Seminaire: Alpage, Djame Seddah, Overview of the SPMRL 2013 Shared Task, 13 decembre 2013

Thierry Hamon hamon at LIMSI.FR
Sat Dec 7 20:33:03 UTC 2013

Date: Fri, 6 Dec 2013 20:00:24 +0100
From: Marie Candito <marie.candito at>
Message-ID: <CAKCM-9GDynhqCys7nFp3wwfAB-XFkQedSG8aOmqMvHLYvh8SdA at>

************** Séminaire de l'équipe Alpage *********

Il s'agit du séminaire de recherche en linguistique informatique
organisé par l'équipe Alpage, équipe mixte INRIA - Paris Diderot,
spécialisée en traitement automatique des langues.

Vendredi 13 décembre

de 11h à 12h30,

en salle 106

Bâtiment Olympe de Gouges
rue Albert Einstein
75013 Paris
(dernier bâtiment de la rue Albert Einstein, numéro non attribué...)

Toute personne intéressée est la bienvenue.

Djamé Seddah (Alpage)

Title : “Overview of the SPMRL 2013 Shared Task: Cross-Framework
Evaluation of Parsing Morphologically Rich Languages“

Abstract : In this presentation, we will present the outcoumes on the
first shared task on statistical parsing of morphologically rich
languages.  The task features data sets from nine languages (Arabic,
Basque, French, German, Hebrew, Hungarian, Korean, Polish and Swedish),
each available both in constituency and dependency annotation. We report
on the preparation of the data sets, on the proposed parsing scenarios,
and on the evaluation metrics for parsing MRLs given different
representation types. We present and analyze parsing results obtained by
the task participants, and then provide an analysis and comparison of
the parsers across languages and frameworks, reported for gold input as
well as more realistic parsing scenarios.  The shared task saw
submissions from seven teams, and results produced by more than 14
different systems. The parsing results were obtained in different input
scenarios (gold, predicted, and raw) and evaluated using different
protocols (cross-framework, cross-scenario, and cross-language). In
particular, this is the first time a multilingual evaluation campaign
reports on the execution of parsers in realistic, morphologically
ambiguous, settings.

Djamé Seddah, Joint Work with Reut Tsarfaty, Sandra Küebler and many

[1] Marie Candito, Jinho D. Choi, Richard Farkas , Jennifer Foster,
Iakes Goenaga, Koldo Gojenola, YoavGoldberg, Spence Green, Nizar Habash,
Marco Kuhlman, Wolfgang Maier, Joakim Nivre, Adam Przepiórkowski, Ryan
Roth, Wolfgang Seeker, Yannick Versley, Veronika Vincze, Marcin Wolin
́ski, Alina Wróblewskav, Eric Villemonte de la Clergerie

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