Job: Post-doc in Multimedia Processing at CEA LIST, France

Thierry Hamon thierry.hamon at UNIV-PARIS13.FR
Sat Aug 24 11:27:03 UTC 2013

Date: Tue, 6 Aug 2013 16:25:12 +0000
From: POPESCU Adrian 211643 <adrian.popescu at>
Message-ID: <A3CBBA37AC11414DB0FF9BB6D0A5E4DC1F7F26C5 at>


Dear all,

you will find below a detailed description of a 2-years post-doc in
multimedia processing.

The position is part of the MUCKE project
, funded within the CHIST-ERA funding scheme of FP7.

The main challenge of the post-doc is the efficient representation of
hundreds of thousands of multimedia concepts via the joint use of tens
of millions of textual and visual documents. A secondary challenge is
the use of these concepts representations to estimate the credibility of
user generated content.

Candidates should have experience in Computer Vision, Natural Language
Processing and/or Machine Learning. They must be under 30 years old and
have a good publication track in one of the three areas cited above. The
working language can be either English or French and the position is
available from October 2013.

Kind regards,
Adrian Popescu


Post-doc in Multimedia Processing available at CEA LIST, France

The Vision and Content Engineering Lab (LVIC) of CEA LIST (French Atomic
Commission), an interdisciplinary group that works on multimedia and
multilingual data analysis and understanding, with a focus on fast
growing and large public application domains, announces the availability
of a 2-years post doctoral position.

The position is associated to the MUCKE project, funded within the
CHIST-ERA funding scheme of the FP7, which fosters highly innovative and
multidisciplinary collaborative projects in information and
communication sciences and technologies. The project will start in
October 2012. Its main objective is to devise new and reliable knowledge
extraction models designed for multilingual and multimodal data shared
on social networks.

The post-doctoral researcher will first work on multimodal concept
representation (around 2/3 of the post-doc duration) and then on user
credibility estimation for multimedia flows (around 1/3 of the postdoc
duration). The first task will focus on the proposition of innovative
language and image processing techniques as well as on their combination
using information fusion techniques. Particular attention will be given
to the scalability of the methods developed because one important
project objective is to model a large number of concepts (hundreds of
thousands) and an important volume of textual and visual documents (tens
of millions). For images, the main problems tackled in MUCKE are
parsimonious local image description, large scale concept detection and
concept visualness.  Multimodal fusion will be based on probabilistic
models that move beyond a scoring of similarity towards providing an
actual probability of relevance. For textual documents, the objective is
to depart from text representations as bags of words (unigrams) to
representations as vectors of unambiguous concepts and entities through
concept and entity recognition and disambiguation.

The second task will focus on the proposition of a novel model for
estimating user credibility for multimedia flows, which combines content
and structural features of the user’s networked representation. Using
results obtained for concept representation, credibility estimation will
be cast as an information fusion problem, with a first step that
combines textual and visual information and a second step that combines
user content and context. Another important credibility related question
that will be investigated is whether credibility should be a global
characteristic of a user or domain related.  Candidates must hold a PhD
in Computer Science obtained less than two years ago or expect to
complete it before December 2013 and must be under 30 years
old. Experience in Natural Language Processing, Information Retrieval or
Computer Vision is expected, as well as willingness to learn new topics
related to the post-doc.

The lab is situated in Palaiseau, 20 km south of Paris and is part of
the CEA LIST Institute, which focuses its research activities on
developing innovative technologies for smart and complex systems.  The
post-doc will be part of the lab's multimedia team, which consists of
researchers in NLP, computer vision and multimedia processing. The
working language is English. A more detailed description of LVIC's
activities is available at

For further information, please send an expression of interest to
adrian.popescu at, attaching a CV and a cover letter. The position
is available from October 2013 and is open until filled.

Adrian Popescu
Vision and Content Engineering Lab
Centre de Saclay - NanoInnov Bât. 861
adrian.popescu at

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