Job: 3 Marie Curie Positions in CLARA (ICALL, Treebanks, Finite-State Techniques)
Thierry Hamon
thierry.hamon at UNIV-PARIS13.FR
Fri Apr 2 18:38:09 UTC 2010
Date: Wed, 31 Mar 2010 17:09:18 +0200
From: Detmar Meurers <dm at>
Message-ID: <20100331150917.GA560 at>
Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
THREE MARIE CURIE POSITIONS for Early Stage Researchers
in Computational Linguistics & Language Technology
Application deadline: May 15, 2010
Envisaged starting date: September 1, 2010
The Department of Computational and General Linguistics at Tübingen
University is inviting applications for three Marie Curie Early Stage
Researchers for a period of 24 months.
The positions involve participation in the EU Marie Curie Initial
Training Network CLARA (Common Language Resources and their
Applications), receiving funding from European Commission's 7th
Framework Programme (, Applicants cannot be German citizens, except if
the applicants have legally resided and had their main activity in a
non–associated third country for at least three of the last four years
immediately prior to this employment. Further, applicants must not
have resided or performed their main activity in Germany more than 12
months in the 3 year period immediately prior to the start date of the
scholarship. For a full list of mobility criteria, see
The specific positions involve participation in the CLARA subprojects
Intelligent Computer-Assisted Language Learning,Treebanks and Finite
State Techniques.
position involves participation in the project "Connecting ICALL
Research and Development to Foreign Language Teaching Needs". The
project researches how effective use of NLP for Intelligent Language
Tutoring Systems (ILTS) can be informed by Second Language Acquisition
research and Foreign Language Teaching practice. On the theoretical
side, this includes a broad spectrum of research directions which can
be explored, while on the practical side we envisage integration of
the results into a UIMA-based ILTS architecture (cf., e.g.,
TREEBANKS: This two year position involves participation in the
project "Linguistic Analysis for Treebank Annotation". The overall aim
of this subproject is to specify a common core of syntactic and
semantic features for a range of languages (Czech, English, German,
Slovak, and others). Different annotation schemes will be tested and
validated by performing annotation of texts for these languages,
providing as the final product annotated corpora (treebanks) for both
linguistic research and statistical language learning, as well as
creating NLP tools (i.e. tools for automatic syntactic and semantic
FINITE-STATE TECHNIQUES: This two year position involves participation
in the project "Finite-state Parsing Methods". Methods using
finite-state transducers (FSTs) have proven to be a general framework
for describing morphological and phrase level processing of natural
languages and provide a technically uniform development and
implementation platform. The aim of this project is to deepen
understanding of these methods and develop new applications for NLP
tasks such as shallow parsing and information extraction. One of the
directions to be investigated is to combine rule-base models and
probabilistic methods through the use of weighted FSTs.
The CLARA network offers an intensive research exchange programme
between 16 participating institutions. While staying with the host
institution for most of the time, the programme allows for a shorter
stay at a second academic or industrial partner institution
(secondment). The successful candidate will be expected to partake
actively in training activities organised by CLARA. This includes
summer schools, seminars and courses organised locally and at other
network institutions.
The salary of an Early Stage Researcher is set in accordance with the
regulations of the Marie Curie Initial Training Network within the
European Commission's 7th Framework Programme (see,
the German labor laws and Tübingen University regulations. The maximum
salary under these regulations is EUR 29,000 per year (subject to
state taxation, social and health insurance and social fund
deductions) plus a monthly mobility allowance of 508 Euro (for single
persons) or 812 Euro (for families) as well as a taxable travel
allowance of 1,400 Euro per year and a one-time career exploratory
allowance of 2000 Euro. Additional, non-salaried, non-taxable
contributions toward moving and travel to CLARA events and conferences
are available from CLARA funds.
For further information about the positions, please contact
Prof. Dr. Erhard Hinrichs (eh at or
Prof. Dr. Detmar Meurers (dm at
For administrative or practical information, such as the level of
living expenses in Tübingen, please contact Mrs. Cornelia Stoll
(cornelia.stoll at Information about the Department of
Computational and General Linguistics can be found on the web at
Applications should be emailed to cornelia.stoll at or
mailed to
Mrs. Cornelia Stoll
Seminar für Sprachwissenschaft
Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
Wilhelmstr. 19
72074 Tübingen
Please submit the following application materials:
- A curriculum vitae including the following information:
- Name, place and date of birth, gender and address information.
- Nationality (or nationalities) and record of residence (countries
and periods of residence in those) for the past 3 years.
- List of academic degrees obtained. For each degree, give the title
in the original language and in English, the awarding institution
and date. Clearly indicate which degrees formally entitle you to
embark on a doctorate, and which degrees constitute a doctorate,
if applicable.
- Description of research experience after Master's degree, with
calculation in full-time equivalents (see also
- A list of topics covered in your studies, other relevant knowledge
and activities in relevant research areas.
- Positions held and other relevant work experience.
- A list of publications.
- A sample of relevant written work (e.g., research paper or thesis,
preferably in English).
- Copies of high school and university certificates and diplomas, and
transcripts of courses taken.
- Contact information of two referees.
- A statement of research interests related to the current
Women are particularly encouraged to apply.
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