Seminaire: Pierre-Yves OUDEYER, 19 Decembre 2013, GIPSA-lab

Thierry Hamon hamon at LIMSI.FR
Tue Dec 17 21:29:33 UTC 2013

Date: Tue, 17 Dec 2013 16:18:29 +0100
From: Thomas Hueber <thomas.hueber at>
Message-Id: <0167C9FD-3058-4DC0-886F-30E1363406CC at>

Bonjour à tous,
Cette semaine, nous accueillerons Pierre-Yves Oudeyer, de l'INRIA
Bordeaux. Il viendra nous présenter ses travaux ce Jeudi 19 décembre, à
13h30 en salle réunion du DPC-Ampère (B314).

Venez nombreux ! (et n’hésitez pas à diffuser cette annonce dans vos

L’équipe séminaire du Département Parole et Cognition du GIPSA-lab


Curiosity-driven learning and development: 
How robots can help us understand humans 

Pierre-Yves Oudeyer
Inria and Ensta ParisTech, France
A great mystery is how human infants develop: how they progressively
discover their bodies, how they learn to interact with objects and
social peers, and accumulate new skills all over their lives.
Constructing robots, and building mechanisms that model such
developmental processes, is key to advance our understanding of human
development, in constant dialogue with human and living sciences.
I will present examples of robotics models of curiosity-driven learning
and exploration, and show how developmental trajectories can
self-organize, starting from discovery of the body, then object
affordances, then vocal babbling and vocal interactions with others. In
particular, I will show that the onset of language spontaneously forms
out of such sensorimotor development.

Dr. Pierre-Yves Oudeyer is Research Director at Inria and head of the
Inria and Ensta-ParisTech FLOWERS team (France). Before, he has been a
permanent researcher in Sony Computer Science Laboratory for 8 years
(1999-2007). He studied theoretical computer science at Ecole Normale
Supérieure in Lyon, and received his Ph.D. degree in artificial
intelligence from the University Paris VI, France. After working on
computational models of language evolution, he is now working on
developmental and social robotics, focusing on sensorimotor development,
language acquisition and life-long learning in robots. Strongly inspired
by infant development, the mechanisms he studies include artificial
curiosity, intrinsic motivation, the role of morphology in learning
motor control, human-robot interfaces, joint attention and joint
intentional understanding, and imitation learning. He has published a
book, more than 80 papers in international journals and conferences,
holds 8 patents, gave several invited keynote lectures in international
conferences, and received several prizes for his work in developmental
robotics and on the origins of language. In particular, he is laureate
of the ERC Starting Grant EXPLORERS. He is editor of the IEEE CIS
Newsletter on Autonomous Mental Development, and associate editor of
IEEE Transactions on Autonomous Mental Development, Frontiers in
Neurorobotics, and of the International Journal of Social Robotics. He
is also working actively for the diffusion of science towards the
general public, through the writing of popular science articles and
participation to radio and TV programs as well as science
exhibitions. Web: and

Dr. Thomas Hueber
Chargé de recherche au CNRS
GIPSA-lab, Département Parole et Cognition
961 rue de la Houille Blanche - Domaine universitaire - BP 46
38402 Saint Martin d'Hères CEDEX FRANCE
Tél  :  +33 (0)4 76 57 49 40
Fax :  +33 (0)4 76 57 47 10
Courriel : thomas.hueber at
Web :

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