[ln] Appel: ELECTRA 2005, Extended deadline

Thierry Hamon thierry.hamon at LIPN.UNIV-PARIS13.FR
Tue May 17 11:37:12 UTC 2005

Date: Sat, 14 May 2005 10:17:04 +0100
From: ddg at portugalmail.com
Message-ID: <1116062224.4285c21006f68 at webmail4.portugalmail.pt>
X-url: http://research.yahoo.com/workshops/electra2005/
X-url: http://www.dcc.ufmg.br/eventos/sigir2005/
X-url: http://www.ps2pdf.com/
X-url: http://acesso.portugalmail.pt/maisbarato

[Apologies for Multiple Postings]

                 [EXTDENDED DEADLINE - 22nd May, 2005]

============================CALL FOR PAPERS============================

     ELECTRA Workshop on Methodologies and Evaluation of Lexical
           Cohesion Techniques in Real-world Applications
                       (Beyond Bag of Words)

           In association with the 28th Annual International
            ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development
                 in Information Retrieval (SIGIR 2005)

                   Sponsored by Yahoo! Research Labs

                    Pestana Bahia, Salvador, Brazil

                            August 19, 2005


============================CALL FOR PAPERS============================


[1] Short Description
[2] Target Audience
[3] Areas of Interest
[4] Important Dates
[5] Paper Submission <EXTENDED DEADLINE>
[6] Organising Committee
[7] Program Committee
[8] Contact

[1] Short Description:

In this workshop we are interested in pointing at successes and
failures of the integration of lexical cohesion in real-world IR
applications such as document and passage retrieval, question
answering, topic segmentation and text summarization. On the one hand,
lexical cohesion has received much attention in Information Retrieval
research during its more than 30-year old history, but so far with
mixed results. On the other hand, a considerable amount of research
has been devoted to this subject, both in terms of theory and
practice, by the Natural Language Processing community, but with
limited evaluation in real-world applications. This workshop is
intended to bring together IR and NLP researchers and discuss what has
been achieved in this area, to establish common themes between
different approaches, and to discuss future research directions.

[2] Target Audience:

This workshop is intended to bring together IR and NLP researchers
working on all areas of information retrieval and using lexical
associations in information retrieval applications. The objective is
to discuss what has been achieved in this area, to establish common
themes between different approaches, and to discuss future research

[3] Areas of Interest:

Papers are invited on, but not limited to, the following topics:

* Efficient Techniques for Lexical Cohesion identification
* Scalable Algorithms for Lexical Cohesion identification
* Lexical Associations and Lexical Relations Resources
* Document Representation and Lexical Associations
* Document Ranking and Lexical Associations
* Single-Term and Phrase Information Retrieval
* Passage Retrieval and Lexical Cohesion
* Query Expansion and Lexical Associations
* Local and Global Context Analysis
* Ontology-based Query Expansion
* Question Answering and Lexical Relations
* Web Search and Lexical Cohesion
* Topic Segmentation and Lexical Cohesion
* Text Summarization and Lexical Cohesion
* Evaluation Standards and Benchmarks
* Qualitative and Quantitative Evaluations

Papers can cover one or more of these areas.

[4] Important dates:

Paper submission deadline: May 22th, 2005 <EXTENDED DEADLINE>
Notification: June 15th, 2005
Camera ready papers: July 1st, 2005
Workshop: August 19th, 2005

[5] Paper Submission:

Papers should follow SIGIR 2005 instructions
(http://www.dcc.ufmg.br/eventos/sigir2005/). Papers should be
submitted electronically in pdf format only to Rosie Jones
[jonesr at yahoo-inc.com]. The following URL transforms postscript files
to pdf files (http://www.ps2pdf.com/). The subject line should be

Because reviewing is blind, no author information should be included
as part of the paper (i.e. the names of the authors and references
that could identify the authors). An identification page must be sent
in a separate email with the subject line "SIGIR 2005 ELECTRA WORKSHOP
ID PAGE" and must include title, author(s), keywords, page number and
name and email of the contact author.

Late submissions will not be accepted. Notification of receipt will be
emailed to the contact author shortly after receipt.

[6] Organising Committee:

Rosie Jones (Yahoo! Inc, United States of America)
Olga Vechtomova (University of Waterloo, Canada)
Gaël Harry Dias (University of Beira Interior, Portugal)

[7] Program Committee:

Brigitte Grau - (LIMSI, France)
Bruce Croft - (University of Massachusetts, USA)
Charlie Clarke - (University of Waterloo, Canada)
Diana Inkpen - (University of Ottawa, Canada)
Dunja Mladenic - (Josef Stephan Institute, Slovenia)
Patrick Pantel - (University of Southern California, USA)
Egidio Terra - (Pontifícia Univ. Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil)
Gabriel Lopes - (New University of Lisbon, Portugal)
Graeme Hirst - (University of Toronto, Canada)
Gregory Grefenstette - (CEA, France)
Hal Daume - (University of Southern California, USA)
Helena Ahonen-Myka (University of Helsinki, Finland)
Murat Karamuftuoglu - (Bilkent University, Turkey)
Nicola Stokes - (University College Dublin, Ireland)
Peter Turney - (National Research Council Canada, Canada)
Rafael Muñoz - (University of Alicante, Spain)

[8] Contact:

Rosie Jones
Yahoo! Overture Matching Sciences
Yahoo! Inc
74 N. Pasadena Ave, 3F
Pasadena, CA 91103
United States of America
email: jonesr at yahoo-inc.com

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