Seminaire: Linguistic Typology and Language Technology, Reut Tsarfaty, Alpage , 5 octobre 2009

Thierry Hamon thierry.hamon at UNIV-PARIS13.FR
Fri Oct 2 19:51:24 UTC 2009

Date: Thu, 1 Oct 2009 14:17:27 +0200
From: "Benoit Crabbé" <benoit.crabbe at>
Message-Id: <4BAB484F-8EE8-476F-B7E0-2FF3ABC4C2D2 at>

******************* Séminaire Alpage *******************

         Séminaire de l'école doctorale de Paris 7

Il s'agit du séminaire de recherche en linguistique informatique
organisé par l'équipe Alpage, Alpage est une équipe mixte Inria --
Paris 7 qui centre ses intérêts scientifiques autour de l'analyse
syntaxique automatique et du traitement du discours pour la langue

Le séminaire se tient le lundi de 14.30 à 16.00 tous les 15 jours.  Il
aura lieu en salle Orange 1 au 23 avenue d'Italie (antenne INRIA
Paris) 75013 Paris

Toute personne intéressée est la bienvenue.


Lundi 5 octobre 2009, Reut Tsarfaty (Universiteit van Amsterdam) nous
parlera de :

Linguistic Typology and Language Technology: A Match Made in
Statistical Parsing

Résumé :

Treebank-induced statistical parsers demonstrate excellent performance
for parsing English, but it is has been repeatedly shown that adapting
them to parsing other languages often fails to yield comparable
results. In this talk I consider the parsing problem from a
typological perspective, arguing that the choice and arrangement of
model parameters should reflect dimensions of typological variation. I
firstly demonstrate that head-centered parsing methods are
inherently suboptimal for parsing languages that are
less-congurational than English as they assume simple, transparent,
mapping between grammatical functions and congurational positions.
I then show that the Relational-Realizational approach, a proposal
which explicitly parametrizes two dimensions of typological variation;
basic word-order and morphological synthesis, more easily adapts to
non-congurational structures in the language.  I finally present
performance gains of the Relational-Realizational model over
Head-Driven varieties on parsing the Semitic language Modern Hebrew,
and suggest the resulting empirical distributions as means to quantify
typological classication.

Séminaires à venir :

12/10 : K. Sagae (Southern California)
9/11   : R. Basili(Roma)
23/11 : L. Barque (Lille)
30/11 : P. Merlo (Genève)

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