[ln] Conf: LACL05

Thierry Hamon thierry.hamon at LIPN.UNIV-PARIS13.FR
Fri Mar 25 12:02:21 UTC 2005

Date: Thu, 24 Mar 2005 10:43:34 +0100
From: maxime ambard <amblard at labri.fr>
Message-Id: <307D278E-9C49-11D9-B2E9-000D933E6162 at labri.fr>
X-url: http://lacl.labri.fr/
X-url: http://lacl.labri.fr/student_session
X-url: http://lacl.labri.fr/registration.html
X-url: http://lacl.labri.fr/hotels.html

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                     L A C L 2 0 0 5

Logical Aspects of Computational Linguistics
-- fifth international conference

Aspects logiques de la linguistique informatique
--- cinquième colloque international
      28-29-30 avril 2005, Bordeaux (France)


        CNRS - INRIA -- Universites Bordeaux 1 & 3


Les colloques LACL

LACL-2005 est la 5ème edition d'une serie de colloques internationaux
portant sur les aspects logiques et formelsde la linguistique
informatique. On y traite plus particulièrement de la description de
la syntaxe et de la semantique des langues dans lecadre de theories
logiques, ainsi que de realisations informatiques basees sur de tels

Session etudiante

Une session etudiante est organisee pendant LACL05.
Pour plus d'information, reportez-vous au site de cette session :


Les inscriptions pour LACL 2005 sont ouvertes. Vous pouvez acceder au
formulaire d'inscription
sur le site internet de la conference


L'aeroport de Bordeaux est desservi par vols directs de Paris (Charles
de Gaulle et Orly), Amsterdam, Londre Gatwick et plusieurs autres
destinations Europeennes.

Il existe egalement une gare TGV, desservie depuis Paris Montparnasse.


Les informations pour l'hebergement seront mise en ligne sur le site
internet de la conference
http://lacl.labri.fr avant le 25 fevrier.

Site de la Conference
LACL aura lieu dans la salle de conference du Musee d'Aquitaine, a
quelques pas de l'arret de tramway `Musee d'Aquitaine' de la ligne B.

Questions pratiques
Joan Busquets busquets at u-bordeaux3.fr
Richard Moot moot at labri.fr
Brigitte Larue-Bourdon +33 5 40 00 69 30

Conferenciers invites
Gerard Huet       INRIA Futurs & Rocquencourt
Ruth Kempson      King's College, London
Carl Pollard      Ohio Statu University, Columbus, OH

Programme Preliminaire
Bassam Haddad and Mustafa Yaseen `A Compositional Approach Towards
   Semantic Representation and Construction of Arabic'

Nissim Francez `Lambek-Calculus with General Elimination rules and
   Continuation Semantics'

Richard Zuber `More algebras for determiners'

Anne Preller and Joachim Lambek `Categorical semantics for pregroup

Allan Third `The Expressive Power of Restricted Fragments of English'

Denis Bechet and Annie Foret `k-Valued Non-Associative Lambek Grammars
   (without Product) Form a Strict Hierarchy of Languages'

Claire Gardent and Yannick Parmentier `Large scale semantic
   construction for Tree Adjoining Grammars'

Peter Ljunglof `A Polynomial Time Extension of Parallel Multiple
   Context-Free Grammar'

Marcelo da S. Correa and E. Hermann Haeusler `On the Selective Lambek

Areski Nait Abdallah, Alain Lecomte `On expressing vague
   quantification and scalar implicatures in the logic of partial

David A. Burke, Kristofer Johannisson `Translating Formal Software
   Specifications to Natural Language. A Grammar-Based Approach'

Erwan Moreau `Learnable classes of general combinatory grammar'

Ryo Yoshinaka, Makoto Kanazawa `The Complexity and Generative Capacity
   of Lexicalized Abstract Categorial Grammars'

Isabelle Tellier `When Categorial Grammar meet Regular Grammatical

Denis Bechet, Alexander Dikovsky, Annie Foret `Dependency Structure

Roberto Bonato `Towards a Computational Treatment of Binding Theory'

Benoit Crabbe `Grammatical Development with XMG'

Benoit Sagot `Linguistic facts as predicates over ranges of the

Djame Seddah and Bertrand Gaiffe `How to Build Argumental graphs Using
   TAG Shared Forest : a view from control verbs'

Jens Michaelis and Hans-Martin Gaertner `A Note on the Complexity of
   Constraint Interaction: Locality Conditions and Minimalist Grammars'

Joachim Niehren and Mateu Villaret `Describing Lambda Terms in Context

Veit Reuer and Kai-Uwe Kuehnberger `Feature Constraint Logic and Error
   Detection in ICALL Systems'

Evelyne Jacquey `Un cas de "polysemie logique"'

John T. Hale and Edward P. Stabler `Strict Deterministic Aspects of
   Minimalist Grammars'

LACL 2005 site internet : http://lacl.labri.fr


Apologies for multiple copies / please redistribute
                 L A C L   2 0 0 5
         Fifth International Conference on
    Logical Aspects of Computational Linguistics
       28-29-30 april 2005, Bordeaux  (France)
    CNRS - INRIA - University of Bordeaux 1 & 3


LACL conference series

LACL-2005 is the 5th edition of a series of international conferences
on logical and formal methods in computational linguistics. It
addresses in particular the use of proof theoretic and model theoretic
methods for describing natural language syntax and semantics, as well
as the implementation of natural language processing software relying
on such models.

