Appel: LREC 2010 Workshop on Supporting e-learning with language resources and semantic data

Thierry Hamon thierry.hamon at UNIV-PARIS13.FR
Fri Jan 8 21:25:49 UTC 2010

Date: Thu, 07 Jan 2010 09:46:27 +0100
From: info at
Message-ID: <4B459F63.9010008 at>

Workshop on Supporting e-learning with language resources and semantic

Date: 22/5/2010

To take place within the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference

(LREC 2010) Valletta, Malta




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Language resources are of crucial importance not only for research and
development in language and speech technology but also for eLearning
applications. In addition, the increasingly availability of
semantically interpreted data in the WEB 3.0 is creating a huge impact
in semantic technology.  Social media applications such as Delicious,
Flikr, You tube, Facebook, provide us with data in the form of tags
and interactions among users. We believe that the exploitation of
semantic data (emerging both from the Semantic Web and from social
media) and language resources will drive the next generation eLearning
platforms.  The integration of these technologies within eLearning
applications should also facilitate access to learning material in
developing economies.


The workshop aims at bringing together computational linguists,
language resources developers, knowledge engineers, social media
researchers and researchers involved in technology-enhanced learning
as well as developers of eLearning material, ePublishers and eLearning
practitioners. It will provide a forum for interaction among members
of different research communities, and a means for attendees to
increase their knowledge and understanding of the potential of
language resources in eLearning. We will especially target eLearning
practitioners in the Mediterranean Partner Countries.


Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:


1.· Relevance of language resources, semantic data (i.e. ontologies,
    social media data) and tools in eLearning;

· Use of social media applications and social networks in enhancing

· Methods to link semantic description of learning objects to semantic
  web data;

· Ontology Design in the eLearning domain;

2.· Different methods of employing LRs such as written and spoken
    corpora, grammars, lexicons, and linguistic databases in

3.· Use of multilingual language resources in facilitating knowledge
    exchange within eLearning applications;

4.· Use of language and speech technology for improvement of language
    learning applications;

· Use of language and speech technology to provide feedback in
  eLearning applications;

· Exploitation of semantic data and language resources for the
  development of intelligent functionalities in eLearning systems;

· Collaborative development of semantic data describing learning

· Methods to re-use linked data in the development of learning

· eLearning applications enhanced with language technology tools and
  semantic data in facilitating education access in Mediterranean
  partner countries.

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* *

Abstracts should be 5 pages long and submitted through the START
Conference Manager submission site:

Accepted papers will be published in the workshop proceedings and
should adhere to the style sheet.

When submitting a paper from the START page, authors will be asked to
provide essential information about resources (in a broad sense, i.e.
also technologies, standards, evaluation kits, etc.) that have been
used for the work described in the paper or are a new result of your

For further information on this new initiative, please refer to


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*Important dates*

* *

/_Submission of abstracts: _//_15 February 2010_//__/

/_Notification of acceptance: _//_22 March 2010_//__/

/_Final version for the proceedings: _//_28 March 2010_//__/

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*Organisers *

* *

Paola Monachesi, University of Malta and Utrecht University

Alfio Massimiliano Gliozzo, ISTC-CNR

Eline Westerhout ,Utrecht University

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      Programme Committee

Claudio Baldassarre (Open University)

Roberto Basili (University of Rome Tor Vergata)

Eva Blomqvist (ISTC --CNR)

Antonio Branco (University of Lisbon)

Dan Cristea (University of Ias,i)

Ernesto William De Luca (TU Berlin)

Philippe Dessus (Univ. Pierre-Mendès-France, Grenoble)

Claudio Giuliano (FBK-irst)

Wolfgang Greller (Open University of the Netherlands)

Alessio Gugliotta (Innova spa)

Jamil Itmazi (Palestine Ahliya University)

Susanne Jekat (Zürich Winterthur Hochschule)

Vladislav Kubon (Charles University Prague)

Lothar Lemnitzer (Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften)

Stefanie Lindstaedt (Know-Center, Graz)

Angelo Marco Luccini (INSEAD)

Manuele Manente (JOGroup)

Dunja Mladenic (J. Stefan Institute)

Mattew Montebello (University of Malta)

Jad Najjar (WU Vienna)

Valentina Presutti, STLab  (ISTC -- CNR)

Adam Przepiorkowski (Polish Academy of Sciences)

Mike Rosner (University of Malta)

Doaa Samy (Cairo University)

Khaled Shaalan (Cairo University)

Kiril Simov (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences)

Stefan Trausan-Matu (University of Bucarest)

Cristina Vertan (University of Hamburg)

Fridolin Wild (Open University)

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