Conf: CLA'10 - Computational Linguistics - Applications - Draft Program

Thierry Hamon thierry.hamon at UNIV-PARIS13.FR
Thu Sep 2 19:57:03 UTC 2010

Date: Mon, 9 Aug 2010 17:30:51 +0200
From: "[IMCSIT] News" <chair.cla2010 at>
Message-ID: <282f1923de60ab1a8a821541fa1da2e8 at>




Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Morning session: Lexical Resources, chair: Maciej Piasecki

   1. An approach for generating personalized views from normalized
      electronic dictionaries: A practical experiment on Arabic
      Aida KHEMAKHEM, Bilel GARGOURI, Abdelmajid BEN HAMADOU
      MIRACL Laboratory, University of Sfax, Tunisia

   2. Automatic Extraction of Arabic Multi-Word Terms
      Khalid Al Khatib, Amer Badarneh
      Jordan University of Science and Technology, Jordan

   3. Building and Using Existing Hunspell Dictionaries and TeX
      Hyphenators as Finite-State Automata
      Tommi Pirinen, Krister Linden
      University of Helsinki, Finland

   4. Computing trees of named word usages from a crowdsourced lexical
      Mathieu Lafourcade, Alain Joubert
      LIRMM, France

   5. Parallel, Massive Processing in SuperMatrix - a General Tool for
      Distributional Semantic Analysis of Corpus
      Bartosz Broda, Damian Jaworski, Maciej Piasecki
      Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland

   6. Semi-Automatic Extension of Morphological Lexica
      Tobias Kaufmann, Beat Pfister
      ETH Zurich, Switzerland

   7. The Polish Cyc lexicon as a bridge between Polish language and
      the Semantic Web
      Aleksander Pohl
      Jagiellonian University, Poland

   8. Tools for syntactic concordancing
      Violeta Seretan, Eric Wehrli
      University of Geneva, Switzerland

   9. WordnetLoom: a Graph-based Visual Wordnet Development Framework
      Maciej Piasecki, Michal Marcinczuk, Adam Musial, Radoslaw
      Ramocki, Marek Maziarz
      Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland

Afternoon session: Machine Translation & Speech, chair: Krzysztof

   1. A web-based translation service at the UOC based on Apertium
      Luis Villarejo, Mireia Farrus, Gema Ramirez, Sergio Ortiz
      Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (Office of Learning
      Technologies), Spain

   2. Anusaaraka: An Expert System based Machine Translation System  
      Sriram Chaudhury, Ankitha Rao 
      Language Technologies Research Centre, IIIT-Hyderabad, INDIA

   3. APyCA: Towards the Automatic Subtitling of Television Content in
      Aitor Alvarez, Arantza del Pozo, Andoni Arruti
      Vicomtech Research Centre, Spain

   4. Automatic Detection of Prominent Words in Russian Speech
      Daniil Kocharov
      Saint Petersburg State University, Russia

   5. Development of a Voice Control Interface for Navigating Robots
      and Evaluation in Outdoor Environments
      Ravi Coote
      Fraunhofer Institute for Communication, Information Processing
      and Ergonomics FKIE, Germany

   6. Improving the performance of Gaussian selection system
      Darko Pekar, Marko Janev, Niksa Jakovljevic, Vlado Delic
      Faculty of Technical Sciences, Novi Sad, Serbia

   7. LEXiTRON-Pro Editor: An Integrated Tool for developing Thai
      Pronunciation Dictionary
      Supon Klaithin, Patcharika chootrakool, Krit Kosawat
      National Electronics and Computer Technology Center (NECTEC),

   8. Matura Evaluation Experiment Based on Human Evaluation of
      Machine Translation
      Aleksandra Wojak, Filip Graliński
      Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland

   9. Polish Phones Statistics
      Bartosz Ziolko, Jakub Galka
      AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland

  10. SyMGiza++: A Tool for Parallel Computation of Symmetrized Word
      Alignment Models
      Marcin Junczys-Dowmunt, Arkadiusz Szał
      Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland

  11. The Role of the Newly Introduced Word Types in the Translations
      of Novels
      Maria Csernoch
      University of Debrecen, Hungary

  12. TREF - TRanslation Enhancement Framework for Japanese-English
      Bartholomaus Wloka, Werner Winiwarter
      University of Vienna, Austria 

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Morning session: Syntax & Semantics, chair: Adam Przepiorkowski

   1. An Approach for the Reuse of Lingware  Systems
      MIRACL Laboratory, University of Sfax, Tunisia

   2. Effective natural language parsing with probabilistic grammars
      Paweł Skorzewski
      Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland

   3. Finding Patterns in Strings using Suffixarrays
      Herman Stehouwer, Menno Van Zaanen
      Tilburg University, The Netherlands

   4. German subordinate clause word order in dialogue-based CALL.
      Magdalena Wolska, Sabrina Wilske
      Saarland University, Germany

   5. Interpreting Architectural Constraints
      Remco Niemeijer, Bauke de Vries, Jakob Beetz
      Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands

   6. Multiple Noun Expression Analysis: An Implementation of
      Ontological Semantic Technology
      Julia Taylor, Victor Raskin, Maxim Petrenko, Christian
      F. Hempelmann
      RiverGlass Inc & Purdue University, USA

   7. Tools and Methodologies for Annotating Syntax and Named Entities
      in the National Corpus of Polish
      Jakub Waszczuk, Katarzyna Glowinska, Agata Savary, Adam
      Universite Francois Rabelais Tours, France

   8. Using TRALE for HPSG Analysis of Persian
      Masood Ghayoomi, Stefan Muller
      Freie Universitat Berlin, Germany

Afternoon  session: Text classification, chair: Piotr Fuglewicz

   1. "Beautiful picture of an ugly place". Exploring photo
      collections using opinion and sentiment analysis of user
      Slava Kisilevich, Christian Rohrdantz, Daniel Keim
      University of Konstanz, Germany

   2. Automatic Genre Identification: Testing with Noise
      Efstathios Stamatatos, Serge Sharoff, Marina Santini
      KYH, Sweden

   3. Entity Summarisation with Limited Edge Budget on Knowledge Graphs
      Marcin Sydow, Mariusz Pikuła, Ralf Schenkel, Adam Siemion
      Institute of Computer Science, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland

   4. Is Shallow Semantic Analysis Really That Shallow? A Study on
      Improving Text Classification Performance
      Przemysław Maciołek, Grzegorz Dobrowolski
      AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland

   5. Quality Benchmarking Relational Databases and Lucene in the
      TREC4 Adhoc Task Environment
      Ahmet Arslan, Ozgur Yilmazel
      Anadolu University, Turkey

   6. RefGen: a Tool for Reference Chains Identification
      Laurence Longo, Amalia Todirascu
      Universite de Strasbourg, France

   7. Using Self Organizing Map to Cluster Arabic Crime Documents
      Meshrif Alruily, Aladdin Ayesh, Abdulsamad Al-Marghilani
      De Montfort University, UK


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* Previous years' papers:
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