Appel: The 37th Annual ACM SIGIR 2014 conference, Gold Coast Australia, July 6-11

Thierry Hamon thierry.hamon at UNIV-PARIS13.FR
Fri Nov 8 21:23:40 UTC 2013

Date: Wed, 6 Nov 2013 10:00:52 +1000
From: Richi Nayak <r.nayak at>
Message-ID: <B33DE6A8054C2E4799AAA0562A80CD0FA1285A at>

CALL FOR PAPERS, Submission Due: JAN 27, 2014


6-11 July, 2014, Gold Coast, Australia

Conference website:

SIGIR is the major international forum for the presentation of new
research results and for the demonstration of new systems and techniques
in the broad field of information retrieval (IR). The Conference and
Program Chairs invite all those working in areas related to IR to submit
original papers for review. SIGIR 2014 welcomes contributions related to
any aspect of IR theory and foundation, techniques, and
applications. Relevant topics include, but are not limited to:


* Document Representation and Content Analysis (e.g., text
  representation, document structure, linguistic analysis, NLP for IR,
  cross- and multi-lingual IR, information extraction, sentiment
  analysis, clustering, classification, topic models, facets, text

* Queries and Query Analysis (e.g., query intent, query suggestion and
  prediction, query representation and reformulation, query log
  analysis, conversational search and dialogue, spoken queries,
  summarization, question answering)

* Retrieval Models and Ranking (e.g., IR theory, language models,
  probabilistic retrieval models, learning to rank, combining searches,
  diversity and aggregated search)

* Search Engine Architectures and Scalability (e.g., indexing,
  compression, distributed IR, P2P IR, mobile IR, cloud IR)

* Users and Interactive IR (e.g., user studies, user and task models,
  interaction analysis, session analysis, exploratory search,
  personalized search, social and collaborative search, search
  interface, whole session support)

* Filtering and Recommending (e.g., content-based filtering,
  collaborative filtering, recommender systems)

* Evaluation (e.g., test collections, experimental design, effectiveness
  measures, session-based evaluation, simulation)

* Web IR and Social Media Search (e.g., link analysis, click
  models/behavioral modeling, social tagging, social network analysis,
  blog and microblog search, forum search, community-based QA,
  adversarial IR and spam, vertical and local search)

* IR and Structured Data (e.g., XML search, ranking in databases,
  desktop search, entity search)

* Multimedia IR (e.g., image search, video search, speech/audio search,
  music search)

* Other Applications (e.g., digital libraries, enterprise search,
  genomics IR, legal IR, patent search, text reuse, new retrieval


* Full papers (10 pages), Short papers (4 pages), Demos (3 pages),
  Tutorials, Workshops


Requirements for paper format and appropriate content are described in
the content
guidelines<>. The
requirements will be strictly enforced. Papers which do not conform to
the requirements may be rejected without review, so please be sure to
read this page carefully.

SIGIR 2014 solicits proposals for tutorials of either half-day (3 hours
plus breaks) or full day (6 hours plus breaks) on all topics of
information retrieval and its applications. Each tutorial should cover a
single topic in detail. Submissions should include a cover sheet and an
extended abstract.

Proposals for workshops to be held at ACM SIGIR 2014 are also
solicited. Workshops will usually last for one day and will be held on
Friday 11th July 2014.


* 20 January 2014: Abstracts for full research papers due

* 27 January 2014: Full research papers due

* 3 February 2014: Workshop proposals due

* 17 February 2014: Short paper, demonstration, and tutorial submission

* 18 April 2014: Paper, short paper, tutorial, and demonstration
  acceptance notifications

* 11 May 2014: Camera ready copy due (note the short timeline due to
  early conference date)

* 16 May 2014: Early bird registration deadline


* General Chairs: Shlomo Geva, Andrew Trotman

* PC Chairs: Peter Bruza, Charles L. A. Clarke, Kalervo Järvelin

@Richi Nayak - Publicity Chair

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