Appel: COLING 2014, Dublin, Ireland

Thierry Hamon hamon at LIMSI.FR
Tue Dec 24 17:44:14 UTC 2013

Date: Sun, 22 Dec 2013 08:28:18 +0000
From: 박성배 <sbpark at>
Message-ID: <01648087DD5D4349A12B758B6F475B842356E92B at>

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1st (Preliminary) Call for Papers - Coling 2014

The 25th International Conference on Computational Linguistics

August 23 - 29, 2014

Dublin, Ireland

The International Committee on Computational Linguistics (ICCL) is
pleased to announce the 25th International Conference on Computational
Linguistics (Coling 2014), at Dublin City University (DCU, Dublin,
Ireland, European Union). DCU is a young, dynamic and ambitious
university with a mission to transform lives and societies through
education, research and innovation. Most of the local organizers are
from CNGL, Ireland’s Centre for Global Intelligent Content (formerly the
Centre for Next Generation Localization), which embodies the leading
position of Ireland in the global localization/internationalization
business, a strong focus on language technologies including machine
translation, computational linguistics and natural language processing,
as well as on intelligent management, search, retrieval, transformation
and adaptation of content.

Coling will cover a broad spectrum of technical areas related to natural
language and computation. The conference will include full papers
(presented as oral presentations or posters), demonstrations, tutorials,
and workshops.


Coling 2014 solicits papers and demonstrations on original and
unpublished research on the following topics, including, but not limited

- pragmatics, semantics, syntax, grammars and the lexicon;

- cognitive, mathematical and computational models of language

- models of communication by language;

- lexical semantics and ontologies;

- word segmentation, tagging and chunking;

- parsing, both syntactic and deep;

- generation and summarization;

- paraphrasing, textual entailment and question answering;

- speech recognition, text-to-speech and spoken language understanding;

- multimodal and natural language interfaces and dialogue systems;

- information retrieval, information extraction and knowledge base

- machine learning for natural language;

- modeling of discourse and dialogue;

- sentiment analysis, opinion mining and social media;

- multilingual processing, machine translation and translation aids;

- applications, tools and language resources;

- system evaluation methodology and metrics.

In all relevant areas, we encourage authors to include analysis of the
influence of theories (intuitions, methodologies, insights, ? to
technologies (computational algorithms, methods, tools, data, ? and/or
contributions of technologies to theory development. In technologically
oriented papers, we encourage in-depth analysis and discussion of errors
made in the experiments described, if possible linking them to the
presence or absence of linguistically-motivated features. Contributions
that display and rigorously discuss future potential, even if not (yet)
attested in standard evaluation, are welcome.


Papers should describe original work; they should emphasize completed
work or well-advanced ongoing research rather than intended work, and
should indicate clearly the state of completion of the reported
results. Wherever appropriate, concrete evaluation results should be

Submissions will be judged on correctness, originality, technical
strength, significance and relevance to the conference, and interest to
the attendees.

Submissions presented at the conference should mostly contain new
material that has not been presented at any other meeting with publicly
available proceedings. Papers that are being submitted in parallel to
other conferences or workshops must indicate this on the title page, as
must papers that contain significant overlap with previously published


Reviewing will be double blind. It will be managed by an international
Conference Program Committee consisting of Program Chairs, members of
the Scientific Advisory Board and Area Chairs, who will be assisted by
invited reviewers.


For Coling 2014, there will be one category of research papers only. All
of the papers will be included in conference proceedings, this time in
electronic form only.

The maximum submission length is 8 pages (A4), plus two extra pages for
references.  Authors of accepted papers will be given additional space
in the camera-ready version to reflect space needed for changes stemming
from reviewers?comments.  Authors can indicate their preference for
presentation mode (i.e. oral or poster presentation) in the submission
form, and the reviewers will recommend an appropriate mode of
presentation to the program committee which will then decide. There will
be no distinction in the proceedings between research papers presented
orally vs. as posters.

Papers shall be submitted in English, anonymized with regard to the
authors and/or their institution (no author-identifying information on
the title page nor anywhere in the paper), including referencing style
as usual. Papers must conform to official Coling 2014 style guidelines,
which will be available on the Coling 2014 website. Submission and
reviewing will be managed online by the START system. The only accepted
format for submitted papers is in Adobe’s PDF.

Submissions must be uploaded on the START system by the submission
deadlines; submissions after that time will not be reviewed. To minimize
network congestion, we request authors to upload their submissions as
early as possible.

Important Notice

[1] In order to allow participants to be acquainted with the published
papers ahead of time which in turn should facilitate discussions at
Coling 2014, we have set the official publication date two weeks before
the conference, i.e., on August 11, 2014. On that day, the papers will
be available online for all participants to download, print and read. If
your employer is taking steps to protect intellectual property related
to your paper, please inform them about this timing.

