community"
                 (Prof. Mel Shakun)
 9:15 - 10:15    Invited talk                Invited talk
                 (Prof. Jan Wiebe)           (Prof. Rudolf Vetschera)
10:15 - 10:30    Coffee break                Coffee break
10:30 - 12:30    Presentations               Presentations
12:30 - 14:00    Lunch                       Lunch
14:00 - 15:30    Presentations               Presentations
15:30 - 15:45    Coffee break                Coffee break
15:45 - 17:30    Presentations               Presentations


Invited speakers

Day 1: Janyce Wiebe <http://www.cs.pitt.edu/~wiebe/>
Day 2: Rudolf Vetschera <http://www.bwl.univie.ac.at/bwl/org/Mitarbeiter/Vetschera/Vetscherae.html>


Program Committee

Morad Benyoucef
School of Management, University of Ottawa

Jeanne Brett
Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University

John Carroll
Department of Informatics, University of Sussex

João Clímaco
Faculty of Economics, University of Coimbra

William Cohen
Center for Automated Learning and Discovery, Carnegie Mellon University

Jamshid Etezadi
John Molson School of Business, Concordia University

Alexander Gelbukh
Centro de Investigación en Computación, Instituto Politécnico Nacional

Vasileios Hatzivassiloglou
Department of Computer Science, Columbia University

Diana Inkpen
School of Information Technology and Engineering, University of Ottawa

Gregory Kersten
John Molson School of Business, Concordia University

Marc Kilgour
Department of Mathematics, Wilfrid Laurier University

Sabine Köszegi
Faculty of Business and Administration, Vienna University

Vivi Nastase chool of Information Technology and Engineering,
University of Ottawa

Mareike Schoop Information Systems, University of Hohenheim

Stefan Strecker John Molson School of Business, Concordia

Stan Szpakowicz School of Information Technology and Engineering,
University of Ottawa

Simone Teufel Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge

Tadeusz Trzaskalik Department of Operational Research, University
of Economics at Katowice

Peter Turney
Institute for Information Technology, National Research Council

Rudolf Vetschera
Faculty of Business and Administration, University of Vienna

Janyce Wiebe
Department of Computer Science, University of Pittsburgh

John Zeleznikow
Faculty of Business and Law, Victoria University


Fees and registration

Regular $100 (CDN)
Student  $50 (CDN)


Workshop co-chairs

Vivi Nastase <vnastase at site.uottawa.ca>
SITE, University of Ottawa

Stan Szpakowicz <szpak at site.uottawa.ca>
SITE, University of Ottawa


Our sponsors

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada; the
University of Ottawa's School of Management and School of Information
Technology and Engineering; Power Corporation of Canada.

The workshop is organized with the cooperation of the Institute for
Operations Research and the Management Sciences, Section on Group
Decision and Negotiation.



We work with a collection of text messages that accompany negotiations
conducted with the Web-based Negotiation Support System Inspire. If
you would like to experiment with this data, please read first this
detailed description. If the data fit your needs, please contact
Prof. Gregory Kersten, and make the subject of your message "INSPIRE


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