Seminaire: Jennifer Foster, Analyse syntaxique au-dela du F-score, 01/07/2013, Villetaneuse
Thierry Hamon
thierry.hamon at UNIV-PARIS13.FR
Fri Jun 14 20:00:53 UTC 2013
Date: Thu, 13 Jun 2013 16:22:03 +0200
From: Antoine Rozenknop <antoine.rozenknop at>
Message-ID: <51B9D58B.9070105 at>
Le LIPN accueillera Jennifer Foster, de l'Université de Dublin, pour un
séminaire qui portera sur l'utilité de l'analyse syntaxique dans les
applications avales.
Le séminaire aura lieu au LIPN (Univ.Paris 13, campus de Villetaneuse)
en salle B107, le lundi 1er juillet à 14 heures.
Pour venir au LIPN, voir les informations sur :
Antoine Rozenknop
After the f-score: applying parser output in sentiment analysis,
grammatical error detection and quality estimation for machine
Syntactic parsing is viewed as a fundamental task which is useful
forseveral natural language processing applications, either because
theidentification of predicate-argument structure can help
in"sense-making" applications such as sentiment analysis or
questionanswering, or because the identification of syntactic anomaly
can helpin "language proofing" applications such as grammar checking
orcomputer-aided language learning.
In this talk, I will discussexperiments carried out in the National
Centre for Language Technologyin Dublin City University which aim to
determine the usefulness ofparser output in three downstream
applications, namely, sentimentanalysis, grammatical error detection and
quality estimation for machinetranslation. In all these experiments some
kind of phrase structureparser (lexicalised PCFG, PCFG-LA and LFG
precision grammar parsing) wasused to parse the input, and in some
cases, the phrase structures wereconverted to syntactic dependencies.
The information from the phrasestructure trees and dependency graphs was
employed in the downstreamapplication via tree kernels or manually
engineered features.
It is clear from these experiments that syntactic parsing always
provides someuseful information but it is not yet clear how best to
encode thissyntactic information or what the relationship between the
accuracy ofthe parser (as measured by intrinsic evaluation metrics such
as ParsevalF1 or labelled attachment accuracy) and its usefulness in the
downstreamapplication is.
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