Seminaire: Alpage, Luc Boruta, 10 juin 2011
Thierry Hamon
thierry.hamon at UNIV-PARIS13.FR
Wed Jun 8 20:47:16 UTC 2011
Date: Tue, 7 Jun 2011 11:42:14 +0200
From: Benoit Crabbé <bcrabbe at>
Message-Id: <58270833-BE6A-430D-8BEC-C737487B375B at>
*************** Séminaire Alpage *******************
Séminaire de l'école doctorale de Paris 7
Il s'agit du séminaire de recherche en linguistique informatique
organisé par l'équipe Alpage, Alpage est une équipe mixte Inria --
Paris 7 qui centre ses intérêts scientifiques autour de l'analyse
syntaxique automatique et du traitement du discours pour la langue
Le prochain séminaire se tiendra vendredi 10 juin de 11.00 à 13.00 en
salle 3E91 à l'UFRL, 175, rue du Chevaleret, 75013 Paris (3e étage)
Toute personne intéressée est la bienvenue.
Luc Boruta (Alpage/Inria)
nous parlera de :
Indicators of allophony and phonemehood: towards a plausible model of
the acquisition of phonology?
Though the phonemic inventory of a language is typically small,
phonetic and phonological processes yield manifold variants for each
phoneme. Allophonic rules relate phonemes to their variants,
describing the contexts in which the latter occur. I am interested in
describing procedures by which infants, learning their native
allophonic grammar, could reduce the variation and recover words from
the speech stream. Combining insights from both computational and
behavioral studies, I endorse the hypothesis that infants are good
distributional learners and that they might ‘bootstrap’ into language
by tracking statistical regularities in the signal. In the first part
of the talk I will adopt Peperkamp et al.'s framework to benchmark the
performance of individual acoustic, distributional and lexical
indicators. In the second part, I will combine indicators of different
types, reformulating the task as a clustering problem. I will show how
the so-called ‘parallel universes’ approach can incorporate the
advantages of individual indicators while avoiding artificial
interactions between them.
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