Appel: CSLP 2012

Thierry Hamon thierry.hamon at UNIV-PARIS13.FR
Fri Feb 3 20:10:01 UTC 2012

Date: Thu, 2 Feb 2012 18:38:52 +0100
From: Yannick Parmentier <yannick.parmentier at>
Message-ID: <20120202173642.GC2573 at mononoke>



Constraint Solving and Language Processing - CSLP 2012 - 
Seventh International Workshop
University of Orléans, Orléans, France
September 13-14, 2012


The Constraint Solving and Language Processing (CSLP) workshop considers
the role of constraints in the representation of language and the
implementation of language processing from an interdisciplinary
perspective. This theme should be interpreted inclusively: contributions
from linguistics, computer science, psycholinguistics and related areas
are welcome, and an interdisciplinary perspective is of particular

Constraints are widely used in linguistics, computer science, and
psychology. How they are used, however, varies widely according to the
research domain: knowledge representation, cognitive modelling, problem
solving mechanisms, etc. These different perspectives are complementary,
each one adding a piece to the puzzle. For example, linguistics proposes
in-depth descriptions implementing constraints in order to filter out
structures by means of description languages, constraint ranking,
etc. The constraint programming paradigm, on the other hand, shows that
constraints have to be taken as a systematic whole and can thus play a
role in building the structures (or can even replace
structures). Finally, psycholinguistics experiment have been made,
investigating the role of constraint systems for cognitive processes in
comprehension and production, as well as addressing how they can be


CSLP is open to submissions on topics including, but not limited to:

 * Constraints in human language comprehension and production
 * Context modelling and discourse interpretation
 * Acquisition of constraints
 * Constraints and learning
 * Cross-theoretical view of the notion of constraint
 * New advances in constraint-based linguistic theories
 * Constraint satisfaction (CS) technologies for NLP
 * Linguistic analysis and linguistic theories biased towards CS or
   constraint logic programming (CLP)  
 * Application of CS or CLP for NLP
 * CS and CLP for other than textual or spoken languages, e.g., sign
   languages and biological, multimodal human-computer interaction,
   visual languages
 * Probabilistic constraint-based reasoning for NLP and context


Six CSLP workshops have been organized in the past in: Karlsruhe,
Germany (2011), Hamburg, Germany (2008), Roskilde, Denmark (2007),
Sydney, Australia (2006), Sitges, Spain (2005), Roskilde, Denmark


Submission Deadline: June 10, 2012
Notification: August 1st, 2012
Camera-ready Version: September 1st, 2012

Workshop Dates: September 13-14, 2012


Papers must be submitted electronically as PDF files and be prepared
using the Springer LNAI/LNCS format. Detailed formatting instructions
can be found at:

Papers should present original, unpublished work. Simultaneous
submission to other venues with published proceedings is
prohibited. CSLP accepts two kinds of submissions:

- full papers (12 pages including references) reporting completed, 
  significant research,
- short papers (6 pages including references) reporting ongoing 
  work and partial results.

Each submission will be reviewed by three program committee
members. Accepted long papers will be presented within 20 min talks plus
10 min for questions. Accepted short papers will be presented within 10
min talks plus 5 min for questions. Both paper types will be published
in the workshop proceedings.

Since reviewing will be blind, the submission should not include the
authors' names and affiliations. Other identifying information such as
obvious self-references (e.g., "We showed in [12] ...") and financial or
personal acknowledgements should be omitted in the submitted papers
whenever feasible.

Papers have to be submitted via the easychair conference management
system using the following link:

A volume at an international publisher will be considered for selected
and revised papers, if number and quality of submissions permits.


To be announced


    Philippe Blache, CNRS - Université de Provence, France
    Adriane Boyd, Universität Tübingen, Germany
    Aoife Cahill, ETS Princeton, USA
    Henning Christiansen, Roskilde University, Denmark
    Berthold Crysmann, CNRS - Paris 7, France
    Verónica Dahl, Simon Fraser University, Canada
    Helen de Hoop, Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands
    Eric De La Clergerie, INRIA - Paris 7, France
    Denys Duchier, Université d'Orléans, France
    Claire Gardent, CNRS - LORIA, France
    Barbara Hemforth, Université Paris Descartes, France
    Maria Dolores Jiménez-López, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Spain
    Laura Kallmeyer, Heinrich Heine Universität, Düsseldorf, Germany
    Ruth Kempson, King's College London, UK
    Stephan Kepser, Codecentric AG Düsseldorf, Germany
    Patrick McCrae, Langtec Hamburg, Germany
    Wolfgang Menzel, Universität Hamburg, Germany
    Detmar Meurer, Universität of Tübingen, Germany
    Véronique Moriceau, Université Paris XI, France
    Jean-Philippe Prost, Université de Montpellier, France
    Adam Przepiórkowski, IPIPAN, Warsaw, Poland
    Christian Rétoré, Université de Bordeaux, France
    Frank Richter, Universität Tübingen, Germany
    Sylvain Salvati, INRIA - Université de Bordeaux, France
    Sylvain Schmitz, ENS Cachan, France
    Kiril Simov, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria
    Jesse Tseng, CNRS - Université de Toulouse, France
    Jørgen Villadsen, Technical University of Denmark



    Denys Duchier (LIFO - University of Orléans)
    Yannick Parmentier (LIFO - University of Orléans)


    Guillaume Cleuziou (LIFO - University of Orléans)
    Thi-Bich-Hanh Dao (LIFO - University of Orléans)
    Abdelali Ed-Dbali (LIFO - University of Orléans)
    Matthieu Exbrayat (LIFO - University of Orléans)
    Matthieu Lopez (LIFO - University of Orléans)
    Lionel Martin (LIFO - University of Orléans)
    Simon Petitjean (LIFO - University of Orléans)
    Jacques-Henri Sublemontier (LIFO - University of Orléans)

All the information about the Conference is available at the CSLP
workshop website:
E-mail: cslp2012 at

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