Conf: Interfaces of ICALL, Event Program and Call for Participation

Thierry Hamon thierry.hamon at LIPN.UNIV-PARIS13.FR
Fri Dec 1 15:13:12 UTC 2006

Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2006 17:31:26 -0500
From: Detmar Meurers <dm at>
Message-ID: <20061128223126.GA2804 at>

                       Call for Participation

   Interfaces of Intelligent Computer-Assisted Language Learning
                            IICALL 2006


         Workshop and Pre-Workshop Courses, December 14-17
        Department of Linguistics, The Ohio State University

Research in Intelligent Computer-Aided Language Learning (ICALL)
integrates natural language processing into a computer-aided language
learning environment.  For such research to be innovative, successful
and sustainable, it arguably needs to combine linguistic modeling,
second language acquisition research (learner and activity modeling),
and pedagogical insights from foreign language teaching (instruction
modeling) with representations and computational linguistic algorithms
capable of integrating the information from these models.

The current state of the art in the various relevant fields seems
favorable for interdisciplinary ICALL research.  Complementing the
focus on communication and culture in foreign language teaching since
the 60s, second language acquisition research since the 90s has
clearly established that awareness of language categories, forms and
rules---and thus linguistic modeling and the processing needed to
identify those properties---is important for an adult learner to
successfully acquire a foreign language.  At the same time, most
research groups currently lack the interdisciplinary orientation,
background, or ties needed to develop and combine the linguistic and
learner/cognitive modeling with computational processing, and to
develop and test intelligent tutoring systems as part of real-life
language teaching.  The IICALL workshop and the pre-workshop courses
are intended to foster exchange and in-depth discussion of these
interfaces of ICALL.

Participation in the workshop and the pre-workshop courses is free,
for presenters as well as for non-presenters. If you are planning to
attend the event, please register at


to help us plan the event.  Information on travel and accomodation is
included on the event web site. Please direct any questions to: Luiz
Amaral (amaral.1 at, Detmar Meurers (meurers.1 at

We are grateful to the Ohio State College of Humanities and the
Department of Linguistics for financial support under the Targeted
Investment in Excellence initiative for the Cross-disciplinary study
of Language.

--- PRE-WORKSHOP COURSES: December 14-16

Information on the pre-workshop courses by Kathleen McCoy
(U. Delaware), Eckhard Bick (Southern Denmark U.) and Susan Bull
(U. Birmingham) can be found at


--- WORKSHOP: December 17  (

                     IICALL 06 Workshop Program

8:45 - The Role of Interfaces in ICALL
       Luiz Amaral and Detmar Meurers - The Ohio State University

SESSION 1: Content Evaluation and Text Mining in ICALL

9:15 -  Authentic, Individualized Practice for English as a Second 
        Language Vocabulary
          Michael Heilman and Maxine Eskenazi 
          (University of Pittsburgh)

9:45 -  Computation of Grammaticality and Semantic Correctness of 
        Composition Exercises for Language Learners
          Patrick Suppes, Michael Boettner, and Robert Smith Jr.
          (Stanford University)

10:15 - A Surface-processing Approach to Content Assessment of 
        Reading-comprehension Exercises
          Stacey Bailey (The Ohio State University)

10:45 - 11:15  Coffee

SESSION 2: ICALL and Second Language Acquisition Research

11:15 - Measuring L2 Development in an ICALL Context
          Ken Petersen (Georgetown University)

11:45 - Learner Variability and Student Modeling
          Mathias Schulze (University of Waterloo, Canada)

12:15 - Corpus Applications for Awareness-raising Activities in 
        Telecollaborative Foreign Language Teaching: 
        The case of German modal particles
          Nina Vyatkina (Penn State University)

12:45 - 2:00  Lunch

SESSION 3: Error Detection in ICALL 

2:00 -  Detecting Grammatical Errors Using Probabilistic Parsing
          Joachim Wagner, Jennifer Foster and Josef van Genabith 
          (National Center for Language Technology, 
           Dublin City University)

2:30 -  Exploiting NLP to Derive Learner Error Likelihood
          Nicolaus Mote and Lewis Johnson 
          (CARTE, Information Sciences Institute.
           University of Southern California)

3:00 -  Head-lexicalized PCFGs for Verb Subcategorization Error 
        Diagnosis in ICALL
          Adriane Boyd and Vanessa Metcalf 
          (The Ohio State University)

3:30 - 4:00  Coffee

SESSION 4: Exercise Generation for Language Awareness

4:00 -  Gender and Handedness: NLG and L2 French
        - Greg Lessard and Michael Levison 
          (Queen's University, Canada)

4:30 -  Multi-layer Perception System for Automatic Tagging of the 
        Arab Words
        - Mohsen Maraoui, Georges Antoniadis, and Mounir Zrigui 
          (LIDILEM Laboratory, Stendhal University, Grenoble, France
           and RIADI Laboratory, Monastir, Tunisia)

5:00 -  Exploring Authentic Text in ICALL: The WERTi system
        - Vanessa Metcalf and Detmar Meurers 
          (The Ohio State University)

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