Seminaire: Alpage, Carlos Subirats, Spanish FrameNet and its applications to NLP, 28 juin 2012

Thierry Hamon thierry.hamon at UNIV-PARIS13.FR
Wed Jun 20 18:18:54 UTC 2012

Date: Mon, 18 Jun 2012 11:41:34 +0200
From: Marie Candito <marie.candito at>
Message-ID: <4FDEF7CE.7030407 at>


Attention : horaire inhabituel : le jeudi 28 juin , à 16h

************** Séminaire Alpage *******************

Il s'agit du séminaire de recherche en linguistique informatique
organisé par l'équipe Alpage, équipe mixte Inria -- Paris Diderot,
spécialisée en analyse syntaxique automatique et en traitement du

Le prochain séminaire se tiendra :

* jeudi 28 juin à 16h *

en salle 3E91 à l'UFRL, 16, rue de Clisson, 75013 Paris (3e étage

Toute personne intéressée est la bienvenue.


Spanish FrameNet and its applications to NLP

Carlos Subirats

Autonomous University of Barcelona

The meanings of lexical units (LUs) are constructed in relation to
background knowledge. Frame Semantics is based on the assumption that
the structure of this background knowledge can be analyzed in terms of
semantic frames (Fillmore 1982, 1985). A frame is a schematic
representation of a situation that includes its participants, props, and
other conceptual elements. Each LU evokes a particular frame and
profiles some element or aspect of that frame.

The Spanish FrameNet Project (SFN) is creating an online lexical
resource for Spanish based on Frame Semantics (Fillmore and Baker 2010,
Ruppenhofer et al. 2010) and supported by corpus evidence. The aim of
SFN is to document the range of semantic and syntactic combinatory
possibilities (valences) of each word of Spanish in each of its senses
by annotating example sentences and automatically organizing the
annotation results. The project database is online and can be queried at The SFN corpus of annotated sentences has
been used as a training corpus for Shalmaneser (Erk and Padó 2006), a
Frame-Semantics based statistical program for automatic semantic-role
labeling. SFN has also begun to apply Construction Grammar (Fillmore and
LeeGoldman 2011) to specifying the syntactic and semantic
characteristics of Spanish grammatical constructions and linking them to
semantic frames.

SFN is being developed at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (Spain)
in cooperation with the FrameNet Project, housed at the International
Computer Science Institute (Berkeley, CA). SFN is sponsored by Spain's
Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Grant Nr. FFI2011-23231).

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