[2] While submissions are anonymous, we strongly encourage authors to
plan for depositing language resources and other data as well as tools
used and/or developed for the experiments described in the papers, if
the paper is accepted. In this respect, we encourage authors then to
deposit resources and tools to available open-access repositories of
language resources and/or repositories of tools (such as META-SHARE,
Clarin, ELRA, LDC or AFNLP/COCOSDA for data, and github, sourceforge,
CPAN and similar for software and tools) and refer to them instead of
submitting them with the paper, even though it will also be an open
possibility (through the START system). The details will be given in the
submission site for camera-ready versions of accepted papers.

[3] There will be a separate call for demonstrations in
February. Accepted papers on demonstrations will also be included in the


January, 2014: Opening of the submission website

March 21, 2014: Paper submission deadline

May 9-12, 2014: Author response period

May 23, 2014: Author notification

June 6, 2014: Camera-ready PDF due

August 11, 2014: Official paper publication date

August 25-29, 2014: Main conference


Program Committee Co-chairs

Junichi Tsujii (Microsoft Research, China)

Jan Hajic (Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic)

Scientific Advisory Board members

Ralph Grishman (New York University, USA)

Yuji Matsumoto (Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Japan)

Joakim Nivre (Uppsala University, Sweden)

Michael Picheny (IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, USA)

Donia Scott (Unviersity of Sussex, United Kingdom)

Chengqing Zong (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)

Area Chairs

1. Linguistic Issues in CL and NLP

Emily M. Bender  (University of Washington, USA)

Eva Hajicova (Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic)

Igor Boguslavsky (Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Spain)

2. Machine Learning for CL and NLP

Jason Eisner (Johns Hopkins University, USA)

Yoshimasa Tsuruoka (University of Tokyo, Japan)

3. Cognitive Issues in CL and NLP

Philippe Blache (CNRS & CNRS & Aix-Marseille Université, France)

Ted Gibson (MIT, USA)

4.  Morphology, Word Segmentation, Tagging and Chunking

Reut Tsarfaty (Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel)

Yue Zhang (Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore)

5. Syntax, Grammar Induction, Syntactic and Semantic Parsing

Laura Kallmeyer (Heinrich-Heine-Universität, Germany)

Ryan McDonald (Google, USA)

6. Lexical Semantics and Ontologies

Chu-Ren Huang (Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong)

Alessandro Oltramari (Carnegie Mellon University, USA)

7. Semantic Processing, Distributional Semantics and Compositional

Stephen Clark (University of Cambridge, UK)

Alessandro Lenci (University of Pisa, Italy)

8. Modeling of Discourse and Dialogue

Nicolas Asher (CNRS & Université Paul Sabatier, France)

Marilyn Walker (University of California Santa Cruz, USA)

9. Natural Language Generation and Summarization

Albert Gatt (University of Malta, Malta)

Advaith Siddharthan (University of Aberdeen, UK)

10. Paraphrasing and Textual Entailment

Ido Dagan (Bar Ilan University, Israel)

Kentaro Inui (Tohoku University, Japan)

11. Sentiment Analysis, Opinion Mining and Social Media

Rada Mihalcea (University of Michigan, USA)

Bing Liu (University of Illinois at Chicago, USA)

12.  Information Retrieval and Question Answering

Gareth Jones (Dublin City University, Ireland)

Siddharth Patwardhan (IBM Research, USA)

13. Information Extraction and Database Linking

James Curran (University of Sydney, Australia)

Seung-won Hwang (Postec, Korea)

14. Applications

Srinivas Bangalore (AT&T Labs-Research, USA)

Heyan Huang (Beijing Institute of Technology, China)

Guillaume Jacquet (Joint Research Centre, Italy)

15. Multimodal and Natural Language Interfaces and Dialog Systems

Kristiina Jokinen  (University of Helsinki, Finland)

David Traum (University of Southern California, USA)

16. Speech Recognition, Text-To-Speech, Spoken Language Understanding

Nick Campbell  (Trinity College Dublin, Ireland)

Alex Potamianos (National Technical University Crete, Greece)

17. Machine Translation

Phillip Koehn (University of Edinburgh, UK / Johns Hopkins University,

Chris Quirk (Microsoft Research, USA)

Tiejun Zhao (Harbin Institute of Technology, China)

18. Resources

Pushpak Bhattacharyya (IIT Bombay, India)

Nicoletta Calzolari (ILC-CNR, Pisa, Italy)

Martha Palmer (University of Colorado, USA)

19. Languages with less resources

Steven Bird (University of Melbourne, Australia)

Mark Liberman (University of Pennsylvania, USA)

Rajeev Sangal (IIT Banaras Hindu University, India)

Koenraad De Smedt (University of Bergen, Norway)

20. Software and Tools

Jesús Cardeñosa (Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Spain)

Jing-Shin Chang (National Chi Nan University,Taiwan)

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