Info: Establishing the International Standard Language Resource Number (ISLRN)
Thierry Hamon
hamon at LIMSI.FR
Sat Dec 14 21:48:58 UTC 2013
Date: Fri, 13 Dec 2013 16:45:44 +0100
From: ELRA ELDA Information <info at>
Message-ID: <52AB2BA8.1030102 at>
/Press Release - Immediate - Paris, France, December 13, 2013/
*Establishing the International Standard Language Resource Number
12 major NLP organisations announce the establishment of the ISLRN, a
Persistent Unique Identifier, to be assigned to each Language Resource.
On November 18, 2013, 12 NLP organisations have agreed to announce the
establishment of the International Standard Language Resource Number
(ISLRN), a Persistent Unique Identifier, to be assigned to each Language
Resource. Experiment replicability, an essential feature of scientific
work, would be enhanced by such unique identifier. Set up by ELRA, LDC
and AFNLP/Oriental-COCOSDA, the ISLRN Portal will provide unique
identifiers using a standardised nomenclature, as a service free of
charge for all Language Resource providers. It will be supervised by a
steering committee composed of representatives of participating
organisations and enlarged whenever necessary.
More information on ELRA and the ISLRN, please contact: Khalid Choukri
choukri at <>
More information on ELDA, please contact: Hélène Mazo mazo at
55-57, rue Brillat Savarin
75013 Paris (France)
Tel.: +33 1 43 13 33 33
Fax: +33 1 43 13 33 30
*** About ELRA ***
The European Language Resources Association (ELRA) is a non-profit
making organisation founded by the European Commission in 1995, with the
mission of providing a clearing house for Language Resources and
promoting Human Language Technologies (HLT).
To find out more about ELRA, please visit our web site:
*** About NLP12***
Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO), Association for
Computational Linguistics (ACL), Asian Federation of Natural Language
Processing (AFNLP), COLING Committee (ICCL), European Data Forum,
European Language Resources Association (ELRA), International
Association for Machine Translation (IAMT), International Committee for
the Coordination & Standardisation of Speech Databases and Assessment
Techniques (COCOSDA), International Speech Communication Association
(ISCA), Linguistic Data Consortium (LDC), Oriental COCOSDA, Language
Resource Management Agency (RMA)
To find out more about NLP12, please read the NLP12 Paris Declaration
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