Livre: Computational Linguistics

Thierry Hamon thierry.hamon at UNIV-PARIS13.FR
Sun Dec 16 21:41:11 UTC 2012

Date: Fri, 14 Dec 2012 23:28:53 +0100
From: CLA Organizers <cla2012 at>
Message-ID: <a13b2579cb25ee794a3af92d51a834b9 at>


Taking this opportunity we would like to inform you that the Springer
has published extended versions of selected papers submitted to our
conferences so far in "Computational Linguistics Applications" book.

Book Title:       Computational Linguistics
Book Subtitle:    Applications
Copyright:        2013
DOI:              10.1007/978-3-642-34399-5
Print ISBN:       978-3-642-34398-8
Online ISBN:      978-3-642-34399-5
Series Title:     Studies in Computational Intelligence
Series Volume:    458
Series ISSN:      1860-949X
Publisher:        Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Copyright Holder: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg

Editors:          Adam Przepiorkowski, Maciej Piasecki, Krzysztof Jassem,
                  Piotr Fuglewicz

Book preview:

About this book:

 * Latest research on Computational Linguistics
 * Written by leading experts in the field

The ever-growing popularity of Google over the recent decade has
required a specific method of man-machine communication: human query
should be short, whereas the machine answer may take a form of a wide
range of documents. This type of communication has triggered a rapid
development in the domain of Information Extraction, aimed at providing
the asker with a more precise information.

The recent success of intelligent personal assistants supporting users
in searching or even extracting information and answers from large
collections of electronic documents signals the onset of a new era in
man-machine communication - we shall soon explain to our small devices
what we need to know and expect valuable answers quickly and
automatically delivered.

The progress of man-machine communication is accompanied by growth in
the significance of applied Computational Linguistics - we need machines
to understand much more from the language we speak naturally than it is
the case of up-to-date search systems. Moreover, we need machine support
in crossing language barriers that is necessary more and more often when
facing the global character of the Web.

This books reports on the latest developments in the field. It contains
15 chapters written by researchers who aim at making linguistic theories
work - for the better understanding between the man and the machine.


Table of contents (15 chapters) 

I) NLP Toolkits

   1) Using HFST for Creating Computational Linguistic Applications

      Authors: Krister Linden, Erik Axelson, Senka Drobac, Sam Hardwick,
               Miikka Silfverberg

   2) PSI-Toolkit: A Natural Language Processing Pipeline

      Authors: Filip Graliński, Krzysztof Jassem, Marcin Junczys-Dowmunt

   3) Fextor: A Feature Extraction Framework for Natural Language
      A Case Study in Word Sense Disambiguation, Relation Recognition
      and Anaphora Resolution

      Authors: Bartosz Broda, Paweł Kędzia, Michał Marcińczuk, 
               Adam Radziszewski, Radosław Ramocki

II) Information Extraction

   4) Automatic Construction of a Dynamic Thesaurus for Proper Names

      Authors: Roman Kurc, Maciej Piasecki, Stan Szpakowicz

   5) A Multilingual Integrated Framework for Processing Lexical

      Authors: Violeta Seretan

   6) An Approach to Efficient Processing of Multi-word Units

      Authors: Cvetana Krstev, Ivan Obradovic, Ranka Stankovic, Dusko

   7) PRALED - A New Kind of Lexicographic Workstation

      Authors: Ales Horak, Adam Rambousek

   8) Multidimensional and Multimodal Information in EcoLexicon

      Authors: Pilar Leon-Arauz, Arianne Reimerink, Pamela Faber

   9) Techniques for Multilingual Security-Related Event Extraction from
      Online News

      Authors: Martin Atkinson, Mian Du, Jakub Piskorski, Hristo Tanev,
               Roman Yangarber

   10) Automatic Metadata Generation in an Archaeological Digital
       Library: Semantic Annotation of Grey Literature

       Authors: Andreas Vlachidis, Ceri Binding, Keith May, Douglas

   11) Towards Automatic Detection of Various Types of Prominence in
       Read Aloud Russian Texts

       Authors: Nina Volskaya, Daniil Kocharov, Pavel Skrelin, Ekaterina

III) Multilinguality

   12) Translation Ambiguity Resolution Using Interactive Contextual

       Authors: Farag Saad, Andreas Nurnberger

   13) Machine Translation at Work

       Authors: Aljoscha Burchardt, Cindy Tscherwinka, Eleftherios
       Avramidis, Hans Uszkoreit

   14) Anubis - Speeding Up Computer-Aided Translation

       Authors: Rafał Jaworski

   15) Incorporating Subject Areas into the Apertium Machine Translation

       Authors: Jordi Duran, Lluis Villarejo, Mireia Farrus, Sergio
                Ortiz, Gema Ramirez

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