Seminaire: LIMSI, Horacio Saggion, jeudi 6 decembre 2012

Thierry Hamon thierry.hamon at UNIV-PARIS13.FR
Wed Dec 5 08:57:25 UTC 2012

Date: Mon, 03 Dec 2012 15:56:09 +0100
From: Anne-Laure Ligozat <annlor at>
Message-ID: <d14214022551e484afc7ced90e4ea42a at>


Jeudi 6 décembre, le LIMSI recevra Horacio Saggion (TALN Research Group
Universitat Pompeu Fabra – Barcelona - Spain) qui présentera ses travaux
sur la simplification de textes.
Le séminaire aura lieu à 14h en salle du conseil du LIMSI 
( Toute personne intéressée est la 

Title: Text Simplification in Spanish

For people with cognitive disabilities access to textual information is
often very difficult because texts written for the general public may be
too complex for them to read. One possibility to grant access to textual
information for people with cognitive problems is to adapt and simplify
texts manually. However, making easy-to-read versions of the current
volume of textual information (or even a small proportion of it) would
be impractical with human efforts alone. Automatic text simplification
is a technology to produce adaptable texts by reducing their syntactic
and lexical complexity so that they become readable for a target user

In this talk I will give an overview of the natural language processing
technology produced for the Simplext project which aims at developing
text simplification technology in Spanish.  Our work so far has produced
a number of useful resources for text simplification (e.g. aligned
corpus), a prototype for reduction of structural complexity using
transduction rules and a lexical simplification procedure based on
co-occurrence statistics.

I will also take the opportunity to describe work being carried out at
the TALN research group including work on summarization, information
extraction, and text generation.

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