Appel: TIDIAD at ESSLLI'10

Thierry Hamon thierry.hamon at UNIV-PARIS13.FR
Tue Apr 6 19:42:51 UTC 2010

Date: Mon, 05 Apr 2010 14:59:43 +0200
From: Laure Vieu <vieu at>
Message-ID: <4BB9DEBF.2090500 at>

Please circulate - Apologies for multiple copies - Please circulate

                         LAST CALL FOR PAPERS
                  **Submission Deadline: April 12**

   Workshop on Theories of Information Dynamics and Interaction and
                    their Application to Dialogue
                          TIDIAD at ESSLLI2010

Workshop organized as part of the European Summer School on Logic,
Language and Information ESSLLI 2010 (

           August 16-20 (ESSLLI 2nd week) 2010, Copenhagen

Workshop Purpose and Topics:

Theoretical approaches to communication and dialogue modeling are
varied and often unrelated because separately focusing on different
aspects of dialogue (speech acts, goals, beliefs, plans, questions,
conventions, roles, cooperation, disputes, argumentation, reference,
semantics-pragmatics interface...).
On the other hand, the area of foundations of multi-agent systems is
inducing new developments in logics of interaction and information
dynamics, with a recent trend towards comparison and integration.
Analyzing the impact of this trend on communication and dialogue
modeling is timely.

This workshop aims at discussing formal theories and logics of
information dynamics and interaction and their applications to
dialogue and communication modeling. It is intended to bring together
logicians, linguists and computer scientists in order to provide a
better understanding of the potentialities and limitations of formal
methods for the analysis of dialogue and communication. Its scope
includes not only the technical aspects of logics, but also
multidisciplinary aspects from linguistics, philosophy of language,
philosophy of social reality, social sciences (social psychology,

The following are some examples of formal theories and logics that are
relevant to the workshop (no order):

speech act theory,
argumentation theory,
game theory,
public announcement logic,
dynamic epistemic logic (DEL),
logics of agency and power (e.g. STIT, ATL, Coalition Logic),
theories of persuasion,
theories of commitment,
dynamic semantics,
semantic approaches to interrogative clauses,
rhetorical approaches to dialogue (e.g., Segmented Discourse
Representation Theory).

The focus of the workshop will be on recent developments, especially
those that combine several approaches (e.g. dynamic epistemic logic
and speech act theory, dynamic epistemic logic and segmented discourse
representation theory, public announcement logic and commitment
theories, STIT and dynamic epistemic logic, Coalition Logic and public
announcement logic...) to deal with complex dialogue and communication

Invited speakers:
Patrick Blackburn, LORIA, INRIA Nancy
Jeroen Groenendijk, ILLC, University of Amsterdam

Workshop Organizers:
Emiliano Lorini ("lorini at") and Laure Vieu ("vieu at"), IRIT-CNRS, Toulouse

Workshop Programme Committee:

Nicholas Asher, IRIT-CNRS, Toulouse
Guillaume Aucher, Univ. of Luxembourg
Alexandru Baltag, Oxford Univ.
Anton Benz, ZAS, Berlin
Patrick Blackburn, INRIA, Nancy
Guido Boella, Univ. of Turin
Jan Broersen, Univ. of Utrecht
Cristiano Castelfranchi, ISTC-CNR, Rome
Hans van Ditmarsch, Univ. of Otago & Univ. of Seville
Raquel Fernández, Univ. of Amsterdam
Jonathan Ginzburg, King's College, London
Jeroen Groenendijk, Univ. of Amsterdam
Davide Grossi, Univ. of Amsterdam
Andreas Herzig, IRIT-CNRS, Toulouse
Wiebe van der Hoek, Univ. of Liverpool
Joris Hulstijn, Vrije Univ. of Amsterdam
Barteld Kooi, Univ. of Groningen
Kepa Korta, Univ. of Basque Country, Donostia
Alex Lascarides, Univ. Edinburgh
Dominique Longin, IRIT-CNRS, Toulouse
John-Jules Meyer, Univ. of Utrecht
Paul Piwek, The Open Univ., Milton Keynes
Henry Prakken, Univ. of Utrecht
Leon van der Torre, Univ. of Luxembourg

Submission Details:

Authors are invited to submit an extended abstract presenting work
relevant to the area of information dynamics, interaction and
dialogue.  Extended abstracts should have a maximum of 6 pages, font
size of at least 11pt, and margins of at least 2 cm. Papers should be
in PDF format (Latex-generated papers are preferred, but not
necessary), and uploaded by April 12 using Easychair at:
The submissions will be reviewed by the program committee and possibly
additional reviewers. The accepted papers will appear in the workshop
proceedings published by ESSLLI. The format for the final versions
will be made available in due course.
A special issue of the journal Synthese is planned, based on selected
papers presented at the workshop, of which full versions will be
independently reviewed.

Important dates:
Apr 12, 2010: Deadline for submission
May 24, 2010: Notification
June 1, 2010: Deadline for early registration to ESSLLI
Jun 15, 2010: Deadline for final papers
August 16-20, 2010: Workshop

Local Arrangements:
All workshop participants including the presenters will be required to
register for ESSLLI.

Further Information:
About the workshop:

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