Soft: New annotation tool, WebAnnotator

Thierry Hamon thierry.hamon at UNIV-PARIS13.FR
Sat Mar 17 21:09:18 UTC 2012

Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2012 08:52:03 +0100
From: Xavier Tannier <xtannier at>
Message-ID: <4F604E23.5020908 at>

*WebAnnotator* is a new tool for annotating Web pages implemented at
LIMSI. Giving it a try will take you no more than 10 minutes.

WebAnnotator is implemented as a *Firefox extension*, allowing
annotation of both *offline and inline pages*. The HTML rendering is
fully preserved and all annotations consist in new HTML spans with
specific styles.

WebAnnotator provides an easy and general-purpose framework and is made
available under CeCILL free license (close to GNU GPL), so that use and
further contributions are made simple.

WebAnnotator can be downloaded on the official Mozilla web page :
A quick manual can be found here :

All parts of an HTML document can be annotated: text, images, videos,
tables, menus, etc. The annotations are created by simply selecting a
part of the document and clicking on the relevant type and subtypes. The
annotated elements are then highlighted in a specific color. Annotation
schemas can be defined by the user by creating a simple DTD representing
the types and subtypes that must be highlighted. Finally, annotations
can be saved (HTML with highlighted parts of documents) or exported (in
a machine-readable format).

WebAnnotator will be presented at *LREC conference* in May 2012.

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