Seminaire: James Kirby, GIPSA-Lab, Grenoble, jeudi 16 mai
Thierry Hamon
thierry.hamon at UNIV-PARIS13.FR
Tue Apr 23 20:34:58 UTC 2013
Date: Tue, 23 Apr 2013 12:26:53 +0200
From: Rosario Signorello <rosario.signorello at>
Message-ID: <CAGxnMbUaz7T6PERHqO0F-Yg77AQ-fXoGJajNfqb50YMNSMeQag at>
Bonjour à tous,
Monsieur *James Kirby *de l'University of Edinburgh, UK, viendra nous
présenter ses travaux sur :
*"**Tonogenesis in Khmer: A cross-dialect comparison"*
Date : *jeudi 16 mai à 13h30*
Lieu : Salle Jacques Cartier, Maison des Langues, Université Stendhal,
Domaine Universitaire, Grenoble
Plan d'accès :
Résumé :
Unlike many languages of Southeast Asia, Khmer is not a tone language.
Nonetheless, a nascent pitch-based contrast, which covaries with the
loss of /r/, has been noted in several dialects since at least the 1960s
(e.g. Noss, 1966). While tonogenesis is well-documented in languages of
Southeast Asia, the manner by which it might be taking place in Khmer
has not been reported for any other language.
Here, I compare acoustic and perceptual data on the emergence of
F0-based contrast in two varieties of Khmer: the colloquial speech of
the capital Phnom Penh (PP), and the dialect spoken in Giồng Riềng
district, Kiên Giang province, Vietnam (KG). The results provide new
data on the phonetic realization of this ongoing sound change,
suggesting that while F0 has become a necessary and sufficient cue to
this contrast in both dialects, it is primary in KG in a way that it may
not be in PP, where additional cues appear to be active in both
production and perception. I propose a perceptual explanation, based on
the frication and devoicing of /r/, that may have been responsible for
this unusual sound change.
Voici l'affichage virtuel du séminaire de M James Kirby :
Pour plus d'informations sur les séminaires du Département parole et
cognition du GIPSA-lab :
Rosario Signorello
pour l'équipe séminaire du Département Parole et Cognition du GIPSA-lab
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