Appel: ICMI-MLMI 2009 Call for Special Sessions - Proposals due March 1, 2009

Thierry Hamon thierry.hamon at LIPN.UNIV-PARIS13.FR
Tue Feb 24 15:58:09 UTC 2009

Date:         Mon, 23 Feb 2009 11:01:49 -0500
From:         Yang Liu <yangl at HLT.UTDALLAS.EDU>
Message-ID:  <LISTSERV%200902231101497900.1E43 at LISTSERV.ACM.ORG>

# Apologies for cross postings

Reminder: proposals are due March 1st, 2009.

Boston MA, USA
2-6 November 2009
Special sessions in main conference: 2-4 November 2009

*********  Special Session Proposal Deadline: 1 March 2009  *******

Acceptance Notification: 22 March 2009

The ICMI and MLMI conferences will jointly take place in the Boston
area during November 2-6, 2009. The main aim of ICMI-MLMI 2009 is to
further scientific research within the broad field of multimodal
interaction, methods and systems. The joint conference will focus on
major trends and challenges in this area, and work to identify a
roadmap for future research and commercial success.  The main
conference will include a number of sessions.  Each special session
should provide an overview of the state-of-the-art, present novel
methodologies, and highlight important research directions in a field
of special interest to ICMI participants. Topics of special sessions
should be focused rather than defined broadly.

Each special session should comprise of 4-5 invited papers. It is
encouraged that the session begins with an overview paper on the topic
being addressed and that the remaining papers follow up with technical
contributions on the topic.

The following information should be included in the proposal:

   * Title of the proposed special session
   * Names/affiliation of the organizers (including brief bio and 
      contact info)
   * Session abstract (state significance of the topic and the 
      rationale for the proposed session)
   * List of invited presenters (including a tentative title and a 
      300-words abstract for each paper)

Proposals will be evaluated based on the timeliness of the topic and
relevance to ICMI, the potential impact of the sessions, the quality
of the proposed content, and the standing of the organizers.

Please note that all papers in the proposed session should be reviewed
to ensure that the contributions are of the highest quality.  The
organizer(s) of accepted special sessions will arrange the review
process, except that the review of papers submitted by the organizers
themselves will be handled by the special session and program
co-chairs.  Once all the papers belonging to a special session are
reviewed, the final acceptance of the session will be based on
submitting the whole package to the program co-chairs.

Important Dates for Special Session Submission:

1 March 2009: Proposal for special sessions due.
22 March 2009: Decision for special session proposal due.
29 May 2009: Submission of special session papers to organizers.
15 July 2009: Acceptance notification.
1 August 2009: Submission of the whole package and final versions of papers

To submit special session proposals (as pdf) or for additional
information regarding the special sessions, please email
  special-sessions-icmi2009 at

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