Student Session

A student session will be organize.
For more informations, see our web site


Registration for LACL 2005 is open. You can access the registration
form from the LACL website



Bordeaux has an airport with direct flights from Paris (both Charles
de Gaulle and Orly), Amsterdam, London Gatwick and several other major
European destinations.

There is also an hourly TGV service from Paris Montparnasse.


We have reserved rooms in serveral hotels close to the conference site.
You can find information and a booking form at.


Conference Site
LACL will take place at the conference room of the Musee d'Aquitaine,
a few steps away from the stop `Musee d'Aquitaine' of tramline B.

Practical inquiries
Joan Busquets busquets at u-bordeaux3.fr
Richard Moot moot at labri.fr
Brigitte Larue-Bourdon +33 5 40 00 69 30

Preliminary Program

Thursday 28 April

09:00-09:30 Coffee/Registration
09:30-10:30 Invited Talk: Ruth Kempson - A Grammar Formalism for
10:30-10:45 Coffee Break
10:45-11:15 Ryo Yoshinaka and Makoto Kanazawa - The Complexity and
             Generative Capacity of Lexicalized Abstract Categorial
11:15-11:45 Allan Third - The Expressive Power of Restricted Fragments
             of English
11:45-12:15 Peter Ljunglof - A Polynomial Time Extension of Parallel
             Multiple Context-Free Grammar
12:15-14:00 Lunch
14:00-14:30 Roberto Bonato - Towards a Computational Treatment of
             Binding Theory
14:30-15:00 Joachim Niehren and Mateu Villaret - Describing Lambda Terms
             in Context Unification
15:00-15:30 Bassam Haddad and Mustafa Yaseen - A Compositional Approach
             Towards Semantic Representation and Construction of Arabic
15:30-16:00 Benoit Sagot - Linguistic facts as predicates over ranges
             of the sentence
16:00-16:30 Coffee Break
16:30-17:00 Evelyne Jacquey - Un cas de "polysemie logique"
17:00-18:00 Industrial Session - APIL
18:00-20:00 Wine Tasting

Friday 29 April

09:00-09:30 Coffee
09:30-10:30 Invited Talk: Gerard Huet - TBA
10:30-10:45 Coffee Break
10:45-11:15 Erwan Moreau - Learnable classes of general combinatory
11:15-11:45 Isabelle Tellier - When Categorial Grammar meet Regular
             Grammatical Inference
11:45-12:15 Denis Bechet and Annie Foret - k-Valued Non-Associative
             Lambek Grammars (without Product) Form a Strict Hierarchy
             of Languages
12:15-14:00 Lunch
14:00-14:30 Richard Zuber - More algebras for determiners
14:30-15:00 Nissim Francez - Lambek-Calculus with General Elimination
             rules and Continuation Semantics
15:00-15:30 Areski Nait Abdallah and Alain Lecomte - On expressing vague
             quantification and scalar implicatures in the logic of
             partial information
15:30-16:00 Marcelo da S. Correa and E. Hermann Haeusler - On the
             Selective Lambek Calculus
16:00-16:15 Coffee Break
16:15-16:45 Student Session
16:45-17:15 Djame Seddah and Bertrand Gaiffe - How to Build Argumental
             graphs Using TAG Shared Forest : a view from control verbs
17:15-17:45 Claire Gardent and Yannick Parmentier - Large scale semantic
             construction for Tree Adjoining Grammars
21:00-23:00 Conference Diner

Saturday 30 April

09:00-09:30 Coffee
09:30-10:00 Anne Preller and Joachim Lambek - Categorical semantics for
             pregroup grammars
10:00-10:30 Denis Bechet, Alexander Dikovsky and Annie Foret -
             Structure Grammars
10:30-10:45 Coffee Break
10:45-11:15 Veit Reuer and Kai-Uwe Kuehnberger - Feature Constraint
             and Error Detection in ICALL Systems
11:15-11:45 David A. Burke and Kristofer Johannisson - Translating
             Software Specifications to Natural Language. A Grammar-Based
11:45-12:15 Benoit Crabbe - Grammatical Development with XMG
12:15-14:00 Lunch
14:00-14:30 John T. Hale and Edward P. Stabler - Strict Deterministic
             Aspects of Minimalist Grammars
14:30-15:00 Jens Michaelis and Hans-Martin Gaertner - A Note on the
             Complexity of Constraint Interaction: Locality Conditions
             and Minimalist Grammars
15:00-16:00 Invited Talk: Carl Pollard - TBA

LACL 2005 web site: http://lacl.labri.fr

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