Appel: SMS Communication - A Linguistic Approach (Special Issue of Lingvisticae Investigationes)

Thierry Hamon thierry.hamon at UNIV-PARIS13.FR
Wed Mar 28 09:11:48 UTC 2012

Date: Tue, 27 Mar 2012 21:30:07 +0200
From: Cédrick Fairon <cedrick.fairon at>
Message-Id: <329A636F-DDA6-4DD4-98FC-DF2CA801B8BC at>

---------------CALL FOR PAPERS----------------
---------apologies for multiple postings----------

SMS Communication: A Linguistic Approach

(More info:

We are soliciting unpublished papers in the field of SMS writing for a
Special Issue of Lingvisticæ Investigationes (

Recently, communication properties have changed and evolved in many
ways. Communication today is faster (the email is certainly much faster
than ordinary ‘snail’ mail), and more practical (mobile phones compared
to landlines); it blurs certain limits (we can easily keep in touch with
friends who live on the other side of the world, thanks to networking
websites such as Facebook) and enables multilingual mixing in
discussions (chat or role-playing games using automatic
translators). However, certain linguists (Jalabert, 2006), and even the
media, often point an accusatory finger at new technologies, claiming
that communication is “deteriorating” as a result of these
innovations. They suggest that there is always a loss of information or
quality in translated speech, or even that computer mediated
communication (CMC, which includes SMS communication) is destroying
language. Others (Sapir, 1949) are firmly convinced that it is better to
consider language as an evolving and changing entity. From this point of
view, language is a social tool that has to be studied in-depth through
the prism of objectivity, as a process in motion which is influenced by
new social and technological stakes, rather than as a fading organism.

In order to rise beyond this debate, we propose to study and describe
the societal phenomenon of SMS writing in all its complexity, through a
resolutely interdisciplinary publication. We follow the impulse
initiated by "The inside text" (Harper and al., 2005), covering the
social and cultural aspects and applications linked to text messages. We
would like to encourage work into the study of specific social
sub-groups such as teenagers or deaf people (Power & Power, 2004). We
would also appreciate specialized works focusing on the linguistics of
SMS writing: spelling (Anis, 2003 & Panckhurst, 2008), lexicon (Cougnon,
2010 & 2011), syntax (Stark, 2011), discourse analysis (Tagg, in press),
etc. Studies that adopt an NLP approach (Beaufort and al., 2010, Yvon,
2010) or an empirical approach based on corpora (Fairon and al., 2006a,
Fairon and al., 2006b, Tagg, 2007, Dürscheid and Stark, 2011) will be
given special attention.


The special issue of Lingvisticae Investigationes aims to explore
innovative developments in the field of SMS writing. Papers in the
following fields are particularly welcome:

– Lexicon
– Syntax
– Phonetics
– Psycholinguistics
– Corpus linguistics
– Sociolinguistics
– Natural language processing
– Language learning 
– Statistics

Language of the special issue


Key dates

– Call for papers: March 2012
– Intent to Submit: before 22 May 2012
– Deadline for full paper submission: 31 July 2012 
– Notification of acceptance / rejection: 30 September 2012
– Final submission of accepted papers: 1 November 2012

Paper Format Guidelines

Your paper must conform to the following requirements to be considered:

– Body of paper no longer than 20 pages, including abstract, tables,
  figures and references
– Abstract no longer than 250 words on the first page
– Format guidelines applied from in the
– Contrary to what is written in the LI guideline, as the submission is
  blind-reviewed, no identifiable author information and references
  should appear in the paper, but on a separate sheet with the

  - Author(s)
  - Title of Paper
  - Contact person's name
  - Email address

The scientific committee selects for publication the most significant
articles containing new results, ideas and approaches or articles using
original new data. All articles sent to editors are double-blind peer
reviewed. Manuscripts should be written in proper English. Authors
should pay attention to the style, grammar, and orthography of the
paper. Papers should be prepared strongly according to the pattern given
in the Guideline. Authors should pay special attention to precise
typographical and bibliographical details.


Louise-Amélie Cougnon, Centre de traitement automatique du langage,
Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium. Email :
louise-amelie.cougnon at

Cédrick Fairon, Centre de traitement automatique du langage, Université
catholique de Louvain, Belgium. Email : cedrick.fairon at

Intent to Submit

You must send an email to louise-amelie.cougnon at uclouvain using the
Subject Line "LI Intent to Submit " by May 22 2012 to indicate that you
intend to submit a paper for consideration. Your intent to submit does
not bind you to submit an actual paper. However, a note of withdrawal
would be appreciated. In your intent to submit email, please include the
author(s), tentative title, and brief description.

Submitting your paper

Via email: Submit your paper using the Subject Line "LI First Submission
SURNAME" as an attachment via email to louise-amelie.cougnon at uclouvain
by July 31, 2012. In your email, please include the following

- Main anonymised paper
- Personal information cover sheet

Filenames should follow this pattern: “MainAuthorSurname_LI”

After receipt by our office, you will receive an email notification of
receipt within 3 working days. If you do not receive a notification of
receipt, please email us at louise-amelie.cougnon at uclouvain.

