Soft: Unitex 2.1

Thierry Hamon thierry.hamon at UNIV-PARIS13.FR
Fri Feb 11 19:31:51 UTC 2011

Date: Thu, 10 Feb 2011 11:03:51 +0100
From: Sébastien Paumier
Message-ID: <4D53B807.9040605 at>

Dear colleagues,
it's a pleasure for us to announce you the release of Unitex 2.1 at:

Unitex is an Open Source corpus processor that uses linguistic
resources such as eletronic dictionaries and local grammars. It works
on Windows, MacOS and Linux. At the given URL, you will find the
software, the user manual (up-to-date) and a brief overview of the
history of Unitex.

Major improvements since 2.0:
- introduction of LocateTfst that performs locate operations on the
  text automaton
- introduction of a statistical tagger that can trim text automata to
  make them linear
- introduction of the transducer cascade system CasSys
- introduction of output variables that can be used to catch outputs
  emitted by grammars
- introduction of operators to test and compare variables
- advanced search options
- support of semitic inflection, including Arabic typographical
- logging of error messages emitted by programs
- Unitex is now pure LGPL
- Unitex can be compiled as a dynamic library (.dll or .so)
- the whole code is thread-safe
- introduction of UnitexToolLogger that can be used to create and run
  again log of Unitex programs execution

Best regards,
S茅bastien Paumier

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