Revue: Journal of Language Contact VARIA 3 (2010)
Thierry Hamon
thierry.hamon at UNIV-PARIS13.FR
Fri May 21 21:21:17 UTC 2010
Date: Fri, 21 May 2010 17:53:21 +0200
From: Robert NICOLAI <nicolai at>
Message-Id: <773A0DB1-0569-4CD7-8AB1-D588A672B6A2 at>
** Sorry for multiple posting **
Dear Colleagues,
The VARIA 3 issue of the Journal of Language Contact (JLC)
has now appeared and can henceforth be downloaded from: .
The complete issue as well as each separate article can be accessed
under: "Issues & Articles".
You find below:
1. The content of this issue
2. An Information about the new status of JLC
Merlijn de Smit
Modelling mixed languages: Some remarks on the case of Old Helsinki
Andrei A. Avram
An outline of Romanian Pidgin Arabic
Graham Thurgood
Hainan Cham, Anong, and Eastern Cham: Three languages, three social
contexts, three patterns of change
Béatrice Akissi Boutin
Syntagmes nominaux et syntagmes adpositionnels dans trois langues en
contact de Côte d'Ivoire
Brad Montgomery-Anderson
Grammaticalization through language contact: the periphrastic passive
in Chontal Mayan
Book Reviews and Debates
Book reviews and debates : some explanations
Jonathan Owens
What is a Language? : Review of Bernard Comrie, Ray Fabri, Elizabeth
Hume, Manwel Mifsud, Thomas Stolz & Martine Vanhove (eds.),
Introducing Maltese Linguistics. Selected papers from the 1st
International Conference on Maltese Linguistics, Bremen, 18-20
October. 2007, XI, 422 pages. Studies in Language Companion Series
113. Amsterdam-Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
Elisabetta Carpitelli
Pour une théorie intégrée du plurilinguisme et du contact
linguistique. À propos de : Uriel Weinreich, Lingue in
contatto. Premessa di Vincenzo Orioles. Introduzione di Giorgio
Raimondo Cardona, 2008, 352 pages. Torino, UTET (Unione Tipografico
Editrice Torinese).
Book Reviews
Georges D. Véronique
Birgit Brock-Utne & Ingse Skattum (eds.). Languages and Education in
Africa. A comparative and transdisciplinary analysis, 2009, 356
pages. Oxford: Symposium Books.
Françoise Gadet
Penelope Gardner-Chloros. Code-switching, 2009, 254 pages. Cambridge
University Press.
Nicolas Quint
Magnus Huber & Viveka Villupillai (eds.). Synchronic and Diachronic
Perspectives on Contact Languages, 2007, XII + 370
pages. Amsterdam-Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
Naomi Lapidus Shin
Carol A. Klee & Andrew Lynch. El español en contacto con otras
lenguas, 2009, xiv + 331 pages. Washington DC: Georgetown University
Axel Fleisch
Mena Lafkioui & Vermondo Brugnatelli (eds.). Berber in
Contact. Linguistic and sociolinguistic perspectives, 2008, 231pp. 4
colour illustrations, 12 tables. [Berber Studies, vol. 22.] Köln:
Rüdiger Köppe Verlag.
Tjerk Hagemeijer
Philippe Maurer. Principense - Grammar, texts, and vocabulary of the
Afro-Portuguese creole of the island of Príncipe, Gulf of Guinea,
2009, vii+280 pages. London-Colombo: Battlebridge Publications.
Nélia Alexandre
Nicolas Quint. L’Élément Africain dans la Langue Capverdienne //
Africanismos na Língua Caboverdiana, 2008, 133 pages. Paris :
Anthony P. Grant
Rachel Selbach, Hugo C. Cardoso, & Margot van der Berg (eds.), Gradual
creolization: studies celebrating Jacques Arends), 2009, X + 392
pages. (Creole Language Library 34) Amsterdam - Pittsburgh: John
Caroline Juillard
Peter K.W.Tan & Rani Rubdy. Language as Commodity. Global Structures,
Local Marketplaces, 2008, 228 pages, London - New York: Continuum.
Carsten Sinner
Robert E. Vann. Materials for the Sociolinguistic Description and
Corpus-Based Study of Spanish in Barcelona. Toward a Documentation of
Colloquial Spanish in Naturally Ocurring Groups, with a Foreword by
Montserrat Casanovas Catalá, 2009, xvi + 263 pages, 16 tables and 2
maps. The Edwid Mellen Press, Lewiston, Queenston & Lampeter.
Books and journals received
JLC Authors and Referees (THEMA 1, 2 ; VARIA 1, 2, 3).
JLC INFORMATION : Change of state
The third VARIA volume of the Journal of Language Contact is herewith
published and the third THEMA issue shall appear by end of 2010. The
already published volumes have been well recognized in the academic
field of Language Contact studies and the international academic
affiliations of the contributors, the thematic richness of the
articles and the scientific quality may be interpreted as a
confirmation of the journals success. JLC is in the fore in its domain
on an international level and has received international
attention. However, despite its recognition it received not enough
publishing support.
The attention of publishing house Brill in Leiden has, as a
consequence of its international recognition, been attracted to the
development of the journal. BRILL has contacted the editors and
proposed to continue the publication and diffusion of the Journal of
Language Contact one year ago. After examination of the offer and one
year of negotiations the editors have finally accepted because the
engagement and experience of BRILL will guarantee the continuity of
the journal and provide the necessary publishing support, hosting and
promotion—while the scientific independence will be left
untouched. Although the future volumes of the journal will no longer
be open access, a moderate pricing of has been agreed on.
This will change:
1) One volume with two issues of JLC will appear per year as before. A
distinction with the current practice is that most issues will be
regular issues, but occasionally a thematic issue will be published
which will be announced in advance. The number of pages will remain
350 pp. per year.
2) Starting from volume 4, JLC will be published online and in print,
distributed under the terms of subscription of BRILL.
3) The mode of publication of the actual issues VARIA 3 and THEMA 3
(volume 3) is and will be still open access. All articles can be
downloaded without charge as before.
4) All issues and articles up to volume 3 will remain open access and
can be downloaded without charge as before. They will be however
accessible under the new future domain and are hosted then on the
new website of the journal at BRILL.
Robert Nicolaï
We hope you will also visit our site
We would also like to invite you to distribute this
announcement to all your colleagues who might be interested. Thank you very
much in advance for your prospective support, comments and suggestions.
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