Livre: Application-Driven Terminology Engineering

Thierry Hamon thierry.hamon at LIPN.UNIV-PARIS13.FR
Tue Mar 20 16:01:36 UTC 2007

Date: Sat, 17 Mar 2007 18:06:02 +0100
From: Fidelia Ibekwe - SanJuan <ibekwe at>
Message-ID: <45FC1FFA.5040807 at>

Fidelia Ibekwe-SanJuan, Anne Condamines and Maria Teresa Cabré (eds.), 
Application-Driven Terminology Engineering,
John Benjamins Current Topics 2, Amsterdam, 2007, 203p.

A common framework under which the various studies on terminology
processing can be viewed is to consider not only the texts from which
the terminological resources are built but particularly the
applications targeted. The current book, first published as a Special
Issue of Terminology (11:1, 2005), analyses the influence of
applications on term definition and processing. Two types of
applications have been identified: intermediary and terminal
applications (involving end users).  Intermediary applications concern
the building of terminological knowledge resources such as
domain-specific dictionaries, ontologies, thesaurus or
taxonomies. These knowledge resources then form the inputs to terminal
applications such as information extraction, information retrieval,
science and technology watch or automated book index building. Most of
the applications dealt with in the book fall into the first
category. This book represents the first attempt, from a
pluridisciplinary viewpoint, to take into account the role of
applications in the processing of terminology.

=== Table of contents ===

1. Introduction: Application-driven terminology engineering
M. Teresa Cabré, Anne Condamines and Fidelia Ibekwe-SanJuan

2. Mining defining contexts to help structuring differential
Véronique Malaisé, Pierre Zweigenbaum and Bruno Bachimont
3. Terminology and the construction of ontology
Lee Gillam, Mariam Tariq and Khurshid Ahmad
4. Application-oriented terminography in financial forensics
Koen Kerremans, Isabelle Desmeytere, Rita Temmerman and Patrick Wille

5. Using distributional similarity to organise biomedical terminology
Julie Weeds, James Dowdall, Gerold Schneider, Bill Keller and David
J. Weir

6. The first steps towards the automatic compilation of specialized 
   collocation dictionaries
Leo Wanner, Bernd Bohnet, Mark Giereth and Vanesa Vidal

7. Variations and application-oriented terminology engineering
Béatrice Daille

8. Building back-of-the-book indexes
Adeline Nazarenko and Touria Aït El Mekki

Ibekwe-SanJuan Fidelia
Maître de Conférences
Université de Lyon 3
Equipe ELICO

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