Scientific committee

Antoniadis Georges (Laboratoire de linguistique et didactique des langues étrangères et maternelles, Université Stendhal de Grenoble, France)
Bernicot Josie (Centre de Recherches sur la Cognition et l'Apprentissage, Université de Poitiers, France)
Cougnon Louise-Amélie (Centre de traitement automatique du Langage, Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium)
Cortelazzo Michele (Dipartimento di Studi linguistici e letterari, Università di Padova, Italy)
De Clercq Orphée (Language and translation technology team, Hogeschool Gent, Belgium)
de Marneffe Marie-Catherine (Stanford Department of Linguistics, Stanford University, United States) 
De Smedt Thierry (École de communication, Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium)
Dister Anne (Facultés universitaires Saint-Louis & Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium)
Drouin Patrick (Oservatoire de Linguistique Sens-Texte, Université de Montréal, Canada) 
Fairon Cédrick (Centre de traitement automatique du Langage, Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium)
François Thomas (Institue for Research in Cognitive Science, University of Pennsylvania, United States)
Kyriakopoulou Tita (School of French Language and Literature, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece)
Klein Jean (CELEXROM, Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium)
Ledegen Gudrun (Département Communication, Université Rennes 2, France)
Marshman Elizabeth (School of Translation and Interpretation, University of Ottawa, Canada)
Meskill Carla (Department of Educational Theory and Practice, University at Albany, United States)
Panckurst Rachel (Praxiling UMR 5267 CNRS - Université Paul-Valéry - Montpellier 3, France)
Pekarek Doehler Simona (Institut des sciences du langage et de la communication, Université de Neuchâtel)
Renouf Antoinette (School of English, Birmingham City University, Great-Britain)
Roche Mathieu (Laboratoire d'Informatique, de Robotique et de Microélectronique, Université Montpellier 2, France)
Stark Elisabeth (Romanisches Seminar, Universität Zürich, Switzerland)
Tagg Caroline (Centre for English Language Studies, University of Birmingham, Great-Britain)
Yvon François (Laboratoire d'Informatique pour la Mécanique et les Sciences de l'Ingénieur, Université Paris Sud, France)

Jacques  Anis (2003). "Communication électronique scripturale et formes
langagières".  In Actes des Quatrièmes Rencontres Réseaux Humains /
Réseaux Technologiques. Poitiers,  31 mai et 1er juin 2002, Documents,
Actes et Rapports pour l'Education, CNDP, pp. 57-70.
Richard Beaufort, Sophie Roekhaut, Louise-Amélie Cougnon and Cédrick
Fairon (2010). "A hybrid rule/model-based finite-state framework for
normalizing SMS messages". In Jan Hajic et al. (eds.): Proceedings of
the 48th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational
Linguistics, Uppsala, Sweden, 11-16 July 2010, pp. 770–779. 
Louise-Amélie Cougnon (2011). "'Tu te prends pour the king of the
world?'. Language contact in text messaging context". In Cornelius
Hasselblatt, Peter Houtzagers and Remco van Pareren (éds.). Language
Contact in Times of Globalization. Studies in Slavic and General
Linguistic. 38, Rodopi, Amsterdam/New York, pp. 45-59.
Louise-Amélie Cougnon (2010). "La néologie dans 'l'écrit
spontané'. Etude d'un corpus de SMS en Belgique francophone". In Actes
du Congrès International de la néologie dans les langues
romanes. Barcelone. Sèrie Activitats, 22, pp. 1139-1154. 
Christa Dürscheid and Elisabeth Stark (2011). "SMS4science: An
international corpus-based texting project and the specific challenges
for multilingual Switzerland". In Crispin Thurlow and Kristine Mroczek
(éds.). Digital Discourse. Language in The New Media. Oxford, Oxford
University Press, pp. 299-320.
Cédrick Fairon, Jean René Klein et Sébastien Paumier (2006a). Le langage
SMS. Louvain-la-Neuve, Presses universitaires de Louvain, Cahiers du
Cental, 3.1.
Cédrick Fairon, Jean René Klein et Sébastien Paumier (2006b). Le Corpus
SMS pour la science. Base de données de 30.000 SMS et logiciels de
consultation. CD-Rom, Louvain-la-Neuve, Presses universitaires de
Louvain, Cahiers du Cental, 3.2. 
Richard Harper, Leysia Ann Palen and Alex Taylor (eds.) (2005). The
inside text: Social, cultural and design perspectives on SMS. Springer.
Romain Jalabert (2006). "MoliR, revi1 vit... il son 2vnu foo ! (
Molière, reviens vite ... ils sont devenus fous !) ". In Cahiers
pédagogiques, N° 440. [Online]
(March 4th 2012).
Rachel Panckhurst (2008). "Short Message Service (SMS) : typologie et
problématiques future". In Arnavielle T. (ed.), Polyphonies,
Montpellier, Éditions LU.
Mary Power and Des Power (2004). "Everyone here speaks txt : Deaf people
using sms in Australia and the rest of the world". In Journal of deaf
studies and deaf education, 9(3), pp. 333–343.
Edward Sapir (1949). Selected Writings in Language, Culture and
Personality. Berkeley, University of California Press.
Elisabeth Stark (2011). "La morphosyntaxe dans les SMS suisse
francophones : Le marquage de l'accord sujet-verbe conjugué". In Adrian
Stähli, Christa Dürscheid and Marie-José Béguelin
(eds.). SMS-Kommunikation in der Schweiz: Sprach- und Varietätengebrauch
/ … (= Linguistik online 48, 4/2011), pp. 35–48.
Caroline Tagg (in press) The Discourse of Text Messaging. London,
Caroline Tagg (2007). "Corpus-based analysis of SMS text messaging".  In
Teo, P. and Ho, C. (eds). Discourse in the Modern World: Perspectives
and Challenges, Singapore, McGraw Hill, pp. 267-284.
François Yvon (2010). "Rewriting the orthography of SMS messages". In
Natural Language Engineering, 16(2), pp. 133-159. 

Prof. Cédrick Fairon
cedrick.fairon at

Directeur du CENTAL
Centre de traitement automatique du langage
CENTAL L3.03.12
Université catholique de Louvain
Place Blaise Pascal, 1
1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
tel: +32 10 47 37 88
fax: +32 10 47 26 06

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