Appel: Workshop on Applications of Semantics, Opinions and Sentiments in eLearning at Eurolan-2007

Thierry Hamon thierry.hamon at LIPN.UNIV-PARIS13.FR
Wed May 23 19:15:46 UTC 2007

Date: Mon, 21 May 2007 16:10:37 +0300
From: Corina Forascu <corinfor at>

# Apologies for cross-postings
Deadline extension - paper submission due: *May 28*


                         Last Call for Papers

    Applications of Semantics, Opinion and Sentiments in eLearning

             Workshop organized under the joint aegis of
                   ELSNET and the LT4eL FP6 project
                      To be held at EUROLAN 2007
                    July 23-27 2007 Iasi, Romania


 Paper submission deadline: May 28, 2007

The workshop will address the main themes of the EUROLAN-2007 Summer
School, that is Semantics, Opinions and Sentiments (SOS), in relation
with eLearning.

One of the main benefits of education is that it allows the student to
come into direct contact with the lecturer. In face-to-face classroom
education, a significant part of the formation is based on this
activity, in which the student listens to the lecturer, and is
supposed to be conquered by her/his eloquence, by her/his vocabulary
and style, by the charm and charismatic presence of a human being. The
role of a lecturer is to transmit not only knowledge, but also
passion, discipline, and moral values. Very often, sentiments, as let
to be perceived by the lecturer and the student, influence crucially
the quality of education. Emotions and their expression should be
perceived either as a feedback in the reaction of the student or as a
component of the didactic activities.

Within technology enhanced learning, interaction is mediated by the
computer and the role of the human lecturer seems to be
diminished. However, a new generation of eLearning systems is being
developed, in which the human component will play a much more relevant
role. The challenge is to make the learning activities, in which the
computer gains a more and more significant position, as natural as

The intent of the workshop is to present new work and innovating ideas
for the development of eLearning systems that will exploit opinions
and sentiments in the communication between the tutor (real or
virtual) and the student. The following topics are relevant for the
ASOS event:

* molecules of emotion, sentiment classification and modeling
* automatic and semi-automatic discovery of subjectivity indicators in
* signaling and controlling sentiments in learning objects
* separation of subjectivity and objectivity in educational materials
* automatic generation of learning objects by integrating opinions and
  sentiments into content
* humor recognition and generation in educational media
* tracking themes and opinions over time
* annotation for deep semantics, sentiment, and subjectivity in
* subjectivity/sentiment and analysis of discourse and dialogue in
  chats, blogs, forums and interactive educational systems
* educational interfaces involving avatars displaying emotion
* communicating emotion in intelligent educational systems
* sentiments, opinions and rational behaviors in educational
* relationship between intelligent systems and emotional systems
* novel intelligent learning structures for emotional function and
* implementation of emotional systems and e-learning systems
* expressivity communicated in learning environments through speech
  and text
* applications of SOS to improve personalized and adaptive learning,
  adaptive information filtering and retrieval, intelligent tutoring
* behavior, emotions and sentiment ontologies
* evaluation of SOS in eLearning environments
* evaluation of emotional eLearning systems
* multilingual aspects in all the above

Papers are invited on substantial, original, and unpublished work
within the workshop themes. All submissions (even if they focus on
only one aspect of the mentioned topics) should show how eLearning
could benefit from the results.

We encourage submissions by YOUNG RESEARCHERS even if their research
is in its initial stage since the workshop will give the chance to
presenters to shape their ideas and receive feedback.

The workshop will run for three-four consecutive evenings during the
EUROLAN-07 Summer School. Selected proposals will be invited for a 30
minutes presentation which will be followed by one hour discussion
moderated by a member of the Program Committee. The papers presented,
together with a text summarizing the recorded discussions following
the presentations, will be published in a volume in the "Al.I.Cuza"
Publishing House.

The best reviewed submission will be granted a scholarship from the
LT4eL European Project ( to cover the EUROLAN
registration fee.

Proposals should be no longer than 8 pages, references excluded, and
should be structured as follows:

- title, authors and affiliations
- short presentation of the domain and related work/and achievements
- your own previous work in this area (if existent)
- the main idea of the proposal
- your expected feedback from the audience, including some major
  questions that you want to address
- the potential and feasibility of the idea
- the foreseen dangers
- references

In order for your proposal to be selected, you should convince the
Program Committee that it is SMART (Specific to the mentioned field,
the effort encumbered be Measurable, its objectives be Achievable, the
outcome be Relevant, and its realization be well Time-framed).

Submissions will be electronic. The papers will be uploaded on a
special page, details can be found on the web page of the ASOS

Important dates:
* Paper submissions deadline: May 28, 2007
* Notification of acceptance: June 11, 2007
* Presentations / final papers due: July 9, 2007
* Summer School dates: July 23 - August 3, 2007

Authors of accepted papers must register for the EUROLAN Summer School
and present their work at the ASOS workshop. No supplementary fee will
be required above the EUROLAN fee. All accepted authors will benefit
from the early registration fee regardless of the date they
register. Participation in the ASOS workshop is open to all
EUROLAN-2007 attendants.

Program Committee:

- Antonio Branco, University of Lisbon
- Dan Cristea, Al.I. Cuza University of Iasi
- Diane Evans, Open University
- Corina Forascu, Al.I. Cuza University of Iasi
- Erhard Hinrichs, Tübingen University
- Susanne J. Jekat, Zürich University of Applied Sciences Winterthur
- Walter v. Hahn, University of Hamburg
- Dirk Heylen, University of Twente
- Alex Killing, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zürich
- Steven Krauwer, Utrecht University
- Vladislav Kubon, Charles University - Prague
- Lothar Lemnitzer, Tübingen University
- Rada Mihalcea, University of Texas
- Paola Monachesi, Utrecht University
- Petya Osenova, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
- Adam Przepiórkowski, Institute of Computer Science, Polish Academy
  of Science
- Anne DeRoeck, Open University
- Mike Rosner, University of Malta
- Kiril Simov, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
- Carlo Strapparava, IRST-ITC Trento
- Horia-Nicolai Teodorescu, Romanian Academy
- Dan Tufis, Romanian Academy
- Cristina Vertan, University of Hamburg
- Michael Zock, University of Marseille

Organizing Committee:

- Paola Monachesi, Utrecht University
- Steven Krauwer, Utrecht University

To contact the organizers, please use the following address:
 Paola.Monachesi at

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