These: GSLT PhD positions 2007

Thierry Hamon thierry.hamon at LIPN.UNIV-PARIS13.FR
Fri May 12 14:21:14 UTC 2006

Date: Wed, 10 May 2006 10:10:55 +0200
From: "GSLT Info" <info at>
Message-ID: <17505.40975.699573.36917 at tippett.local>

The Swedish national Graduate School of Language Technology (GSLT)
announces five four-year graduate fellowships beginning 1st Jan. 2007
(application deadline 1st June, 2006).  Information and an application
form are to be found on

The Graduate School of Language Technology (GSLT) is a national
graduate school for which Göteborg University (Faculty of Arts) is the
coordinating host.  Students may be registered at any of the following
academic institutions in addition to Göteborg University:

University College of Borås, Chalmers University of Technology, KTH
(Royal Institute of Technology), Linköping University, Lund
University, University of Skövde, Stockholm University, Uppsala
University and Växjö University

Supervision is also available from SICS (Swedish Institute of Computer

The school offers a doctoral programme in language technology.  One of
its main aims is to provide advanced training in the foundations of
both speech and natural language processing technologies.  

It is committed to an international profile and welcomes applications
from outside of Sweden.  To be eligible for application students must
have an undergraduate degree in an appropriate related field and have
completed the equivalent of at least six months full-time study in
language technology (speech technology and/or computational

Robin Cooper
Professor of Computational Linguistics
Director, GSLT

email info at
tel +46-31-773 2536
fax +46-31-773 4853
address	GSLT
        Faculty of Arts
	Göteborg University
	Box 200
	SE 405 30 Göteborg

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