Ressources: ELRA releases free Language Resources, Set 2

Thierry Hamon thierry.hamon at UNIV-PARIS13.FR
Tue Jan 29 21:15:53 UTC 2013

Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2013 14:52:06 +0100
From: ELRA ELDA Information <info at>
Message-ID: <5107D406.1010807 at>

[Apologies for cross-postings]
ELRA releases free Language Resources

Anticipating users’ expectations, ELRA has decided to offer a large
number of resources for free for Academic research use. Such an offer
consists of several sets of speech, text and multimodal resources that
are regularly released, for free, as soon as legal aspects are cleared.
A first set was released in May 2012 at the occasion of LREC 2012. A
second set is now being released.

Whenever this is permitted by our licences, please feel free to use
these resources for deriving new resources and depositing them with the
ELRA catalogue for community re-use.

Over the last decade, ELRA has compiled a large list of resources into
its Catalogue of LRs. ELRA has negotiated distribution rights with the
LR owners and made such resources available under fair conditions and
within a clear legal framework. Following this initiative, ELRA has also
worked on LR discovery and identification with a dedicated team which
investigated and listed existing and valuable resources in its
"Universal Catalogue", a list of resources that could be negotiated on a
case-by-case basis. At LREC 2010, ELRA introduced the LRE Map, an
inventory of LRs, whether developed or used, that were described in LREC
papers. This huge inventory listed by the authors themselves constitutes
the first "community-built" catalogue of existing or emerging resources,
constantly enriched and updated at major conferences.

Considering the latest trends on easing the sharing of LRs, from both
legal and commercial points of view, ELRA is taking a major role in
META-SHARE, a large European open infrastructure for sharing LRs. This
infrastructure will allow LR owners, providers and distributors to
distribute their LRs through an additional and cost-effective channel.

To obtain the available sets of LRs, please visit the web page below and
follow the instructions given online:,26.html

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