Appel: SPMRL2011, 2nd Workshop on Statistical Parsing of Morphologically-Rich Languages

Thierry Hamon thierry.hamon at UNIV-PARIS13.FR
Fri Jul 22 20:15:16 UTC 2011

Date: Wed, 20 Jul 2011 11:36:54 +0200
From: DJamé Seddah <djame.seddah at>
Message-Id: <094FEB4B-EF3C-4009-9CFB-BF4AC1B7E12D at>

** Apologies for cross-posting **


Second Workshop on Statistical Parsing of Morphologically Rich
Languages (SPMRL 2011)

Collocated with IWPT 2011, October 5-7, 2011,
( )

Submission deadline: July 31, 2011  (PDT, GMT-8) . 
Notification to authors: September 5, 2011
Camera ready copy: September 20, 2011
Workshop: October 6, 2011

Alongside the usual themes of the SPMRL workshop, this year's event
will feature a special theme on the objective and the design of a
shared task on parsing MRLs. See further details below.

Since the advent of large syntactically annotated corpora, statistical
parsing has been a cornerstone of research in NLP. While Penn Treebank
parsing performance, be it dependency-based or constituency-based,
seems to have reached a high plateau, the same cannot be said of other
languages, data sets and domains.

Statistical parsing of morphologically-rich languages (MRLs) has
repeatedly been shown to exhibit a plethora of nontrivial challenges,
including sparse lexica in the face of rich inflectional systems,
parsing deficiency in the face of free word order and tree- bank
annotation idiosyncrasies in the face of morphosyntactic interactions.
Recent studies on parsing languages such as German, Arabic, Hebrew or
French using newly available treebanks contribute to our understanding
of the extent of the difficulty that such phenomena pose when reusing
parsing models initially designed to parse English.  Beyond the
technical and linguistic difficulties, the lack of communication
between researchers working on different MRLs can lead to a
reinventing the wheel syndrome.

Following the warm reception of the first SPMRL workshop at NAACL-HLT
2010, the second SPMRL workshop aims to build upon the success of the
first and offer a platform to this growing community of interests. We
solicit papers describing parsing experiments with models and
architectures for languages with morphological structure richer than
English, or studies that address the lexical sparseness challenges
(for any language).
In order to provide a realistic indication of the performance of
parsing systems on unstructured and unanalyzed data, we particularly
encourage contributions reporting parsing results for non-gold as well
as gold morphological analysis of the test data, before or jointly
with the parser.

The areas of interest of the second SPMRL workshop include, but are
not limited to, the following list of topics:

* Parsing models and architectures that explicitly integrate
  morphological analysis and parsing

* Parsing models and architectures that focus on lexical coverage and
  the handling of OOV words either by incorporating linguistic
  knowledge or through the use of unsupervised/semi-supervised
  learning techniques

* Cross-language and cross-model comparison of models' strength and
  weaknesses in the face of particular linguistic phenomena (e.g.
  morphosyntactic characteristics, degree of word-order freedom ...)

* Comprehensive analyses of the strengths and weaknesses of various
  parsing models on particular linguistic (e.g. morphosyntactic)
  phenomena with respect to variation in tagsets, annotation schemes
  and additional data transformations

This year's SPMRL workshop will feature a special theme concerning the
Shared Task on Statistical Parsing of MRLs.

Following the panel discussion in previous events we intend the first
shared task on parsing MRLs to take place in 2012 and we now solicit
position papers that aim to discuss the goals, scope, design, expected
contributions and desired outcomes of such a shared task. The accepted
papers will be included in the SPMRL proceedings. In addition we plan
to hold a panel discussion in which we expect to discuss a range of
relevant topics including (but not limited to) cross-language parse
representation, cross-annotation evaluation, MRLs-specific
architectural concerns, and so on.  We aim to use this panel
discussion to help us devise a set of clearly defined objectives for
the 2012 shared task and to make concrete decisions about
practicalities such as scope, size, representation, languages,
evaluation, etc.

Authors are invited to submit long papers (up to 9 pages + references)
and short papers (up to 5 pages + references). Long papers should
describe unpublished, substantial and completed research.  Short
papers should be position papers, papers describing work in progress
or short, focused contributions.

Papers will be accepted until July 25, 2011, (PDT, GMT-8) in PDF
format via the START system :
Submitted papers must follow the styles and the formating guidelines
available from the last ACL-HLT recommendations
( As the reviewing will be
blind, the paper must not include the authors' names and affiliations.
Furthermore, self-references that reveal the author's identity, e.g.,
"We previously showed (Smith, 1991) ..." must be avoided. Instead, use
citations such as "Smith previously showed (Smith, 1991) ..." Papers
that do not conform to these requirements will be rejected without
review. In addition, please do not post your submissions on the web
until after the review process is complete.

Marie Candito, Yoav Goldberg, Jennifer Foster, Ines Rehbein, Djamé
Seddah, Lamia Tounsi, Reut Tsarfaty, Yannick Versley

Mohammed Attia (Dublin City University, Ireland)
Bernd Bohnet  (University of Stuttgart, Germany) 
Adriane Boyd (Ohio State University, US)
Marie Candito (University of Paris 7,  France)
Ozlem Cetinoglu (Dublin City University, Ireland)
Grzegorz Chrupala  (Saarland University, Germany) 
Benoit Crabbé (University of Paris 7,  France)
Jennifer Foster (Dublin City University, Ireland) 
Josef van Genabith (Dublin City University, Ireland) 
Yoav Goldberg (Ben Gurion University, Israel)
Deirdre Hogan (Dublin City University, Ireland) 
Samar Husan (Inter. Institute of Information Technology, India)
Sandra Kübler  (Indiana University, US)
Jonas Kuhn (University of Stuttgart, Germany)   
Alberto Lavelli (FBK-irst, Italy)
Joseph Le Roux (Université de la Méditérranée, France) 
Wolfgang Maier (University of Tübingen, Germany) 
Yuval Marton (IBM Watson Resarch Center, US)
Takuya Matsuzaki (University of Toyko, Japan)
Yusuke Miyao (University of Toyko, Japan) 
Joakim Nivre (Uppsala University, Sweden)
Owen Rambow (Columbia University)
Ines Rehbein  (Saarland University, Germany) 
Kenji Sagae (University of Southern California, US)
Benoit Sagot (Inria Rocquencourt, France)
Djamé Seddah (University of Paris Sorbonne, France)
Nicolas Stroppa (Google Research Zurich, Switzerland)
Lamia Tounsi (Dublin City University, Ireland) 
Reut Tsarfaty (Uppsala University, Sweden) 
Yannick Versley (University of Tübingen, Germany)

Djamé Seddah, Université Paris-Sorbonne
Reut Tsarfaty, Uppsala University
Jennifer Foster, Dublin City University

Topic:  Designing a MRL parsing shared task 

mail: spmrl2011 at

This workshop is sponsored by SIGPARSE  and  by the INRIA's Alpage project.

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