Seminaire: Epitech, Programme du mois d'avril

Thierry Hamon thierry.hamon at LIPN.UNIV-PARIS13.FR
Mon Apr 6 07:13:16 UTC 2009

Date: Wed, 1 Apr 2009 16:56:36 +0200
From: KAMENNOFF Nicolas <nkamennoff at>
Message-ID: <81699c840904010756o31f28cdfpd4f29ebb0c2647c3 at>


Dans le cadre de son partenariat avec le RMIT de Melbourne, l'école
Epitech et l'ACSEL (Advanced Computer Science Epitech Laboratory) vous
propose deux séminaires :

Le Lundi 6 Avril 2009 - Andrew Turpin : How do Search Engines Work?

Epitech, 24, rue Pasteur 94270 Le Kremlin Bicêtre
Metro porte d'italie

Résumé :

We have all become very accustomed to using search engines like
Google, but how is it possible to find 10 pages amongst 80 million Web
pages in less than a second?  This talk will give an overview of the
algorithms and data structures used to make a search engines work, and
then focus on the work of one of our PhD students on the algorithms
for generating short summaries of returned pages: snippets.

A propos de l'auteur :

Associate Professor Andrew Turpin is Head of the Information Storage,
Analysis and Retrieval Discipline at the School of Computer Science
and Information Technology, RMIT University, Melbourne Australia, and
an ARC Queen Elizabeth II Research Fellow. He completed his PhD at The
University of Melbourne on data compression in 1999, subsequently
spent several years at Devers Eye Institute and Oregon Health and
Sciences University in Portland Oregon, then four more years after
that teaching computer science at Curtin University of Technology in
Perth. After a short time as Senior Lecturer at The University of
Melbourne, he has spent the last 4.5 years at RMIT as part of The
Search Engine Group.  His recent research interests are in evaluating
information retrieval engines, algorithms for pattern searching, and
computational methods for diagnosing and monitoring glaucoma.

Le jeudi 16 Avril 2009 à 19h - James Thom : User evaluation studies
for information retrieval and database research

Epitech, 24, rue Pasteur 94270 Le Kremlin Bicêtre
Metro porte d'italie

Résumé :

The Cranfield methodology is the basis for the evaluation of many
major international collaborative retrieval experiments (such as TREC,
TRECVID, INEX, and CLEF), and requires user assessments on the
relevance of answers returned by retrieval systems. In this talk I
will present user evaluation studies in three quite different
contexts: database schema matching, filtering of search engine
results, and mediated enterprise search.  In the first study, users
identify matches between pairs of database schemas to support the
evaluation of the effectiveness of using a Star ontology to represent
schemas in data warehouse. The user study on filtering of educational
resources shows that assessment criteria other than relevance can be
valuable in specialized retrieval environments.  The user study on
enterprise search quantifies the cost and benefit to an information
service provider of investing in mediated enterprise search.

A propos de l'auteur :

James Thom is an Associate Professor in the School of Computer Science
and IT, at RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia. He received his
PhD from the University of Melbourne in 1993, with a thesis in the
area of document database systems. His research interests encompass
mostly databases and information retrieval, and he has published 75
refereed papers in journals and conferences, including publications in
ACM Transactions on Database Systems, ACM Transactions on the Web,
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, IEEE Transactions
on Multimedia, Journal of the American Society for Information
Science, Information Processing and Management, and Information


Advanced Computer Science Epitech Laboratory
24, rue Pasteur
94270 Le Kremlin Bicêtre France

Laboratoire d'Informatique de l'université Paris-Nord
99, avenue Jean-Baptiste Clément
93430 Villetaneuse

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