Sujet de these: Two salaried PhD positions in NLP (51062 euro/yr) at University of Sheffield - Marie Curie

Thierry Hamon thierry.hamon at UNIV-PARIS13.FR
Wed Nov 14 17:47:01 UTC 2012

Date: Sun, 11 Nov 2012 22:03:32 +0100
From: Leon Derczynski <leon at>
Message-ID: <CAPjwwFpatzpRqyQH5Yc9nQBov1StjfX+iyfKtjyopfQ836-5MA at>

Applications are invited for two 3-year Early Stage Researcher PhD
positions in corpus-based approaches to machine translation. The
positions have been awarded as part of the new EU FP7 Marie-Curie
Initial raining Network EXPERT (,
concerned with the exploitation of empirical approaches to machine
translation, including statistical machine translation and example-based
machine translation. The EXPERT project puts together researchers from
six European universities (The University of Sheffield, Universidad de
Malaga, Universitaet des Saarlandes, Dublin City University,
Universiteit van Amesterdam, and University of Wolverhampton) and five
translation services and technology providers (Pangeanic, Hermes and
Translated, Celer Soluciones and WordFast).

The two projects allocated to the University of Sheffield are (i)
learning from human feedback, which is concerned about methods to
collect and incorporate human feedback into translation systems to
improve the quality of translations; and (ii) estimating the quality and
confidence of corpus-based approaches to machine translation and the
quality of translated texts.

The work in both projects will focus on statistical and machine learning
techniques to address the problems, but it will also involve aspects of
human translation studies, based on a strong interaction with some of
the partners in EXPERT. The research will be conducted as part of the
Natural Language Processing research group in Sheffield, with
opportunities for collaborative work with several of the leading
universities and industrial partners in EXPERT, and with the expectation
of a 6-month secondment to 2-3 partners in this project. Further
information about the research group can be found at:

The successful individual will be employed as a salaried researcher at
the University of Sheffield, while studying towards his/her PhD. Salary
rates and additional mobility and training allowances are as per the
Marie Curie programme (see Annex 3 of this document,
page 69). For employment in the UK, the reference figure for *gross
salary is 51,062 euros/year, plus additional contribution towards
mobility and training*.

Please check Section III.3 of the following link for further information
on the Marie Curie scheme regarding eligibility criteria: In
particular, *candidates cannot have lived in the UK for more than 12
months in the 3 years immediately prior to their appointment*.

Applicants should hold a good honours degree in a relevant field of
study (e.g. computer science, engineering, mathematics) and have
experience in natural language processing, machine translation or
related area. They should also have a solid background in
mathematics/statistics and excellent programming skills (C/C++, Java,
Python/Perl, etc.). See the job specification for more details on the
expected profile:

The post is fixed term for three years with a start date of January 2013
or soon after.

Closing Date: *10th December 2012*

For applications:, Search and apply for jobs,
job reference number: *UOS005598*
In addition to submitting applications to the University of Sheffield,
candidates should apply via the website provided by project coordinator:

For informal enquiries about this job and department, contact: Dr Lucia
Specia on l.specia at

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