Ecole: 1st International PhD School in language and speech technologies, 2005-2007, Tarragona, Spain

Thierry Hamon thierry.hamon at LIPN.UNIV-PARIS13.FR
Wed Sep 21 08:00:34 UTC 2005

Date: Sat, 17 Sep 2005 12:38:21 +0200
From: "D.FILROM - CARLOS MARTIN VIDE" <carlos.martin at>
Message-ID: <22d9a922a7c7.22a7c722d9a9 at>


Rovira i Virgili University
Research Group on Mathematical Linguistics
Tarragona, Spain

Foundational courses (April-June 2006)

- Foundations of Linguistics I: Morphology, Lexicon and Syntax --
  M. Dolores Jiménez-López, Tarragona 
- Foundations of Linguistics II: Semantics, Pragmatics and Discourse
  -- Gemma Bel-Enguix, Tarragona 
- Formal Languages -- Carlos Martín-Vide, Tarragona 
- Declarative Programming Languages: Prolog, Lisp -- various
  researchers at the host institute 
- Procedural Programming Languages: C, Java, Perl, Matlab -- various
  researchers at the host institute 

Main courses (July-December 2006)

- POS Tagging, Chunking, and Shallow Parsing -- Yuji Matsumoto, Nara 
- Empirical Approaches to Word Sense Disambiguation, Semantic Role
  Labeling, Semantic Parsing, and Information Extraction -- Raymond
  Mooney, Austin TX
- Ontology Engineering: From Cognitive Science to the Semantic Web --
  M. Teresa Pazienza, Roma
- Anaphora Resolution in Natural Language Processing -- Ruslan Mitkov,
- Language Processing for Human-Machine Dialogue Modelling -- Yorick
  Wilks, Sheffield
- Spoken Dialogue Systems -- Diane Litman, Pittsburgh PA
- Natural Language Processing Pragmatics: Probabilistic Methods and
  User Modeling Implications -- Ingrid Zukerman, Clayton
- Machine Learning Approaches to Developing Language Processing
  Modules -- Walter Daelemans, Antwerpen
- Multimodal Speech-Based Interfaces -- Elisabeth André, Augsburg
- Information Extraction -- Guy Lapalme, Montréal QC
- Search Methods in Natural Language Processing -- Helmut Horacek,

Optional courses (from the 5th International PhD School in Formal
Languages and Applications)

- Tree Adjoining Grammars -- James Rogers, Richmond IN
- Unification Grammars -- Shuly Wintner, Haifa
- Context-Free Grammar Parsing -- Giorgio Satta, Padua
- Probabilistic Parsing -- Mark-Jan Nederhof, Groningen
- Categorial Grammars -- Michael Moortgat, Utrecht
- Weighted Finite-State Transducers -- Mehryar Mohri, New York NY
- Finite State Technology for Linguistic Applications -- André Kempe,
  Xerox, Grenoble
- Natural Language Processing with Symbolic Neural Networks -- Risto
  Miikkulainen, Austin TX


Candidate students for the programme are welcome from around the
world. Most appropriate degrees include Computer Science and
Linguistics, but other students (for instance, from Psychology, Logic,
Engineering or Mathematics) can be accepted depending on the strengths
of their undergraduate training. The first two months of class
are intended to homogenize the students' varied background.

In order to check eligibility for the programme, the student must be
certain that the highest university degree s/he got enables her/him to
be enrolled in a doctoral programme in her/his home country.

Tuition Fees:

1,700 euros in total, approximately.


After following the courses, the students enrolled in the programme
will have to write and defend a research project and, later, a
dissertation in English in their own area of interest, in order to get
the so-called European PhD degree (which is a standard PhD degree with
an additional mark of quality). All the professors in the programme
will be allowed to supervise students' work.


During the teaching semesters, funding opportunities will be provided,
among others, by the Spanish Ministry for Foreign Affairs and
Cooperation (Becas MAEC), and by the European Commission (Alban scheme
for Latin American citizens). Additionally, the host university will
have a limited amount of economic resources itself for covering the
tuition fees and full-board accommodation of a few students.

Immediately after the courses and during the writing of the PhD
dissertation, some of the best students will be offered 4-year
research fellowships, which will allow them to work in the framework
of the host research group.

Pre-Registration Procedure:

In order to pre-register, one should post (not fax, not e-mail) to the
programme chairman:

- a xerocopy of the main page of the passport,
- a xerocopy of the highest university education diploma,
- a xerocopy of the academic record,
- full CV,
- letters of recommendation (optional),
- any other document to prove background, interest and motivation


Announcement of the programme: September 12, 2005
Pre-registration deadline: November 30, 2005
Selection of students: December 7, 2005
Starting of the classes: April 18, 2006
Summer break (tentative): July 25, 2006
Re-starting of the classes (tentative): September 4, 2006
End of the classes (tentative): December 22, 2006
Defense of the research project (tentative): September 14, 2007
DEA examination (tentative): April 27, 2008

Questions and Further Information:

Please, contact the programme chairman, Carlos Martín-Vide, at
carlos.martin at

Postal Address:

Research Group on Mathematical Linguistics
Rovira i Virgili University
Pl. Imperial Tàrraco, 1
43005 Tarragona, Spain

Phone: +34-977-559543, +34-977-554391
Fax: +34-977-559597, +34-977-554391

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